[Bps-public-commit] r9465 - RT-Extension-TicketLocking/lib/RT/Extension

ruz at bestpractical.com ruz at bestpractical.com
Thu Oct 25 19:06:42 EDT 2007

Author: ruz
Date: Thu Oct 25 19:06:41 2007
New Revision: 9465


* add LockPriority method

Modified: RT-Extension-TicketLocking/lib/RT/Extension/TicketLocking.pm
--- RT-Extension-TicketLocking/lib/RT/Extension/TicketLocking.pm	(original)
+++ RT-Extension-TicketLocking/lib/RT/Extension/TicketLocking.pm	Thu Oct 25 19:06:41 2007
@@ -217,7 +217,21 @@
 use RT::Ticket;
 package RT::Ticket;
-our @LockTypes = qw(Auto Hard);
+our @LockTypes = qw(Auto Take Hard);
+sub LockPriority {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $type = shift;
+    my $priority;
+    for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @LockTypes; $i++) {
+        $priority = $i if lc( $LockTypes[ $i ] ) eq lc( $type );
+    }
+    $RT::Logger->error( "There is no type '$type' in the list of lock types")
+        unless defined $priority;
+    return $priority || 0;
 sub Locked {
     my $ticket = shift;
@@ -241,14 +255,8 @@
     if ( my $lock = $ticket->Locked() ) {
         return undef if $lock->Content->{'User'} != $ticket->CurrentUser->id;
-        my $LockType = $lock->Content->{'Type'};
-        my $priority;
-        my $LockPriority;
-        for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar @LockTypes; $i++) {
-            $priority = $i if (lc $LockTypes[$i]) eq (lc $type);
-            $LockPriority = $i if (lc $LockTypes[$i]) eq (lc $LockType);
-        }
-        return undef if $priority <= $LockPriority;
+        my $current_type = $lock->Content->{'Type'};
+        return undef if $ticket->LockPriority( $type ) <= $ticket->LockPriority( $current_type );
     $ticket->Unlock($type);    #Remove any existing locks (because this one has greater priority)
     my $id = $ticket->id;
@@ -272,16 +280,13 @@
     my $lock = $ticket->RT::Ticket::Locked();
     return (undef, "This ticket was not locked.") unless $lock;
-    return (undef, "You cannot unlock a ticket locked by another user.") unless $lock->Content->{User} ==  $ticket->CurrentUser->id;
-    my $LockType = $lock->Content->{'Type'};
-    my $priority;
-    my $LockPriority;
-    for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar @LockTypes; $i++) {
-        $priority = $i if (lc $LockTypes[$i]) eq (lc $type);
-        $LockPriority = $i if (lc $LockTypes[$i]) eq (lc $LockType);
-    }
-    return (undef, "There is a lock with a higher priority on this ticket.") if $priority < $LockPriority;
+    return (undef, "You cannot unlock a ticket locked by another user.")
+        unless $lock->Content->{User} == $ticket->CurrentUser->id;
+    my $current_type = $lock->Content->{'Type'};
+    return (undef, "There is a lock with a higher priority on this ticket.")
+        if $ticket->LockPriority( $type ) < $ticket->LockPriority( $current_type );
     my $duration = time() - $lock->Content->{'Timestamp'};
     return ($duration, "You have unlocked this ticket. It was locked for $duration seconds.");

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