I have installed Request Tracker 4.0.0 on CentOS release 5.6. The database is MySQL 5 which is running remotely from the RT instance.<br><br>When I create a very large ticket or open a migrated large ticket with Firefox there are no problems. But when I open the same ticket with IE8, it either crashes or takes a very long time to open.<br>
If the ticket loads and I resize the IE window or scroll up and down the window again freezes.<br><br>I have check the RT logs in Debug when loading from both Firefox and IE and don't see any differences. I also thought it might have been a problem with the migrated data from RT 3.6 but this issue is happening with newly created tickets.<br>
<br>Does anyone have an Idea what may be happening here?<br><br>Thanks<br>Sean<br>