# ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies -v -with-pg -with-MODPERL2 NOTE: mod_perl 2.0 isn't quite ready for prime_time just yet; Best Practical Solutions strongly recommends that sites use Apache 1.3 or FastCGI. If you MUST use mod_perl 2.0 (or 1.99), please read the mailing list archives before asking for help. perl: 5.8.3...found users: rt group (rt)...found bin owner (root)...found libs owner (root)...found libs group (wheel)...found web owner (www)...found web group (www)...found MASON dependencies: Params::Validate 0.02...found 0.77 Cache::Cache ...found 1.04 Exception::Class 1.14...found 1.20 HTML::Mason 1.23...found 1.28 MLDBM ...found 2.01 Errno ...found 1.09 FreezeThaw ...found 0.43 Digest::MD5 2.27...found 2.33 CGI::Cookie 1.20...found 1.25 Storable 2.08...found 2.13 Apache::Session 1.53...found 1.6 XML::RSS ...found 1.05 MAILGATE dependencies: HTML::TreeBuilder ...found 3.13 HTML::FormatText ...found 2.04 Getopt::Long ...found 2.34 LWP::UserAgent ...found 2.033 POSTGRESQL dependencies: DBD::Pg ...found 1.41 CLI dependencies: Getopt::Long 2.24...found 2.34 CORE dependencies: Digest::base ...found 1.00 Digest::MD5 2.27...found 2.33 DBI 1.37...found 1.48 Test::Inline ...found 0.16 Class::ReturnValue 0.40...found 0.52 DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.21...found 1.27 Text::Template ...found 1.44 File::Spec 0.8...found 0.9 HTML::Entities ...found 1.29 HTML::Scrubber 0.08...found 0.08 Net::Domain ...found 2.19 Log::Dispatch 2.0...found 2.10 Locale::Maketext 1.06...found 1.09 Locale::Maketext::Lexicon 0.32...found 0.48 Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy ...found 0.02 MIME::Entity 5.108...found 5.417 Mail::Mailer 1.57...found 1.66 Net::SMTP ...found 2.29 Text::Wrapper ...found 1.000 Time::ParseDate ...found 2003.1126 Time::HiRes ...found 1.66 File::Temp ...found 0.14 Term::ReadKey ...found 2.30 Text::Autoformat ...found 1.12 Text::Quoted 1.3...found 1.8 Tree::Simple 1.04...found 1.14 Scalar::Util ...found 1.14 Module::Versions::Report ...found 1.02 Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry ...found 0.22 XML::Simple ...found 2.13 DEV dependencies: Regexp::Common ...found 2.120 Test::Inline ...found 0.16 Apache::Test ...found 1.20 HTML::Form ...found 1.049 HTML::TokeParser ...found 2.30 WWW::Mechanize ...found 1.12 Test::WWW::Mechanize ...found 1.02 Module::Refresh 0.03...found 0.05 MODPERL2 dependencies: CGI 2.92...found 3.07 Apache::DBI ...found 0.94