error: Can't call method "quote" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/DBIx/ line 645. context: ... 640: 641: #if we're explicitly told not to to quote the value or 642: # we're doing an IS or IS NOT (null), don't quote the operator. 643: 644: if ( $args{'QUOTEVALUE'} && $args{'OPERATOR'} !~ /IS/ ) { 645: $args{'VALUE'} = $self->_Handle->dbh->quote( $args{'VALUE'} ); 646: } 647: } 648: ... code stack: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/DBIx/ g /usr/local/rt3/lib/RT/ g /usr/local/rt3/lib/RT/ g /usr/local/rt3/lib/RT/ g /usr/local/rt3/lib/RT/ g /usr/local/rt3/local/html/Search/Listing.html:104 g /usr/local/rt3/share/html/autohandler:163 g