<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<p>I initially installed RT3 and then RT-2-0-15 for some of the contrib
<p>RT3 installed and displayed ok. RT2 did not. My httpd.conf
is below. I have
<br>checked, with perl-status, to see if HTML::Mason and RT:: modules
were loaded.
<br>They are.
<p>I have done a lot of reading and checking but can not find what to do
next to
<br>make RT2 work.
<p>Why do you think I am only displaying text when I access RT2?
<br><Directory /Apache_cgi_root/rt2/WebRT/html>
<br> AllowOverride None
<br> Options None ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
<br> Order allow,deny
<br> Allow from all
<br> PerlRequire /Apache_cgi_root/rt2/bin/webmux.pl
<br> PerlModule Apache::DBI
<br> SetHandler perl-script
<br> PerlHandler RT::Mason
<br> PerlHandler HTML::Mason
<br> Options ExecCGI
<pre><a href="http://lnx263.wwb.noaa.gov/rt2/WebRT/html/index.html">http://lnx263.wwb.noaa.gov/rt2/WebRT/html/index.html</a></pre>
<p> </html>