[Rtfm-devel] RT 3.4.4 + RTFM 2.0.4

Robert Bell robert at thebellfamily.com
Tue Aug 23 13:43:37 EDT 2005

Sorry for the cross-post I wasn't sure which list handled RTFM user issues.
I have installed RTFM 2.04 per the instructions and I have two problems. 
I've seen this in the archive and on Google but have not seen a 
resolution. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1. RTFM does not show up in the left column. Screen shots seem to 
indicate this should happen.
2. if I access /rt/RTFM directly I get the following error; probably a 
symptom of #1?

error:       Can't locate object method "new" via package 
"RT::FM::ArticleCollection" (perhaps you forgot to load 
"RT::FM::ArticleCollection"?) at 
/opt/rt3/share/html/RTFM/Elements/NewestArticles line 60.
56:      <%INIT>
57:      my $rows = 10;
58:      my $i;
59:      my $MyArticles;
60:      $MyArticles = new RT::FM::ArticleCollection 
61:      $MyArticles->UnLimit;
62:      $MyArticles->RowsPerPage($rows);
63:      $MyArticles->OrderBy(FIELD => 'LastUpdated', ORDER => 'DESC');
code stack:      /opt/rt3/share/html/RTFM/Elements/NewestArticles:60


Mt RT Setup:

*    RedHat Ent. Linux 4 U1 2.6.9-11.EL #1 Fri May 20 18:17:57 EDT 2005 
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
*    RT $VERSION = '3.4.3';
*    DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.3.1
*    Server version: Apache/2.0.52
    Server built:   Jul  8 2005 13:55:46
*    using FastCGI, FCGI-0.67 / CGI::Fast 1.05
*    mysql  Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.10a, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386)
*    This is perl, v5.8.5 built for i386-linux-thread-multi

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