[Bps-public-commit] r11495 - in SVN-PropDB: .
jesse at bestpractical.com
jesse at bestpractical.com
Fri Apr 4 06:08:39 EDT 2008
Author: jesse
Date: Fri Apr 4 06:08:39 2008
New Revision: 11495
SVN-PropDB/ (props changed)
r29170 at 68-247-156-63: jesse | 2008-04-04 00:07:36 -1000
* We appear to be able to roundtrip ticket creation to RT without ending up with dupes
Modified: SVN-PropDB/lib/Prophet/Sync/Source/RT.pm
--- SVN-PropDB/lib/Prophet/Sync/Source/RT.pm (original)
+++ SVN-PropDB/lib/Prophet/Sync/Source/RT.pm Fri Apr 4 06:08:39 2008
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
sub record_changeset_integration {
my ($self, $source_uuid, $source_seq) = @_;
-warn "H";
my $cache = App::Cache->new({ ttl => 60*60 }); # la la la
return $cache->set($self->uuid.'-'.$source_uuid, $source_seq);
@@ -63,42 +62,93 @@
my ($self, $changeset) = @_;
- # does the merge ticket recording & _source_metadata (book keeping for what
+ # does the merge ticket recording & _source_metadata (book keeping for what txns in rt we just created)
+ $self->record_txn_just_created($changeset);
$self->record_changeset_integration( $changeset->original_source_uuid, $changeset->original_sequence_no );
+sub record_txn_just_created {
+ my ($self, $changeset) = @_;
+ # XXX: go discover the txn_ids corresponds to $changeset;
+ my @txn_ids;
+ for my $change ($changeset->changes) {
+ next unless $change->node_type eq 'ticket';
+ next if $change->change_type eq 'add_file'; # XXX: handled separately when calling rt::client create-ticket
+ my $ticket_id = $self->get_remote_id_for( $change->node_uuid) ;
+ Carp::confess "No ticket id for Changeset " .YAML::Dump($change) unless ($ticket_id);
+ for my $txn ( reverse RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new(rt => $self->rt, id => $ticket_id)->transactions) {
+ last if $txn->id <= $self->last_changeset_from_source();
+ push @txn_ids, $txn->id;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->_store_changeset_metadata(\@txn_ids, $changeset->original_source_uuid, $changeset->original_sequence_no);
+sub _store_changeset_metadata {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($txn_ids, $uuid, $seq) = (@_);
+ my $cache = App::Cache->new({ ttl => 60*60 }); # la la la
+ $cache->set( $self->uuid,'-txn-'.$_, join(':', $uuid, $seq)) for @$txn_ids;
+sub get_remote_id_for {
+ my ($self, $ticket_uuid) = @_;
+ # XXX: should not access CLI handle
+ my $ticket = Prophet::Record->new(handle => Prophet::CLI->new->handle, type => 'ticket' );
+ $ticket->load( uuid => $ticket_uuid );
+ return $ticket->prop($self->uuid.'-id');
+sub has_seen_changeset {
+ my ($self, $changeset) = @_;
+ my $cache = App::Cache->new({ ttl => 60*60 }); # la la la
+ my $txn_id = $changeset->original_sequence_no;
+ # XXX: extract the original txn id from $changeset
+ return $cache->get( $self->uuid,'-txn-'.$txn_id );
sub record_changeset {
my $self = shift;
my ($changeset) = validate_pos(@_, { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet'});
- $self->_integrate_change($_) for $changeset->changes;
-warn "J";
+ $self->_integrate_change($_, $changeset) for $changeset->changes;
sub _integrate_change {
my $self = shift;
- my ($change) = validate_pos(@_, { isa => 'Prophet::Change'});
+ my ($change, $changeset) = validate_pos(@_, { isa => 'Prophet::Change'}, {isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet' });
+ my $id;
+eval {
if ($change->node_type eq 'ticket' and $change->change_type eq 'add_file') {
- $self->integrate_ticket_create($change); # ALSO WANT CHANGESET
+ warn "==> create";
+ $id = $self->integrate_ticket_create($change, $changeset); # ALSO WANT CHANGESET
} elsif ($change->node_type eq 'comment') {
- $self->integrate_comment($change);
+ $self->integrate_comment($change, $changeset);
} elsif ($change->node_type eq 'ticket') {
- $self->integrate_ticket_update($change);
+ warn "==> wtf ".$change->change_type;
+ $self->integrate_ticket_update($change, $changeset);
} else {
die "AAAAAH I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO PUSH ".YAML::Dump($change);
+ }; warn $@ if $@;
+ return $id
sub integrate_ticket_update {
my $self = shift;
- my ($change) = validate_pos(@_, { isa => 'Prophet::Change'});
+ my ($change, $changeset) = validate_pos(@_, { isa => 'Prophet::Change'}, { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet'});
# Figure out the remote site's ticket ID for this change's record
- my $remote_ticket_id = ' AAAAAAH need to look up ';
+ my $remote_ticket_id = $self->get_remote_id_for($change->node_uuid);
my $ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new(rt => $self->rt,
id => $remote_ticket_id,
%{ $self->_recode_props_for_integrate($change)})->store();
@@ -113,15 +163,18 @@
sub integrate_ticket_create {
my $self = shift;
- my ($change) = validate_pos(@_, { isa => 'Prophet::Change'});
+ my ($change, $changeset) = validate_pos(@_, { isa => 'Prophet::Change'}, { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet'});
# Build up a ticket object out of all the record's attributes
- warn "fooo";
+ warn $self->rt_queue;
my $ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new(
rt => $self->rt,
queue => $self->rt_queue(),
%{ $self->_recode_props_for_integrate($change)},
)->store(text => "Not yet pulling in ticket creation comment");
- warn "Bar";
+ my @txn_ids = $ticket->transactions;
+ $self->_store_changeset_metadata(\@txn_ids, $changeset->original_source_uuid, $changeset->original_sequence_no);
# Grab the related comment
# Create the ticket
# fetch the ticket ID
@@ -159,10 +212,25 @@
sub integrate_comment {
my $self = shift;
my ($change) = validate_pos(@_, { isa => 'Prophet::Change'});
# Figure out the remote site's ticket ID for this change's record
+ my %props = map { $_->name => $_->new_value } $change->prop_changes;
+ my $ticket =RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new(rt => $self->rt,
+ id => $self->get_remote_id_for($props{'ticket'}));
+ if ($props{'type'} eq 'comment') {
+ $ticket->comment(message => $props{'content'});
+ } else {
+ $ticket->correspond(message => $props{'content'});
+ }
# Build a comment or correspondence object
# apply the change to the remote RT server
# fetch transactions on this ticket from the remote RT
@@ -258,6 +326,7 @@
my @changesets;
my %tix;
for my $id ( $self->_find_matching_tickets ) {
+ # XXX: _recode_transactions should ignore txn-id <= $first_rev
push @changesets,
@@ -398,6 +467,8 @@
$args{'create_state'}->{'id'} =~ s/^ticket\///g;
+ $args{'create_state'}->{$self->uuid.'-id'} = delete $args{'create_state'}->{'id'};
$args{'changeset'}->add_change( { change => $change } );
for my $name ( keys %{ $args{'create_state'} } ) {
@@ -535,7 +606,7 @@
my $change = Prophet::Change->new(
{ node_type => 'ticket',
- node_uuid => $self->uuid_for_url( $self->url . "/Ticket/" . $args{'create_state'}->{'id'} ),
+ node_uuid => $self->uuid_for_url( $self->url . "/ticket/" . $args{'create_state'}->{'id'} ),
change_type => 'update_file'
@@ -595,6 +666,8 @@
use App::Cache;
my $cache = App::Cache->new({ ttl => 60*60 }); # la la la
+#$cache->delete($self->uuid.'-'.$source_uuid) || 0;
return $cache->get($self->uuid.'-'.$source_uuid) || 0;
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