[Bps-public-commit] r10017 - in RT-Client-Console: trunk/lib/RT/Client/Console/Session/Ticket

dams at bestpractical.com dams at bestpractical.com
Wed Dec 19 18:41:30 EST 2007

Author: dams
Date: Wed Dec 19 18:41:28 2007
New Revision: 10017

   RT-Client-Console/   (props changed)

 r29 at pundit:  dams | 2007-12-13 10:57:32 +0000
 . added better page scroll (from Maddingue's patch)
 . added transaction retrieval and display

Modified: RT-Client-Console/trunk/lib/RT/Client/Console/Session/Ticket/Attachments.pm
--- RT-Client-Console/trunk/lib/RT/Client/Console/Session/Ticket/Attachments.pm	(original)
+++ RT-Client-Console/trunk/lib/RT/Client/Console/Session/Ticket/Attachments.pm	Wed Dec 19 18:41:28 2007
@@ -31,12 +31,15 @@
 		available_keys => sub {
-			return (['<KEY_NPAGE>', 'next attachment', 'next_attachment'],
-					['<KEY_PPAGE>', 'previous attachment', 'prev_attachment'],
-					['<KEY_UP>', 'previous attachment', 'scroll_up'],
-					['<KEY_DOWN>', 'previous attachment', 'scroll_down'],
+			return (['<KEY_NPAGE>', 'next attachment',  'next_attachment'],
+					['<KEY_PPAGE>', 'prev. attachment', 'prev_attachment'],
+					['<KEY_UP>',    'scroll up',        'scroll_up'      ],
+					['<KEY_DOWN>',  'scroll down',      'scroll_down'    ],
+					['b',           'page up',          'page_up'        ],
+					[' ',           'page down',        'page_down'      ],
 		next_attachment => sub {
 			my ( $kernel, $heap) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
@@ -44,6 +47,7 @@
 			  and $heap->{current} = $heap->{total} - 1;
 			$heap->{positions}[$heap->{current}]->{current} = 0;
 		prev_attachment => sub {
 			my ( $kernel, $heap) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
@@ -51,45 +55,62 @@
 			  and $heap->{current} = 0;
 			$heap->{positions}[$heap->{current}]->{current} = 0;
 		scroll_down => sub {
- 			my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
+ 			my ($kernel, $heap, $offset) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0 ];
+			$offset ||= 1;
  			my $idx = $heap->{current};
 			my $positions = $heap->{positions}[$idx];
 			defined $positions or return -1;
-			if ($positions->{current} >= @{$positions->{array}} - 1) {
+			if ($positions->{current} >= @{$positions->{array}} - $offset) {
 				if ($heap->{current} < $heap->{total} - 1 ) {
-					if (defined $heap->{positions}[$idx+1]) {
-						$heap->{positions}[$idx+1]->{current} = 0;
+					if (defined $heap->{positions}[$idx + 1]) {
+						$heap->{positions}[$idx + 1]->{current} = 0;
 					$kernel->call("ticket_attachments_$ticket_id", 'draw');
 				return -1;
-			$positions->{current}++;
- 			$kernel->call("ticket_attachments_$ticket_id", 'draw');
+			$positions->{current} += $offset;
+			$kernel->call("ticket_attachments_$ticket_id", 'draw');
 			return -1;
 		scroll_up => sub {
- 			my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
+ 			my ($kernel, $heap, $offset) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0 ];
+ 			$offset ||= 1;
  			my $idx = $heap->{current};
 			my $positions = $heap->{positions}[$idx];
 			defined $positions or return -1;
-			if ($positions->{current} <= 0) {
+			if ($positions->{current} <= ($offset-1)) {
 				if ($heap->{current} > 0) {
-					if (defined $heap->{positions}[$idx-1]) {
-						$heap->{positions}[$idx-1]->{current} =
-						  @{$heap->{positions}[$idx-1]->{array}} - 1;
+					if (defined $heap->{positions}[$idx - 1]) {
+						$heap->{positions}[$idx - 1]->{current} =
+						  @{$heap->{positions}[$idx - 1]->{array}} - 1;
 					$kernel->call("ticket_attachments_$ticket_id", 'draw');
 				return -1;
-			$positions->{current}--;
+			$positions->{current} -= $offset;
  			$kernel->call("ticket_attachments_$ticket_id", 'draw');
 			return -1;
+		page_down => sub {
+ 			my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
+ 			my $offset = int($heap->{height} / 2);
+            $kernel->call("ticket_attachments_$ticket_id", 'scroll_down', $offset);
+		},
+		page_up => sub {
+ 			my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
+ 			my $offset = int($heap->{height} / 2);
+            $kernel->call("ticket_attachments_$ticket_id", 'scroll_up', $offset);
+		},
 		draw => sub {
 			my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
 			my $label;
@@ -127,7 +148,7 @@
 					warn ref($e), ": ", $e->message || $e->description, "\n";
-				$text = $class->as_text($heap, $attachment, $idx, $heap->{width});
+				$text = $class->as_text($heap, $attachment, $idx, $heap->{width}, $ticket_id);
 			my $title = '[ Attachment ' . ($idx + 1) . " / $total - $user_details ]";
 			$title =~ s/\s+/ /g;
@@ -203,11 +224,31 @@
 sub as_text {
-    my ($class, $heap, $attachment, $idx, $width) = @_;
+    my ($class, $heap, $attachment, $idx, $width, $ticket_id) = @_;
 	defined $heap->{text}[$idx] and return $heap->{text}[$idx];
 	my $s = 'content :(' . $attachment->content_type() . ')' . "\n"
 	      . 'subject :{' . $attachment->subject() . '}' . "\n"
-	      . 'filename:{' . $attachment->file_name() . '}';
+	      . 'filename:{' . $attachment->file_name() . '}' . "\n"
+	      . 'created :{' . $attachment->created() . '}' . "\n"
+	      . 'transac :{' . $attachment->transaction_id() . '}' . "\n"
+	      . 'message :{' . $attachment->message_id() . '}';
+	if (defined $attachment->transaction_id()) {
+		my $id = $attachment->transaction_id();
+		$s .= "\n--- transaction $id ----\n";
+		my $rt_handler = RT::Client::Console::Cnx->get_cnx_data()->{handler};
+		my $transaction = $rt_handler->get_transaction(parent_id => $ticket_id,
+													   id => $id);
+#		my $ticket = RT::Client::Console::Session::Ticket->get_ticket_from_id($ticket_id);
+#		my $transaction = RT::Client::REST($ticket,parent_id => $ticket_id,
+#															  id => $id);
+#		my $transaction = $ticket->get_transaction(parent_id => $ticket_id,
+#												   id => $id);
+		use Data::Dumper;
+		$s .= Dumper($transaction);
+		$s .= "\n------------\n";
+	}
 	my $text;
     if ($attachment->content_type eq 'text/plain') {
         $text = $s . "\n\n" . $attachment->content();

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