[Bps-public-commit] r10198 - in RT-Client-Console: trunk/lib/RT/Client/Console/Session/Ticket

dams at bestpractical.com dams at bestpractical.com
Sun Dec 30 11:40:03 EST 2007

Author: dams
Date: Sun Dec 30 11:40:02 2007
New Revision: 10198

   RT-Client-Console/   (props changed)

 r38 at pundit:  dams | 2007-12-30 16:38:49 +0000
 switch to transactions to display ticket content

Modified: RT-Client-Console/trunk/lib/RT/Client/Console/Session/Ticket/Transactions.pm
--- RT-Client-Console/trunk/lib/RT/Client/Console/Session/Ticket/Transactions.pm	(original)
+++ RT-Client-Console/trunk/lib/RT/Client/Console/Session/Ticket/Transactions.pm	Sun Dec 30 11:40:02 2007
@@ -217,9 +217,43 @@
 	use Data::Dumper;
 	my $s = Dumper($transaction);
+# 	use RT::Client::Console::Session::Ticket;
+# 	my $ticket = RT::Client::Console::Session::Ticket->get_current_ticket();
+# 	my $attachments_obj = $ticket->attachments();
+# 	my $iterator = $attachments_obj->get_iterator();
+# 	my $linked_attachement;
+# 	while (my $attachment = $iterator->()) {
+# 		if ($attachment->transaction_id() == $transaction->id()) {
+# 			$linked_attachement = $attachment;
+# 			last;
+# 		}
+# 	}
 	my $text =
+	  'id       : {' . $transaction->id() . "}\n" .
+	  'creator  : {' . $transaction->creator() . "}\n" .
+	  'parent_id: {' . $transaction->parent_id() . "}\n" .
+	  'type     : {' . $transaction->type() . "}\n" .
+	  'old_value: {' . $transaction->old_value() . "}\n" .
+	  'new_value: {' . $transaction->new_value() . "}\n" .
+	  'attach   : {' . $transaction->attachments() . "}\n" .
+	  'data     : {' . $transaction->data() . "}\n" .
 	  $transaction->description() . "\n\n" .
+# 	if ($linked_attachement) {
+# 		my $attachment = $linked_attachement;
+# 		$text .= 
+# 		  "\n CC : " . $attachment->content_type() .
+# 		  "\n subject : " . $attachment->subject() .
+# 		  "\n filename : " . $attachment->file_name();
+# 		if ($attachment->content_type eq 'text/plain') {
+# 			$text .= "\n content : [" . $attachment->content() . "]";
+# 		} elsif ($attachment->content_type eq 'multipart/mixed') {
+# 			$text .= "\n content : [" . $attachment->content() . "]";
+# 		}
+# 	}
 	$heap->{text}[$idx] = $text;
 	my @lines = textwrap($text, $width - 1);
 	my $i = 0;

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