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I'm trying to install RT in Windows 2000 environment.
Everything go well until the moment of execution of cgi script at http://localhost:8284/cgi-bin/initdb.cgi.
At this moment I receive the folowing message:</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">The page cannot be displayed.</font>
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I have tried to look for the help in RT archives
but could not find the answer. I have found similar question in the mails,
but the answer for it was to look for a help in FAQs. But there too - there
was nothing concernig my problem. I have browsed though RT mail archives
for last two years but with no success. Or maybe I am not smart enough
to find it ? Or I am the only one to have this problem ? It is true - I
am beginner in Apache/WWW/RT world. </font>
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Could someone give me a hint , please ?</font>
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Best regards</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">
Mariusz Stakowski</font>
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