[Bps-public-commit] r8836 - rt2-to-rt3/trunk

falcone at bestpractical.com falcone at bestpractical.com
Thu Aug 30 13:48:49 EDT 2007

Author: falcone
Date: Thu Aug 30 13:48:48 2007
New Revision: 8836

   rt2-to-rt3/trunk/   (props changed)

 r24259 at ketch:  falcone | 2007-08-30 13:35:53 -0400
 * provide a way to get the last tickets in a DB, if you already
   used 'first'

Modified: rt2-to-rt3/trunk/rt-2.0-to-dumpfile
--- rt2-to-rt3/trunk/rt-2.0-to-dumpfile	(original)
+++ rt2-to-rt3/trunk/rt-2.0-to-dumpfile	Thu Aug 30 13:48:48 2007
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 my $mode  = ( shift || 'all' );
 my $since = ( shift || undef );
-my $row_limit = ($mode eq 'first') ? $since : undef;
+my $row_limit = ($mode =~ /^(?:first|after)$/) ? $since : undef;
 # Set to 0 to not bother exporting dead/deleted tickets.
 my $export_dead = 1;
@@ -308,7 +308,11 @@
 else {
-    print STDERR "Doing a partial export since $since\n";
+    if ($mode eq 'after') {
+        print STDERR "Doing a partial export of the last $row_limit rows\n";
+    } else {
+        print STDERR "Doing a partial export since $since\n";
+    }
     print STDERR "Exporting Users\n";
     my @users = export_users($ds);
     $ds->{'User'} = \@users;
@@ -341,6 +345,13 @@
+    # limit to tickets after the given id, so you can add on to a "first" export
+    if ($mode eq 'after' && $row_limit) {
+        $tix->Limit( FIELD    => 'id',
+                     OPERATOR => ">",
+                     VALUE    => $row_limit);
+    }
     ## XXX we could Limit on 'Status' '!=' 'dead' if $export_dead == 0,
     ## but then we'd not be able to say /why/ we're not exporting the
     ## ticket...

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