[Bps-public-commit] r10162 - in Net-Hiveminder: lib/Net

sartak at bestpractical.com sartak at bestpractical.com
Thu Dec 27 14:01:39 EST 2007

Author: sartak
Date: Thu Dec 27 14:01:39 2007
New Revision: 10162

   Net-Hiveminder/   (props changed)

 r49460 at onn:  sartak | 2007-12-27 13:43:44 -0500
 Remove canonicalize_priority, Hiveminder does it for us.

Modified: Net-Hiveminder/lib/Net/Hiveminder.pm
--- Net-Hiveminder/lib/Net/Hiveminder.pm	(original)
+++ Net-Hiveminder/lib/Net/Hiveminder.pm	Thu Dec 27 14:01:39 2007
@@ -303,40 +303,6 @@
     close $handle;
-=head2 canonicalize_priority PRIORITY
-Attempts to understand a variety of different priority formats and change
-C<PRIORITY> to the standard 1-5. This will C<confess> if it doesn't understand
-my %priority_map = (
-    lowest  => 1,
-    low     => 2,
-    normal  => 3,
-    high    => 4,
-    highest => 5,
-    e       => 1,
-    d       => 2,
-    c       => 3,
-    b       => 4,
-    a       => 5,
-    1       => 1,
-    2       => 2,
-    3       => 3,
-    4       => 4,
-    5       => 5,
-sub canonicalize_priority {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $priority = shift;
-    return $priority_map{lc $priority}
-        or confess "Unknown priority: '$priority'"
 =head1 SEE ALSO
 L<Jifty>, L<Net::Jifty>

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