<html><body>Hi<br><br>Anyone had any suggestions on this?<br>My problem is very similar, and as Tomasz mentions, it's not really an AT issue but more of a query issue.<br><br>I have the following assettypes or queues:<br>customers, servers and software versions<br><br>They are linked together like this:<br>customers (referred to by) servers (is running) software versions<br><br>But I can't figure out how to create a proper query that'll show me the values of linked assets. In a pseoudo sql query, it'll look something like this:<br><br>SELECT customers.name, servers.*, softwareversions.* FROM softwareversion INNER JOIN bla bla bla WHERE softwareversion.build=1234<br> <br>Hope someone can help out.<br>Thanks in advance.<br><br><br>Best regards<br>Tommy Abrahamsson<br></body></html>