[svk-devel] Bootstrapping from an existing svk repository

Pazu pazu at pazu.com.br
Mon Jul 31 18:01:04 EDT 2006

I'm trying to follow the instructions at http://svk.elixus.org/?SVKBootStrap to
bootstrap a repository, but apparently, it doesn't work too well. Here's what
I've done so far:

1. I have a nice svk repository in my laptop. This repository has a number
(large) mirrors in //mirror and a many local branches in //local.

2. I've dumped this repository, filtering the dump to include only mirrors:
svnadmin dump ~/.svk/local | svndumpfilter include mirror > dumpfile

3. I've created a new svk repository on the target machine: svk depotmap --init

4. I've imported the dumpfile genereted in (2): svnadmin load --ignore-uuids
~/.svk/local < dumpfile

The import finishes ok, but svk seems to have lost track of mirrors. svk mirror
-l shows no mirrored paths in the repository. Was this caused by the
'svndumpfilter'  part on step (2)? Is there any way to fix that, preferrably
without dumping the whole repository, and without making a fresh checkout from

-- Marcus Brito

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