<div dir="ltr">I'm trying to do a fresh install of RT 3.8.0 on Debian Etch machine. I can install RT 3.6.7 and RTFM 2.2.1 with no problems on the same machine I remove RT <a href="http://3.6.7.">3.6.7.</a> Then when trying to install (not upgrade) RT 3.8.0 I get some errors at the install step. See output below<br>
<br>--------------------------------------------------------<br><br>liberty1:/tmp/rt-3.8.0# make install<br>/usr/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies --verbose --with-mysql --with-modperl2perl:<br> >=5.8.3(5.8.8)...found<br>
users:<br> rt group (www-data)...found<br> bin owner (root)...found<br> libs owner (root)...found<br> libs group (bin)...found<br> web owner (www-data)...found<br> web group (www-data)...found<br>
CLI dependencies:<br> Term::ReadKey...found<br> Getopt::Long >= 2.24...found<br> HTTP::Request::Common...found<br> Term::ReadLine...found<br> Text::ParseWords...found<br> LWP...found<br>
CORE dependencies:<br> Class::ReturnValue >= 0.40...found<br> Text::Quoted >= 2.02...found<br> CSS::Squish >= 0.06...found<br> Encode >= 2.13...found<br> Module::Versions::Report >= 1.05...found<br>
MIME::Entity >= 5.425...found<br> DBI >= 1.37...found<br> Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >= 0.32...found<br> Devel::StackTrace >= 1.19...found<br> Digest::base...found<br> Time::ParseDate...found<br>
File::Temp >= 0.18...found<br> Locale::Maketext >= 1.06...found<br> Tree::Simple >= 1.04...found<br> Text::Template...found<br> Scalar::Util...found<br> HTML::Scrubber >= 0.08...found<br>
File::Spec >= 0.8...found<br> Calendar::Simple...found<br> DBIx::SearchBuilder >= 1.53...found<br> Mail::Mailer >= 1.57...found<br> File::ShareDir...found<br> Regexp::Common...found<br>
Digest::MD5 >= 2.27...found<br> HTML::Entities...found<br> Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry...found<br> File::Glob...found<br> Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy...found<br> Time::HiRes...found<br>
Text::Wrapper...found<br> Log::Dispatch >= 2.0...found<br> UNIVERSAL::require...found<br> Email::Address...found<br>DASHBOARDS dependencies:<br> HTML::RewriteAttributes >= 0.02...found<br>
MIME::Types...found<br>GD dependencies:<br> GD::Text...found<br> GD...found<br> GD::Graph...found<br>GPG dependencies:<br> PerlIO::eol...found<br> GnuPG::Interface...found<br>ICAL dependencies:<br>
Data::ICal...found<br>MAILGATE dependencies:<br> Pod::Usage...found<br> HTML::TreeBuilder...found<br> Getopt::Long...found<br> HTML::FormatText...found<br> LWP::UserAgent...found<br>
MASON dependencies:<br> Storable >= 2.08...found<br> CSS::Squish >= 0.06...found<br> Apache::Session >= 1.53...found<br> Errno...found<br> Devel::StackTrace >= 1.19...found<br>
CGI::Cookie >= 1.20...found<br> Text::WikiFormat >= 0.76...found<br> XML::RSS >= 1.05...found<br> HTML::Mason >= 1.36...found<br> Digest::MD5 >= 2.27...found<br>MODPERL2 dependencies:<br>
CGI >= 3.38...found<br> Apache::DBI...found<br> HTML::Mason >= 1.36...found<br>MYSQL dependencies:<br> DBD::mysql >= 2.1018...found<br>SMTP dependencies:<br> Net::SMTP...found<br>
STANDALONE dependencies:<br> Net::Server::PreFork...found<br> Net::Server...found<br> HTTP::Server::Simple >= 0.34...found<br> HTTP::Server::Simple::Mason >= 0.09...found<br><br>All dependencies have been found.<br>
/usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -o root -g www-data -d /opt/rt3/etc<br>/usr/bin/install -c -m 0440 -o root -g www-data etc/RT_Config.pm /opt/rt3/etc/RT_Config.pm<br>[ -f /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm ] || /usr/bin/install -c -m 0640 -o root -g www-data etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm<br>
Installed configuration. About to install RT in /opt/rt3<br>/usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/var/log<br>/usr/bin/install -c -m 0770 -d /opt/rt3/var/mason_data<br>/usr/bin/install -c -m 0770 -d /opt/rt3/var/mason_data/cache<br>
/usr/bin/install -c -m 0770 -d /opt/rt3/var/mason_data/etc<br>/usr/bin/install -c -m 0770 -d /opt/rt3/var/mason_data/obj<br>/usr/bin/install -c -m 0770 -d /opt/rt3/var/session_data<br>/usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/share/html<br>
/usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/local/html<br>/usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/local/etc<br>/usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/local/lib<br>/usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/local/plugins<br>/usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/local/po<br>
[ -d /opt/rt3/lib ] || /usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/lib<br>cd lib && find . -type d -name .svn -prune -o -type d -exec /usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/lib/{} \;<br>cd lib && find . -type d -name .svn -prune -o -type f -exec /usr/bin/install -c -m 0644 {} /opt/rt3/lib/{} \;<br>
/usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/etc<br>cd etc && /usr/bin/install -c -m 0644 acl.Informix acl.Pg acl.Oracle acl.mysql acl.Sybase schema.Informix schema.Pg schema.Oracle schema.mysql schema.mysql-4.1 schema.Sybase schema.SQLite initialdata /opt/rt3/etc/<br>
/usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/bin<br>cd bin && /usr/bin/install -c -o root -g www-data -m 0755 webmux.pl rt-mailgate rt rt-crontool standalone_httpd mason_handler.scgi mason_handler.fcgi mason_handler.svc /opt/rt3/bin/<br>
/usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/sbin<br>cd sbin && /usr/bin/install -c -o root -g www-data -m 0755 rt-dump-database rt-setup-database rt-email-digest rt-email-dashboards rt-email-group-admin rt-server rt-test-dependencies rt-clean-sessions rt-shredder /opt/rt3/sbin/<br>
[ -d /opt/rt3/share/html ] || /usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/share/htmlcd share/html && find . -type d -name .svn -prune -o -type d -exec /usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/share/html/{} \;<br>cd share/html && find . -type d -name .svn -prune -o -type f -exec /usr/bin/install -c -m 0644 {} /opt/rt3/share/html/{} \;<br>
cd local/html && find . -type d -name .svn -prune -o -type d -exec /usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/local/html/{} \;<br>/bin/sh: line 0: cd: local/html: No such file or directory<br>make: [local-install] Error 1 (ignored)<br>
cd local/html && find . -type d -name .svn -prune -o -type f -exec /usr/bin/install -c -m 0644 {} /opt/rt3/local/html/{} \;<br>/bin/sh: line 0: cd: local/html: No such file or directory<br>make: [local-install] Error 1 (ignored)<br>
cd local/po && find . -type d -name .svn -prune -o -type d -exec /usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/local/po/{} \;<br>/bin/sh: line 0: cd: local/po: No such file or directory<br>make: [local-install] Error 1 (ignored)<br>
cd local/po && find . -type d -name .svn -prune -o -type f -exec /usr/bin/install -c -m 0644 {} /opt/rt3/local/po/{} \;<br>/bin/sh: line 0: cd: local/po: No such file or directory<br>make: [local-install] Error 1 (ignored)<br>
cd local/etc && find . -type d -name .svn -prune -o -type d -exec /usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/local/etc/{} \;<br>/bin/sh: line 0: cd: local/etc: No such file or directory<br>make: [local-install] Error 1 (ignored)<br>
cd local/etc && find . -type d -name .svn -prune -o -type f -exec /usr/bin/install -c -m 0644 {} /opt/rt3/local/etc/{} \;<br>/bin/sh: line 0: cd: local/etc: No such file or directory<br>make: [local-install] Error 1 (ignored)<br>
# RT 3.0.0 - RT 3.0.2 would accidentally create a file instead of a dir<br>[ -f /opt/rt3/share/doc ] && rm /opt/rt3/share/doc<br>make: [doc-install] Error 1 (ignored)<br>[ -d /opt/rt3/share/doc ] || /usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/share/doc<br>
/usr/bin/install -c -m 0644 ./README /opt/rt3/share/doc/<br># Make the libraries readable<br>chmod 0755 /opt/rt3<br>chown -R root /opt/rt3/lib<br>chgrp -R bin /opt/rt3/lib<br>chmod -R u+rwX,go-w,go+rX /opt/rt3/lib<br>
chmod 0755 /opt/rt3/bin<br>chmod 0755 /opt/rt3/bin<br>chmod 0755 /opt/rt3/etc<br>cd /opt/rt3/etc && chmod 0400 acl.Informix acl.Pg acl.Oracle acl.mysql acl.Sybase schema.Informix schema.Pg schema.Oracle schema.mysql schema.mysql-4.1 schema.Sybase schema.SQLite initialdata<br>
#TODO: the config file should probably be able to have its<br># owner set separately from the binaries.<br>chown -R root /opt/rt3/etc<br>chgrp -R www-data /opt/rt3/etc<br>chmod 0440 /opt/rt3/etc/RT_Config.pm<br>chmod 0640 /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm<br>
# Make the system binaries<br>cd /opt/rt3/bin && ( chmod 0755 webmux.pl rt-mailgate rt rt-crontool standalone_httpd mason_handler.scgi mason_handler.fcgi mason_handler.svc ; chown root webmux.pl rt-mailgate rt rt-crontool standalone_httpd mason_handler.scgi mason_handler.fcgi mason_handler.svc; chgrp www-data webmux.pl rt-mailgate rt rt-crontool standalone_httpd mason_handler.scgi mason_handler.fcgi mason_handler.svc)<br>
# Make the system binaries executable also<br>cd /opt/rt3/sbin && ( chmod 0755 rt-dump-database rt-setup-database rt-email-digest rt-email-dashboards rt-email-group-admin rt-server rt-test-dependencies rt-clean-sessions rt-shredder ; chown root rt-dump-database rt-setup-database rt-email-digest rt-email-dashboards rt-email-group-admin rt-server rt-test-dependencies rt-clean-sessions rt-shredder; chgrp www-data rt-dump-database rt-setup-database rt-email-digest rt-email-dashboards rt-email-group-admin rt-server rt-test-dependencies rt-clean-sessions rt-shredder)<br>
# Make the web ui readable by all.<br>chmod -R u+rwX,go-w,go+rX /opt/rt3/share/html \<br> /opt/rt3/local/html \<br> /opt/rt3/local/po<br>
chown -R root /opt/rt3/share/html \<br> /opt/rt3/local/html<br>chgrp -R bin /opt/rt3/share/html \<br> /opt/rt3/local/html<br># Make the web ui's data dir writable<br>
chmod 0770 /opt/rt3/var/mason_data \<br> /opt/rt3/var/session_data<br>chown -R www-data /opt/rt3/var/mason_data \<br> /opt/rt3/var/session_data<br>chgrp -R www-data /opt/rt3/var/mason_data \<br>
/opt/rt3/var/session_data<br>Congratulations. RT is now installed.<br><br><br>You must now configure RT by editing /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm.<br><br>(You will definitely need to set RT's database password in<br>
/opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm before continuing. Not doing so could be<br>very dangerous. Note that you do not have to manually add a<br>database user or set up a database for RT. These actions will be<br>taken care of in the next step.)<br>
<br>After that, you need to initialize RT's database by running<br> 'make initialize-database'<br><br>--------------------------------<br><font size="2">RT still seems to work after i make initialize-database although when I go to install RTFM I cannot complete the initialize-database step. <br>
<br>Getting the error </font>
<br><br clear="all">------------<br>Now populating database schema.<br>
Couldn't finish 'schema' step.<br>
<br>ERROR: Couldn't find schema file(s) '*'<br><br>...returned with error: 65280<br>make: *** [initialize-database] Error 255<br>-------------<br><br>Im not sure if these are related, any help would be greatly appreciated <br>
<br>Cheers <br><br>Cameron <br><br>-- <br>Cameron Batt<br>Tutoring Australasia - BRW Fast Starter 2008<br>Level 1, 296-298 Willoughby Road<br>
Naremburn NSW 2065<br>p +61 2 9906 2700<br>f +61 2 9906 2776<br>e <a href="mailto:cbatt@yourtutor.com.au" target="_blank">cbatt@yourtutor.com.au</a><br>w <a href="http://yourtutor.com.au" target="_blank">yourtutor.com.au</a><br>
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