Hello,<br><br>I've created a "tickets" CF for a value, and under Applies To have checked the queue i want it to be in. The other queues i do not want it to appear in are unchecked. However, the CF still appears on every ticket in every queue.<br>
<br>Custom fields for Queues, not Tickets, doesn't seem to be what i'm looking for either. Also, <a href="http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/ManualAdministration">http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/ManualAdministration</a> seems to have some unnecessary steps or perhaps it's just outdated: it talks about going to Queues and selecting the one you want, then going to "Custom Fields in the left-hand navigation bar." However, in 3.8.1 at least, there is no subheading of CFs in Queues, just the top-level CF option: and results are the same whether i am looking at a queue's config first or not.<br>
<br>Most importantly, assuming i get this straightned out and the CFs are in the tickets in queues where i want them and nowhere else: i'm going to want to parse email subjects and bodies for text to grab and stuff into the CFs. I'm having trouble finding a good starting place for this, however. I see some perl examples for searching for strings i want, but not the "and now take what you found and put it in Custom Field Blah." If all the CFs have to be filled in manually, this won't work for us - there's rather a lot of automated info coming in, and i need to scarf it down as the ticket is created.<br>