[svk-devel] Review log message when push'ing to mirror

John Peacock john.peacock at havurah-software.org
Wed Oct 17 07:19:46 EDT 2007

Jesse Vincent wrote:
> "combined log" doesn't make a whole lot of sense there. (Given that the
> question I proxied was from clkao based on the patch, I suspect a
> slightly more descriptive help string would be good.

Then I suspect that CLK didn't understand what I was proposing or more likely
that I didn't understand what he meant by this:

> This is basically non -m '' for push right?

My proposed addition has the same behavior as "lump" except that after SVK has
gathered the previous log messages, it pops up an editor to let you change the
log message before committing upstream.  We want to compress the local dev
commits into a single upstream commit (lump), with the additional step of being
able to edit the log message itself (so we can be lazy in our local repo and
strict for the mirrored primary repo).

Does that make more sense?  I'll probably try and work on the slightly fussier
bits to make this work in smerge directly as well, but I might not get to it
until tomorrow (got diverted to playing with Xen this AM)...


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