<DIV>Hi,</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>I need help to figure out the proper way to setup SVK to keep two SVN repositories in sync. Currently, we have one group of developers working from the primary SVN repository using SVN clients. There will be another group of developers that will be working on the same project at another location and they will prefer to use SVN clients too. Therefore, my goal is to maintain two identical SVN repositories with the help of SVK. I've been testing the following setup scenarios:</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Scenario #1:</DIV> <DIV>1) First location hosts primary SVN repository (svn://primary-repos/)</DIV> <DIV>2) Second location mirrors the primary repository with SVK and makes a local copy.</DIV> <DIV> svk mirror svn://primary-repos/ //mirror<BR> svk sync //mirror</DIV> <DIV> svk cp -m "Create a local
branch" //mirror //local</DIV> <DIV>3) Developers at the second location work on SVK branch(//local) using SVN clients. But then according to <A href="http://svk.bestpractical.com/view/SVKTools">SVKTool webpage</A>, it indicates that there are consequences when using SVN clients on a SVK depot. Therefore this scenario will not work.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Scenario #2:</DIV> <DIV>1) Second location hosts the secondary SVN repository (svn://secondary-repos/).</DIV> <DIV>2) First location hosts the primary SVN repository (svn://primary-repos/) On the same server, SVK mirrors the primary repository and the secondary repository.</DIV> <DIV> svk mirror svn://primary-repos/ //primary</DIV> <DIV> svk sync //primary # This repos contains all the source codes</DIV> <DIV> svk mirror svn://secondary-repos/ //secondary</DIV>
<DIV> svk sync //secondary # This repos is completely empty at the moment</DIV> <DIV>3) SVK merges the code from //primary to //secondary and it went well. The primary SVN repos and the secondary SVN repos are indentical now.</DIV> <DIV> svk smerge --log --incremental --baseless //primary //secondary</DIV> <DIV>4) There is problem when SVK merges code changes from //secondary back to //primary. It merge every revision starting with revision 2. The process took couple hours and all of them are empty merges except for the last two.</DIV> <DIV> svk sync //primary</DIV> <DIV> svk sync //secondary</DIV> <DIV> svk smerge --log --incremental --baseless //secondary //primary</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Is scenario #2 the proper setup for the job? If so, is there a way or svk command that can make merging
between two mirrors happen faster? because i'm thinking of using SVN hooks to trigger SVK merging on every user commit. Any advice will be greatly appreciated and i'm so sorry the long post.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Thanks,</DIV> <DIV>Eric</DIV><p> 
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