[Bps-public-commit] r11430 - in SVN-PropDB: .
jesse at bestpractical.com
jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Apr 3 05:33:13 EDT 2008
Author: jesse
Date: Thu Apr 3 05:33:13 2008
New Revision: 11430
SVN-PropDB/ (props changed)
r29050 at 68-247-224-106: jesse | 2008-04-02 23:33:02 -1000
rough outline of RT sync
Added: SVN-PropDB/lib/Prophet/Sync/Source/RT.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ SVN-PropDB/lib/Prophet/Sync/Source/RT.pm Thu Apr 3 05:33:13 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+package Prophet::Sync::Source::RT;
+use base qw/Prophet::Sync::Source/;
+use Params::Validate qw(:all);
+use UNIVERSAL::require;
+use RT::Client::REST;
+use Prophet::Handle;
+use Prophet::ChangeSet;
+use Prophet::Conflict;
+__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/url prophet_handle ressource is_resdb rt/);
+our $DEBUG = $Prophet::Handle::DEBUG;
+=head2 setup
+Open a connection to the SVN source identified by C<$self->url>.
+XXX TODO, make the _prophet/ directory in the replica configurable
+sub setup {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->rt(RT::Client::REST->new(server => 'http://rt3.fsck.com' ));
+ $self->rt->login(username => 'guest', password => 'guest');
+sub fetch_resolutions { warn 'no resdb'}
+=head2 uuid
+Return the replica SVN repository's UUID
+sub uuid {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 1234;
+ return Carp::cluck "need a uuid";
+=head2 fetch_changesets { after => SEQUENCE_NO }
+Fetch all changesets from the source.
+Returns a reference to an array of L<Prophet::ChangeSet/> objects.
+sub fetch_changesets {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = validate( @_, { after => 1 } );
+ my $first_rev = ( $args{'after'} + 1 ) || 1;
+ my @txns;
+ my %tix;
+ for my $id ($self->_find_matching_tickets) {
+ $tix{$id} = $self->rt->show(type => 'ticket', id => $id);
+ push @txns, $self->_find_matching_txns($id);
+ }
+ my @results = map { $self->_recode_changeset($_) } sort { $a->id <=> $b->id } @txns;
+ return \@results;
+sub _find_matching_tickets {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Find all stalled tickets
+ my @tix = $self->rt->search(
+ type => 'ticket',
+ query => "Status = 'stalled'",
+ );
+return @tix;
+sub _find_matching_transactions {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ticket = shift;
+ my @txns;
+ for my $txn ($self->rt->get_transaction_ids (parent_id => $ticket ) ) {
+ push @txns, get_transaction (parent_id => $ticket, id => $txn, type => 'ticket');
+ }
+ return @txns;
+sub _recode_changeset {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $revprops = shift;
+ my $changeset = Prophet::ChangeSet->new(
+ { sequence_no => $entry->{'revision'},
+ source_uuid => $self->uuid,
+ original_source_uuid => $revprops->{'prophet:original-source'} || $self->uuid,
+ original_sequence_no => $revprops->{'prophet:original-sequence-no'} || $entry->{'revision'},
+ is_nullification => ( ( $revprops->{'prophet:special-type'} || '' ) eq 'nullification' ) ? 1 : undef,
+ is_resolution => ( ( $revprops->{'prophet:special-type'} || '' ) eq 'resolution' ) ? 1 : undef,
+ }
+ );
+ # add each node's changes to the changeset
+ for my $path ( keys %{ $entry->{'paths'} } ) {
+ if ( $path =~ qr|^(.+)/(.*?)/(.*?)$| ) {
+ my ( $prefix, $type, $record ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
+ my $change = Prophet::Change->new(
+ { node_type => $type,
+ node_uuid => $record,
+ change_type => $entry->{'paths'}->{$path}->{fs_operation}
+ }
+ );
+ for my $name ( keys %{ $entry->{'paths'}->{$path}->{prop_deltas} } ) {
+ $change->add_prop_change(
+ name => $name,
+ old => $entry->{paths}->{$path}->{prop_deltas}->{$name}->{'old'},
+ new => $entry->{paths}->{$path}->{prop_deltas}->{$name}->{'new'},
+ );
+ }
+ $changeset->add_change( change => $change );
+ } else {
+ warn "Discarding change to a non-record: $path" if $DEBUG;
+ }
+ }
+ return $changeset;
+=head2 last_changeset_from_source $SOURCE_UUID
+Returns the last changeset id seen from the source identified by $SOURCE_UUID
+sub last_changeset_from_source {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($source) = validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR } );
+ my ( $stream, $pool );
+ my $filename = join( "/", $self->prophet_handle->db_root, $Prophet::Handle::MERGETICKET_METATYPE, $source );
+ my ( $rev_fetched, $props ) = eval { $self->ra->get_file( $filename, $self->ra->get_latest_revnum, $stream, $pool ); };
+ return ( $props->{'last-changeset'} || 0 );
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