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Dear list,<br>
I needed to make a message filter for my incoming mail so that it gets sorted
into different queues. I thought I could use the "keywords" feature but it
turns out that it is useful for sorting mail AFTER it is recieved and not
BEFORE. I did the following hack in the file "/opt/rt2/bin/rt-mailgate" and
inserted the following code:<br>
<small>### 4/9/03 incoming mail to support queue is filtered ###<br>
if ($Queue eq "support") {<br>
if ($Subject =~ /Request Type 1/) {<br>
$Queue = "fkey1";<br>
} elsif ($Subject =~ /Request Type 2/) {<br>
$Queue = "fkey2";<br>
} elsif ($Subject =~ /Request Type 3/) {<br>
$Queue = "fkey3";<br>
### end of hack ###<br>
The hack is simple enough to maintain but I hope a web interface and database
support of a feature that does something like this gets inserted with the
new release. Thanks.<br>
Rene L. Pongco Jr.<br>
Sr. Soft. Eng.<br>
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