I would like to assign the queue based on the person's group membership. We have two regions we are supporting, and I would like the admincc's of each region to not be bothered with the other region's requests. I prefer to have one rtsupport email across all regions for standardization. I don't have enough staff to setup a "delegator". So I would like it automated. The requestor email addresses are similar across regions, so it needs to be by group membership for southern and northern region. If the requestor has not been added to a group yet, then the request will go into the General queue, until I move them into the appropriate group and then move their first-time ticket.<div>
<br></div><div>I have searched extensively, and have found queue transfers relating to email address, but not group membership. Can anyone point me in the right direction?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks</div><div>Joe</div>