<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">I am running RT v3.6.3 under Redhat
Enterprise 4. After a clean install I entered new tickets and built a search
query to test some things out. I noticed that when you export your query
results to a spreadsheet you end up missing a few date columns from the
tickets table (Starts & Started). Was this on purpose? An oversight?
Does it export these fields in 3.7? How can I add them back? Any help would
be great. Thanks</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif"><br>
James P. White III<br>
Enterprise Site Engineering / CDC1<br>
Phone: 302.669.4473<br>
CDC1 On-Call Pager: 877-467-8552<br>
Peregrine Queue: X1DCOUSBEAR<br>
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