[Bps-public-commit] r9691 - in App-Changelogger: bin

sartak at bestpractical.com sartak at bestpractical.com
Fri Nov 16 14:42:58 EST 2007

Author: sartak
Date: Fri Nov 16 14:42:58 2007
New Revision: 9691

   App-Changelogger/bin/sort-changelog   (contents, props changed)
   App-Changelogger/   (props changed)

 r45260 at onn:  sartak | 2007-11-16 14:42:21 -0500
 Initial import. Will work on this more after Jifty comes out

Added: App-Changelogger/Makefile.PL
--- (empty file)
+++ App-Changelogger/Makefile.PL	Fri Nov 16 14:42:58 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+name            'App-Changelogger';
+all_from        'lib/App/Changelogger.pm';
+requires 'Term::ANSIScreen';
+requires 'Text::Autoformat';
+requires 'YAML';
+requires 'File::Slurp';
+requires 'XML::Simple';
+requires 'Term::ReadKey';
+requires 'Data::Dumper';
+requires 'File::Temp';
+requires 'Term::CallEditor';
+build_requires 'Test::More';

Added: App-Changelogger/bin/generate-changelog
--- (empty file)
+++ App-Changelogger/bin/generate-changelog	Fri Nov 16 14:42:58 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#perl -MFile::Slurp -MXML::Simple -MData::Dumper -e'print scalar Dumper ( XMLin( read_file(shift @ARGV).""))' 
+# Usage
+# --edit expects the output of svn log --xml as the first argument, and an intermediate
+#        file where we will be storing munged up xml that trags your tags and edits
+# --generate expects the intermediate file as the first argument and a plaintext
+#            changelog file as the second argument.  This changelog file is clobbered
+# svn log --limit=100 --xml >> changelog.xml
+# generate-changelog --edit changelog.xml changelog.interim.xml
+# generate-changelog --generate changelog.interim.xml Changelog
+# if you wish to do iterative editing, you can do
+# cp changelog.xml changelog.xml.orig
+# mv changelog.interim.xml changelog.xml
+# generate-changelog --edit changelog.xml changelog.interim.xml
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Term::ANSIScreen;
+use Text::Autoformat;
+use YAML;
+use File::Slurp;
+use XML::Simple;
+use Term::ReadKey;
+use Data::Dumper;
+         use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
+my @tags = qw(doc install core plugin security view f-bug t-discard backward-compatibility-problem u-pubsub r-crud e-testing);
+my %tags = map { substr($_,0,1) => $_ } @tags;
+my $mode = shift @ARGV;
+my ($source,$dest);
+if ($mode eq '--generate') {
+     $source = shift @ARGV;
+     $dest = shift @ARGV;
+elsif ($mode eq '--edit') {
+     $source = shift @ARGV;
+     $dest = shift @ARGV;
+unless ($source && -f $source && $dest) { die "$0 --generate SOURCEFILE DESTFILE\n or \n$0 --edit SOURCEFILE DESTFILE" }
+my $data = XMLin(read_file($source)."");
+if ($mode eq '--edit') {
+    my $count;
+    my $total;
+    my %entries; 
+    foreach my $entry (@{$data->{'logentry'}}) {
+        $total++;
+        push @{$entries{$entry->{section}||'uncategorized'}}, $entry;
+    }
+# iterate over the uncategorized ones first
+    my $uncat_total = @{$entries{uncategorized}};
+    foreach my $entry (@{$entries{uncategorized}}){ 
+        $count++;
+        act_on($entry, $count, $uncat_total);
+    }
+# all of them in case you want to frob stuff
+    print "All uncategorized changes complete, now iterating the full set\nHit any key to continue\n";
+    getchar();
+    $count = 0;
+    foreach my $key ( keys %entries) {
+        foreach my $entry (@{$entries{$key}}){ 
+            $count++;
+            act_on($entry, $count, $total);
+        }
+    }
+    do_quit();
+} elsif ($mode eq '--generate') {
+   my %entries; 
+    foreach my $entry (@{$data->{'logentry'}}) {
+        push @{$entries{$entry->{section}||'uncategorized'}}, $entry;
+    }
+    open (my $fh, ">$dest") or die "Can't open $dest for writing";
+    foreach my $key (sort keys %entries) {
+    my $title = $key;
+    $title =~ s/^\w\-//;
+        print $fh uc($key)."\n";
+        print $fh "=" x length($key) ;
+        print $fh "\n\n";
+        foreach my $entry (@{$entries{$key}}){ 
+        print $fh format_entry($entry) ;
+        print $fh "\n";
+        }
+    }
+    close $fh;
+sub act_on {
+    my $entry = shift;
+    my $count = shift;
+    my $total = shift;
+    my $console = Term::ANSIScreen->new;
+    while (1) {
+    my $command = '';
+    while (!$command) {
+        $console->Cls;
+            $console->Cursor(1,1);
+        if (!$entry->{'edited_msg'} && ref($entry->{msg})) { $entry->{'edited_msg'} = Dumper($entry->{'msg'}); }
+        print "change $count / $total\n";
+        print format_entry($entry => 1);
+        my $in = getchar();
+        if ($in eq 's') {
+            return;
+        } 
+        elsif ($in eq 'c') { $command = 'chomp'; }
+        elsif ($in eq 'e') { $command = 'edit'; }
+        elsif ($in eq 'q') { $command = 'quit'; }
+        elsif ($in eq 't') { $command = 'tag' }
+        elsif ($in eq 'x') { $command = 'exclude' }
+        elsif ($in eq ' ') {
+            return
+        }
+    }
+    if ($command eq 'tag') {
+        tag($entry);
+    }
+    elsif ( $command eq 'write' ) {
+        warn "Writing";
+    } elsif ( $command eq 'chomp' ) {
+        my $msg = ( $entry->{'edited_msg'} || $entry->{'msg'} );
+        my @lines = split( "\n", $msg );
+        shift @lines;
+        $entry->{'edited_msg'} = join( "\n", @lines );
+    } elsif ( $command eq 'edit' ) {
+        warn "Chomping";
+        my ( $fh, $filename ) = tempfile();
+        print $fh ( $entry->{'edited_msg'} || $entry->{'msg'} ) || die $!;
+        close $fh;
+        system( ( $ENV{EDITOR} || 'vi' ), $filename );
+        $entry->{'edited_msg'} = read_file($filename);
+    } elsif ($command eq 'quit') {
+        do_quit();
+    } elsif ($command eq 'exclude') {
+        $entry->{section} = 't-discard';
+    }
+    }
+sub tag {
+    my $entry = shift;
+    my $tag;
+    print "Valid tags are: " . join( ', ', @tags ) . "\n";
+    while ( !$tag ) {
+        my $key = getchar();
+        return if ( $key eq  ' ' );
+        print "You picked " . $key . "\n";
+        if ( $tags{$key} ) {
+            $tag = $tags{$key};
+            print "You tagged it $tag\n";
+        } else {
+            print "NO. THAT IS NOT A VALID TAG\n";
+        }
+    }
+    $entry->{section} = $tag;
+sub do_quit {
+my $out;
+    open( $out, ">$dest" );
+    print $out XMLout($data,  NoAttr => 1 );
+    close($out);
+    exit;
+sub getchar {
+    ReadMode 4;
+    my $key = ReadKey(0);
+    ReadMode 0;
+    return $key
+sub format_entry {
+    my $entry = shift;
+    my $verbose = shift ||0; 
+    my $text = '';
+    if  ($verbose ) {
+        $text .= "r".$entry->{revision}." - ";
+        $text .= $entry->{'section'} || "UNCATEGORIZED - HIT 't'";   
+        $text .= "\n".("="x60)."\n";
+    }
+    my $msg = ( $entry->{'edited_msg'} || $entry->{'msg'});
+    if ($msg =~ /^[\s\*]*\w/) {
+        $msg =~ s/^[\s\*]*/ * /;
+    }
+    $msg =~  s/\n+$//g;
+    $msg .= " - ".$entry->{'author'}."\n";
+     $msg =   autoformat ($msg,  { left=>0, right=>78 });
+     $msg =~  s/\n+$//g;
+     $text .= $msg."\n";
+     if  ($verbose ) {
+         $text .= YAML::Dump( $entry->{'paths'});
+         $text .= "\n";
+     }
+     return $text;

Added: App-Changelogger/bin/sort-changelog
--- (empty file)
+++ App-Changelogger/bin/sort-changelog	Fri Nov 16 14:42:58 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use File::Slurp;
+use XML::Simple;
+use Term::ReadKey;
+use Term::CallEditor;
+use Term::ANSIScreen;
+use Text::Autoformat;
+my %commands = (
+    j   => sub { ++$_ },
+    k   => sub { --$_ },
+    q   => sub { die "Quitting.\n" },
+    e   => \&edit_entry,
+    t   => \&next_tag,
+my %tags = (
+    D => 'doc',
+    I => 'install',
+    C => 'core',
+    P => 'plugin',
+    S => 'security',
+    T => 'testing',
+    V => 'view',
+    F => 'bugfix',
+    X => 'discard',
+    B => 'backward-compatibility-problem',
+    U => 'pubsub',
+    R => 'crud',
+    8 => 'I18N',
+    M => 'misc',
+    Q => 'performance',
+my $command_string = join '', sort keys %commands;
+my $tag_string     = join '', sort keys %tags;
+my $untagged;
+# each tag gets its own command
+while (my ($k, $v) = each %tags) {
+    $commands{$k} = sub {
+        --$untagged if ($_[0]->{section}||'') eq '';  # update untagged count
+        $_[0]->{section} = $v;                        # apply tag
+        ++$_                                          # advance cursor
+    };
+# other commands
+$commands{' '} = $commands{j};
+$commands{'?'} = sub {
+    print << "HELP";
+j - next entry
+k - previous entry
+q - write and quit
+e - edit entry
+t - find next entry with a different tag
+    for (sort keys %tags) {
+        print "$_ - tag as $tags{$_}, next entry\n";
+    }
+    print "\nPress any key to continue.\n";
+    key();
+# get the files
+ at ARGV == 2
+    or die "Usage: $0 in.xml out.yml";
+my $in = shift;
+my $out = shift;
+$| = 1;
+# read data
+my $data = XMLin(read_file($in)."");
+my @entries =
+              # sort by tag
+              sort { ($a->{section}||'') cmp ($b->{section}||'') }
+              # help find duplicate messages
+              sort { $a->{msg} cmp $b->{msg} }
+              # clean up incoming messages
+              map { $_->{msg} = reformat_message($_->{msg}); $_ }
+              # remove no-msg commits
+              grep { !ref($_->{msg}) }
+              @{$data->{logentry} || $data->{opt}};
+# count untagged entries
+$untagged = grep { ($_->{section}||'') eq '' } @entries;
+# make sure we always print our output out
+END { write_entries() }
+sub write_entries {
+    $data->{logentry} = \@entries;
+    open my $outfh, '>', $out
+        or die "Unable to open $out for writing: $!";
+    print $outfh XMLout($data, NoAttr => 1);
+    close $outfh;
+sub munge_entries {
+    $_ = 0;
+    while (1) {
+        display($entries[$_]);
+        # ask the user what to do
+        print "Now what? [$command_string] [$tag_string] or ?: ";
+        my $c = key();
+        unless (exists $commands{$c}) {
+            warn "Invalid command '$c'. Press a key to continue.\n";
+            key();
+            next;
+        }
+        $commands{$c}->( $entries[$_] );
+        if ($_ < 0) {
+            $_ += @entries;
+        }
+        if ($_ >= @entries) {
+            $_ -= @entries;
+        }
+    }
+sub display {
+    my $entry = shift;
+    my $term = Term::ANSIScreen->new;
+    $term->Cls();
+    $term->Cursor(0, 0);
+    print "Number:    $_/$#entries  ($untagged untagged)\n";
+    print "Author:    $entry->{author}\n";
+    print "Date:      $entry->{date}\n";
+    print "Tagged as: ", $entry->{section} || '(none)', "\n";
+    print "-" x 79, "\n";
+    print $entry->{msg}, "\n\n";
+sub reformat_message {
+    my $msg = shift;
+    # try to kill svn header
+    $msg =~ s/^\s*r\d+\@\S+:\s*\S+\s*\|\s*.*\n//;
+    # autoformat
+    $msg = autoformat $msg;
+    # remove leading whitespace
+    $msg =~ s/(\n|^)\s+/$1/g;
+    # chomp off all newlines
+    1 while chomp $msg;
+    return $msg;
+sub edit_entry {
+    my $entry = shift;
+    my ($fh, $fn) = solicit($entry->{msg});
+    close $fh;
+    $entry->{msg} = do { local (@ARGV, $/) = $fn; <> };
+    $entry->{msg} = reformat_message($entry->{msg});
+sub next_tag {
+    my $start = $_;
+    my $section = $_[0]->{section};
+    # wrap in eval just in case this logic screws up, the user can smash ^C and
+    # not kill everything
+    eval {
+        local $SIG{INT} = sub { die };
+        while (1) {
+            ++$_;
+            $_ -= @entries if $_ >= @entries;
+            last if $start == $_;
+            last if $entries[$_]->{section} ne $section;
+        }
+    }
+sub key {
+    ReadMode 3;
+    my $c = ReadKey 0;
+    ReadMode 0;
+    print "$c\n";
+    return $c;

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