Greetings Everyone! <br><br>My second question of the day (and hopefully my final).<br><br><b>Basics:</b><br>I'm
running RT 3.8.1 on Linux Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy, Apache 2.2.8, Perl 5.8.8,
and MySQL 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1. We want to be able to track the total time spent on a ticket <i>and</i> the time spent that we should bill to a client. As such, we developed our own internal process where we put the total time spent on a ticket in the Time Worked column and the time we plan to bill the client for (which is usually less than the total time) in the Time Estimated column.<br>
<br><b>The Problem:<br></b>Is it possible to change the Time Estimated data label to read <b>Billable Time</b> in the interface? That would greatly help reduce confusion.<br><br>Thanks in advance!<br>-Chris<br>