[Bps-public-commit] r9631 - in Parse-BooleanLogic/lib: Parse
ruz at bestpractical.com
ruz at bestpractical.com
Fri Nov 9 18:32:23 EST 2007
Author: ruz
Date: Fri Nov 9 18:32:22 2007
New Revision: 9631
* libs
Added: Parse-BooleanLogic/lib/Parse/BooleanLogic.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ Parse-BooleanLogic/lib/Parse/BooleanLogic.pm Fri Nov 9 18:32:22 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Parse::BooleanLogic - parser of boolean expressions
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $parser = new Parse::BooleanLogic;
+ my $tree = $parser->as_array( string => 'x = 10' );
+ $tree = $parser->as_array( string => 'x = 10 OR (x > 20 AND x < 30)' );
+ $parser->parse(
+ string => 'x = 10 OR (x > 20 AND x < 30)',
+ callback => {
+ open_paren => sub { ... },
+ operator => sub { ... },
+ operand => sub { ... },
+ close_paren => sub { ... },
+ error => sub { ... },
+ },
+ );
+This module is quite fast parser for boolean expressions. Original it's been writen for
+Request Tracker for parsing SQL like expressions and it's still capable to, but
+it can be used to parse other boolean logic sentences with OPERANDs joined using
+binary OPERATORs and grouped and nested using parentheses (OPEN_PAREN and CLOSE_PAREN).
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 as_array
+Takes a string and parses it into perl structure, where parentheses represented using
+array references, operands are hash references with one key/value pair: operand,
+when binary operators are simple scalars. So string C<x = 10 OR (x > 20 AND x < 30)>
+is parsed into the following structure:
+ [
+ { operand => 'x = 10' },
+ 'OR',
+ [
+ { operand => 'x > 20' },
+ 'AND',
+ { operand => 'x < 30' },
+ ]
+ ]
+=head2 parse
+Takes named arguments: string and callback. Where the first one is scalar with
+expression, the latter is a reference to hash with callbacks: open_paren, operator
+operand, close_paren and error. Callback for errors is optional and parser dies if
+it's omitted. Each callback is called when parser finds corresponding element in the
+string. In all cases the current match is passed as argument into the callback.
+Here is simple example based on L</as_array> method:
+ # result tree and the current group
+ my ($tree, $node);
+ $tree = $node = [];
+ # stack with nested groups, outer most in the bottom, inner on the top
+ my @pnodes = ();
+ my %callback;
+ # on open_paren put the current group on top of the stack,
+ # create new empty group and at the same time put it into
+ # the end of previous one
+ $callback{'open_paren'} = sub {
+ push @pnodes, $node;
+ push @{ $pnodes[-1] }, $node = []
+ };
+ # on close_paren just switch to previous group by taking it
+ # from the top of the stack
+ $callback{'close_paren'} = sub { $node = pop @pnodes };
+ # push binary operators as is and operands as hash references
+ $callback{'operator'} = sub { push @$node, $_[0] };
+ $callback{'operand'} = sub { push @$node, { operand => $_[0] } };
+ # run parser
+ $parser->parse( string => $string, callback => \%callback );
+ return $tree;
+Using this method you can build other representations of an expression.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Parse::BooleanLogic;
+our $VERSION = '0.02';
+use constant OPERAND => 1;
+use constant OPERATOR => 2;
+use constant OPEN_PAREN => 4;
+use constant CLOSE_PAREN => 8;
+use Regexp::Common qw(delimited);
+my $re_operator = qr[(?i:AND|OR)];
+my $re_open_paren = qr[\(];
+my $re_close_paren = qr[\)];
+my $re_tokens = qr{(?:$re_operator|$re_open_paren|$re_close_paren)};
+my $re_delim = qr{$RE{delimited}{-delim=>qq{\'\"}}};
+my $re_operand = qr{(?!\s)(?:$re_delim|(?!$re_tokens|["']).+?(?=$re_tokens|["']|\Z))+};
+sub new {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ return bless {@_}, ref($proto) || $proto;
+{ # static variables
+my ($tree, $node, @pnodes);
+my %callback;
+$callback{'open_paren'} = sub {
+ push @pnodes, $node;
+ push @{ $pnodes[-1] }, $node = []
+$callback{'close_paren'} = sub { $node = pop @pnodes };
+$callback{'operator'} = sub { push @$node, $_[0] };
+$callback{'operand'} = sub { push @$node, { operand => $_[0] } };
+sub as_array {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $string = shift;
+ my %arg = (@_);
+ $node = $tree = [];
+ @pnodes = ();
+ unless ( $arg{'operand_cb'} || $arg{'error_cb'} ) {
+ $self->parse(string => $string, callback => \%callback);
+ return $tree;
+ }
+ my %cb = %callback;
+ if ( $arg{'operand_cb'} ) {
+ $cb{'operand'} = sub { push @$node, $arg{'operand_cb'}->( $_[0] ) };
+ }
+ $cb{'error'} = $arg{'error_cb'} if $arg{'error_cb'};
+ $self->parse(string => $string, callback => \%cb);
+ return $tree;
+} }
+sub parse {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (
+ string => '',
+ callback => {},
+ @_
+ );
+ my ($string, $cb) = @args{qw(string callback)};
+ $string = '' unless defined $string;
+ my $want = OPERAND | OPEN_PAREN;
+ my $last = 0;
+ my $depth = 0;
+ while ( $string =~ /(
+ $re_operator
+ |$re_open_paren
+ |$re_close_paren
+ |$re_operand
+ )/iogx )
+ {
+ my $match = $1;
+ next if $match =~ /^\s*$/;
+ # Highest priority is last
+ my $current = 0;
+ $current = OPERAND if ($want & OPERAND) && $match =~ /^$re_operand$/io;
+ $current = OPERATOR if ($want & OPERATOR) && $match =~ /^$re_operator$/io;
+ $current = OPEN_PAREN if ($want & OPEN_PAREN) && $match =~ /^$re_open_paren$/io;
+ $current = CLOSE_PAREN if ($want & CLOSE_PAREN) && $match =~ /^$re_close_paren$/io;
+ unless ($current && $want & $current) {
+ my $tmp = substr($string, 0, pos($string)- length($match));
+ $tmp .= '>'. $match .'<--here'. substr($string, pos($string));
+ my $msg = "Wrong expression, expecting a ". $self->bitmask_to_string($want) ." in '$tmp'";
+ $cb->{'error'}? $cb->{'error'}->($msg): die $msg;
+ return;
+ }
+ # State Machine:
+ if ( $current & OPEN_PAREN ) {
+ $cb->{'open_paren'}->( $match );
+ $depth++;
+ }
+ elsif ( $current & CLOSE_PAREN ) {
+ $cb->{'close_paren'}->( $match );
+ $depth--;
+ $want = OPERATOR;
+ $want |= CLOSE_PAREN if $depth;
+ }
+ elsif ( $current & OPERATOR ) {
+ $cb->{'operator'}->( $match );
+ }
+ elsif ( $current & OPERAND ) {
+ $match =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $cb->{'operand'}->( $match );
+ $want = OPERATOR;
+ $want |= CLOSE_PAREN if $depth;
+ }
+ $last = $current;
+ }
+ unless ( !$last || $last & (CLOSE_PAREN | OPERAND) ) {
+ my $msg = "Incomplete query, last element ("
+ . $self->bitmask_to_string($last)
+ . ") is not CLOSE_PAREN or OPERAND in '$string'";
+ $cb->{'error'}? $cb->{'error'}->($msg): die $msg;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( $depth ) {
+ my $msg = "Incomplete query, $depth paren(s) isn't closed in '$string'";
+ $cb->{'error'}? $cb->{'error'}->($msg): die $msg;
+ return;
+ }
+sub bitmask_to_string {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $mask = shift;
+ my @res;
+ for( my $i = 0; $i < @tokens; $i++ ) {
+ next unless $mask & (1<<$i);
+ push @res, $tokens[$i];
+ }
+ my $tmp = join ', ', splice @res, 0, -1;
+ unshift @res, $tmp if $tmp;
+ return join ' or ', @res;
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Ruslan Zakirov E<lt>ruz at cpan.orgE<gt>, Robert Spier E<lt>rspier at pobox.comE<gt>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
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