Greetings everyone!<br><br>I have two questions for this post.<br><br><b>Basics:</b><br>I'm running RT 3.8.1 on Linux Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy, Apache 2.2.8, Perl 5.8.8, and MySQL 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1. We have added a custom status of "Staged" to indicate when a ticket is open, but pending some action by other departments (ie, it is staged and waiting on approval to be moved into production). I followed the instructions found in this forum for adding that custom status and it works great.<br>
<br><b>The Problems:</b><br><ol><li>We want to add a column to the Quick Search on the RT at a Glance screen for Staged. So, across the top of Quick Search you would see <b>Queue New Open </b><b>Stalled Staged</b>. I have hunted and hunted and can't figure out how to do that. Is it possible?</li>
<li>Once you click on a queue, we want to ensure that tickets with a status of <b>staged</b> show up in the list.</li></ol>Thanks in advance for your time and assistance!<br>-Chris<br>