[svk-devel] How can I re-mirror and maintain my local branches?

Stig Brautaset stig at brautaset.org
Fri Jan 12 04:14:20 EST 2007


On 12 Jan 2007, at 06:18, Viktor Štujber wrote:

> Open ~/.svk/config (the file where svk stores info about depots and  
> checkouts),
> and re-wire each checkout entry so that it uses a correct depotpath.
> Oh, and you'll also have to update the revision numbers, since you'll
> be changing the whole repository that they point to.
> (maybe there's a command for this but this should work :)

I'm sorry but I think you need to go back and read Kenneth's question  
again. ~/.svk/config does not have anything to do with where the  
merge points in a repository are.


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