[Bps-public-commit] r9203 - Text-Quoted

ruz at bestpractical.com ruz at bestpractical.com
Wed Oct 3 07:03:06 EDT 2007

Author: ruz
Date: Wed Oct  3 07:03:03 2007
New Revision: 9203

   Text-Quoted/   (props changed)

 r18259 at cubic-pc:  cubic | 2007-10-03 14:06:51 +0400
 * the regexps we are using couldn't store undefs in $1, $2... so we can avoid defn()
 * defn() on an object makes no sense as later we call a method unconditionally

Modified: Text-Quoted/Quoted.pm
--- Text-Quoted/Quoted.pm	(original)
+++ Text-Quoted/Quoted.pm	Wed Oct  3 07:03:03 2007
@@ -177,14 +177,14 @@
     foreach (splice @lines) {
         my %line = ( raw => $_ );
         s/\A( *)($quoter?)( *)//;
-        $line{prespace}   = defn $1;
-        $line{quoter}     = defn $2;
-        $line{quotespace} = defn $3;
-        $line{hang} = defn( Hang->new($_) );
+        $line{prespace}   = $1;
+        $line{quoter}     = $2;
+        $line{quotespace} = $3;
+        $line{hang} = Hang->new($_);
         s/( *)(.*?)(\s*)$//;
-        $line{hangspace} = defn $1;
-        $line{text}      = defn $2;
+        $line{hangspace} = $1;
+        $line{text}      = $2;
         $line{empty}     = $line{hang}->empty() && $2 !~ /\S/;
         $line{separator} = $line{text} =~ /^$separator$/;
         push @lines, \%line;

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