[svk-users] SVK Crashing on merge

Erik Broes erikbroes at ripe.net
Tue Aug 19 09:46:37 EDT 2008

> I am having crashes while merging a branch. The error that keeps appearing for this particular merge is: 
> Can't call method "local" on an undefined value at /usr/local/svk-v2.0.2/perl/SVK/Merge.pm line 692

As talked about on YAPC, I've tried the latest public beta
(SVK-v2.1.99_01) and got the following result:

Can't call method "local" on an undefined value at
/home/erikbroes/projects/svk/SVK-v2.1.99_01/lib/SVK/Merge.pm line 786.

Btw the lineno has changed but the code it has problems on is still the

Attached is the output from SVKLOGLEVEL=DEBUG

If anyone would have any ideas, please share them :)

Erik Broes
Database Group
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