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Hello,<br><br>I'm new to RT so maybe this seems obvious to you, but since I installed RT (on Windows) I've got this problem:<br><br>In my company we use internally an e-mailaddress that sends to every mailbox in the domain.<br>Let's say it's the address: everybody AT ourdomain.com<br><br>Everybody means everybody and so this means dat also rt get's the mail (at the address: rt AT ourdomain.com )<br>Since rt gets an e-mail, rt makes a ticket and sends an auto-reply, which is of course both unnecessary in this case.<br><a href="http://www.interglot.com/toclipboard.php?b=1&d=2&t=onnodig&s=nodeloos&w=unnecessary" onmouseover="window.status=" click="" copy="" to="" clipboard="" ;="" return="" true="" onmouseout="window.status=StatusBarIdle; return true;" onclick="return true;"><span id="wr00" onclick="closediv();c2cb();return true;"></span></a><br>Ican not make a scrip and refuse/delete the mail based on the from-adresbecause it's a legitime address (an user in our company).<br>Maybelater on this user wants to send a supportquestion to rt ATourdomain.com. He will be using the same from-address, so rejectingbased on the from-address isn't a good idea.<br>Creating a new queue ('spam' or 'trash' or 'wathever') with the 'everybody AT ourdomain.com'-address isn't a solution either.<br>The legitime address 'rt AT ourdomain.com' stays in use and keeps getting the everybody-mails.<br>The only thing I can rely on is the to-address in the header : everybody AT ourdomain.com<br><br>Cansomeone give me a hint or preferably a scrip that I can use so that rtdoesn't react on e-mails that were send to everybody (or some otheraddress)?<br><br>Many thanks will gou your way, not only from me, butalso from my co-workers whom now recieve unwanted auto-reply's andticketnumbers.<br><br>Sincerely,<br><br>Lieven<br /><hr />Met MSN Spaces kun je per e-mail je weblog bijwerken. Leuke verhalen, foto's en meer kun je nu meteen uploaden. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/MSN/go/msnnksac0030000001msn/direct/01/?href=http://www.imagine-msn.com/spaces' target='_new'>Het is gratis!</a></body>