[svk-users] Does svk work with svn+ssh:// ?

Shoan Motwani listmail at shoan.net
Mon Sep 24 02:04:46 EDT 2007


I have a repository that can only be accessed via svn+ssh. I  
performed the following steps to mirror it using svk.

Nirvana:~ shoan$ svk mirror svn+ssh://my.server.com/usr/local/svn/ 
amazon/branches/phase2 //dwc/phase2
Repository /Users/shoan/.svk/local does not exist, create? (y/n)y
shoan at my.server.com's password:
Permission denied, please try again.
shoan at my.server.com's password:
Nirvana:~ shoan$ svk mirror svn+ssh://smotwan@my.server.com/usr/local/ 
svn/amazon/branches/phase2 //dwc/phase2
smotwan at my.server.com's password:
Mirror initialized.  Run svk sync //dwc/phase2 to start mirroring.
Nirvana:~ shoan$ svk sync //dwc/phase2
smotwan at my.server.com's password:
smotwan at my.server.com's password:
Syncing svn+ssh://smotwan@my.server.com/usr/local/svn/amazon/branches/ 
Retrieving log information from 1 to 1363
smotwan at my.server.com's password:
Committed revision 2 from revision 384.
^CKilled by signal 2.
Killed by signal 2.
Killed by signal 2.

After over 25 mins nothing happened, so I terminated the process in  
hope of seeing a trace or error. What steps can I take to debug this?


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