Hello. A member of our team recently took a job in another
town. He is still working for us as a consultant and needs access
to the system, but he has a new email address. When I go to
Configure::User and pull up his screen I have been able to modify various
fields, but when I try to update the email address field I get the
<x-tab> </x-tab>EmailAddress:
Illegal value for EmailAddress <br><br>
and the address remains unchanged. I know that there are plenty of
tickets in the system that have him as requester/owner, and I may have
put his email address in as a CC on few items without assigning his
account. Is there any magic that I need to do in order to get the
user profile updated with the new address, or am I missing something
fundamental about how user accounts and addresses work?<br><br>
Thanks in advance,<br><br>
<font size=2>/////\\\\\/////\\\\\<br>
Christopher G. Kolar<br>
Coordinator of Information and Technology Integration<br>
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy<br>
ckolar@imsa.edu --
<a href="http://staff.imsa.edu/~ckolar">staff.imsa.edu/~ckolar</a>
-- PGP Public Key ID: 0xC6492C72<br>
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