<DIV style="font-family:Arial, sans-serif; font-size:10pt;">Hi All,<BR><BR>HELP HELP HELP<BR><BR>I have not used svk. Used vss, cvs and mks. I am evaluating svk for our project distributed development.<BR><BR>I hope I am mailing to the right mailing list. If not, please let me know, I will backup [politely].<BR><BR>I want to do this:<BR> Mirror a SVK repository across 3 servers S0, S1, S2.<BR> Every developer will be having only one of the servers to commit his/her changes.<BR><BR> This is my idea to do it.<BR><BR> S0: Master server has repository.<BR> Two branches are made from the root of repository.<BR> Branch B1 for S1<BR> and Branch B2 for S2.<BR><BR> RULES FOLLOWED:<BR> --------------<BR> Developers Dev0 in S0 will use only S0, Head of main tree<BR> Developers Dev1 in S1 will use only B1, Branch of main tree<BR> Developers Dev2 in S2 will use only B2, Branch of main tree<BR><BR> Note: <BR> 1. B1 and B2 are physically separate repositories with ***timestamp*** differences from S0<BR> 2. I want to maintain all history for all the merges without losing any information.<BR><BR> FROM TIME TO TIME:<BR> ------------------<BR><BR> Merge B1 to S0 using svk merge...<BR> Merge B2 to S0 using svk merge...<BR><BR> Resolve conflicts if any.<BR> Release code from S0.<BR><BR>QUERIES:<BR><BR>1. I want to know if there is any problem in doing above using SVK?<BR>2. I want to know if there is any way to do it using CVS or SVN if possible<BR>3. Can I use WinSVN or TortoiseSVN for SVK repositories [I am unable to conclude on this from the docs/forum discussions]???<BR><BR>Any help is greatly appreciated...<BR><BR>./tss<BR><BR><BR> <BR><HR>Powered by the worlds shortest email address ... http://www.k.st</DIV>