******************************************************************************************************************* * * * Information in this file is provided as is. Please try it on a test server first to make sure it works for you. * * * ******************************************************************************************************************* It is assumed you’re using Linux for both Nagios and RT servers. There are two requirements when integrating RT with Nagios: 1: Running Nagios server, and Nagios client on the computer hosting RT. On the computer hosting RT you must add nrpe to the bottom of: /etc/sudoers: #>visudo <--and add the following lines--> # Do not require a tty for user nrpe Defaults:nrpe !requiretty # Allow user nrpe to execute rt-checkticket with any arguments nrpe ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /path-to/your-nagios/rt-checkticket SAVE AND EXIT SUDOERS. 2: rt-checkticket script. Download rt-checkticket and put it in /path-to/your-nagios directory on the computer hosting RT. Create rt-checkticket.cfg file and add the following to it. One line per queue name: command[rt-checkQUEUE1]=/usr/bin/sudo /path-to/your-nagios/rt-checkticket -q 'QUEUE1' command[rt-checkQUEUE2]=/usr/bin/sudo /path-to/your-nagios/rt-checkticket -q 'QUEUE2' SAVE AND EXIT RT-CHECKTICKET Test to see if your RT is reporting any data: #>su -s /bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/sudo /path-to/your-nagios/rt-checkticket -q 'QUEUE1'" nrpe It shouldn’t give any error. It should display something like: 0 new tickets: 0 > 24h, 0 > 48h; 0 open: 0 > 120h, 0 > 168h (depending on your queue you may see different numbers for open/new tickets). If the script doesn’t display new/open tickets, then you need to fix whatever the error message it gives. Depending on how your Nagios server is setup you may have to create RT.cfg file with info similar to the following: define servicegroup { servicegroup_name RT-tickets alias RT Tickets } define contactgroup { contactgroup_name QUEUE1 alias QUEUE1 Admins members queue1-admin1 } define service{ use RT-service service_description Q-QUEUE1 check_command check_nrpe!rt-checkQUEUE1 contact_groups QUEUE1-admins } Then, you need to create a Contact.cfg with the actual email address and contact information for each queue-admins you create. define contact { contact_name jdoe alias John Doe email jdoe@mydomain.com contactgroups QUEUE1-admins service_notification_period daytime host_notification_period daytime service_notification_options w,u,c,r host_notification_options d,u,r service_notification_commands notify-by-email host_notification_commands host-notify-by-email } That should do it.