<div>Hi All,</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I am trying to replicate the subversion repository from remote server to the local svn server using svk to have the subversion multisite environment.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>i have fired the following commands on windows machine.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>1: svk depotmap --init<br>2: After that i have created local subversion repository. using following command </div>
<div> svnadmin create c:\evebtlog</div>
<div>3: ran the svk depotmap eventlog c:\eventlog</div>
<div> </div>
<div>4: ran the svk depotmap -l command, following is the output.</div>
<div> C:\>svk depotmap -l<br>Depot Path<br>============================================================<br>// U:\.svk\local<br>/event/ c:\event<br>/eventlog/ c:\eventlog</div>
<div> </div>
<div>5: ran the command:</div>
<div> C:\>svk mirror svn://<a href="http://wksmo2667test01.exfo.com/software/Workspace/Bollywood/dev/EventLogger">wksmo2667test01.exfo.com/software/Workspace/Bollywood/dev/EventLogger</a> /eventlog/ and got the following output.</div>
<div>Must replicate whole repository at svn://<a href="http://wksmo2667test01.exfo.com/software/Workspace/Bollywood/dev/EventLogger">wksmo2667test01.exfo.com/software/Workspace/Bollywood/dev/EventLogger</a>.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>6: ran these commands:</div>
<div> C:\>svk sync /eventlog/<br>/eventlog/ is not a mirrored path.</div>
<div>C:\>svk sync /eventlog<br>/eventlog is not a depot path.</div>
<div>C:\>svk sync c:\eventlog<br>c:\eventlog is not a depot path.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>now i am totally stuck , how to proceed.</div>
<div>plz plz help.</div>
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