<TITLE>Re: AW: [rt-users] User Stats in a Queue??</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Hi Matt,<BR>
You can either “title” the box something else which is essentially what I did since I didn’t need the original QuickSearch functionality:<BR>
<&|/Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc("Owner Overview"), bodyclass => "",<BR>
titleright => loc("Edit"), titleright_href => $RT::WebPath.'/Prefs/Quicksearch.html' &><BR>
(this in in Elements/QuickSearch)<BR>
Or from what I understand, you can name the Element file something other than “Quicksearch” and then include the new name in your RT-SiteConfig.pm in the array: <BR>
Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch MyAdminQueues MySupportQueues MyReminders RefreshHomepage)]);<BR>
(that’s the default list from RT-Config.pm)<BR>
Then anyone who has modified their At A Glance would have to add it and you could add it to the “default” as well via:<BR>
Hope that helps,<BR>
On 11/21/08 10:46 AM, "matt wells" <<a href="phanoko@gmail.com">phanoko@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Works great. Thank you! Last thing... is there a way to put this in it's own box and not inside the QuickSearch box? <BR>
Really, thank you guys. You guys rock.<BR>