.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'>After extensive research, I have been unable to find any good answer to the following issue:<BR>
Our RT system will not track replies. Once a ticket is created, and we reply to it, if a user sends a reply back, RT simply marks the email as read, and basically ignores it. I tested it with a Yahoo! and Hotmail, and upon receipt of each of my replies, RT did not track the email in the ticket. It did send emails back to each account, from <STRONG>unknown</STRONG> sender, that said the reply was unable to be recorded. Hotmail marked the response as dangerous, and Yahoo said permission was denied.<BR>
What are we doing wrong that replies to tickets are not being recorded? RT acknowledges the fact that a ticket exists, since it does not create a new ticket, but does not record the email anywhere. It does not seem to pose an issue for anyone, as far as I have been able to find. I have not found anything in the Wiki, or even just on Google. Maybe I am using the wrong search terms, but I have exhausted the options I can think of.<BR>
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!<BR>
~Tim<BR><br /><hr />Want to do more with Windows Live? Learn “10 hidden secrets” from Jamie. <a href='http://windowslive.com/connect/post/jamiethomson.spaces.live.com-Blog-cns!550F681DAD532637!5295.entry?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_domore_092008' target='_new'>Learn Now</a></body>