[Bps-public-commit] r11598 - SVN-PropDB/doc

clkao at bestpractical.com clkao at bestpractical.com
Sun Apr 6 08:33:20 EDT 2008

Author: clkao
Date: Sun Apr  6 08:33:06 2008
New Revision: 11598


update todo.

Modified: SVN-PropDB/doc/todo
--- SVN-PropDB/doc/todo	(original)
+++ SVN-PropDB/doc/todo	Sun Apr  6 08:33:06 2008
@@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
+    - document sd & replica format
+    - turn fetch_changesets streamy
     - write tests for RT-prophet-prophet-hiveminder sync - mostly done
       - make merge aware of database uuids
                 - and does it mean if the db is initialized with a pull, it uses the same UUID
                 - yes. in general, dbs should be initialized with pull or be new projects
                 - merging between replicas with different uuids should require a 'force' argument of some kind.
      "publish my changes for remote pulling"    - mostly done. needs test and cleanup, "publish" scp wrapper
-    - pull from a published prophet replica
-        - "hash changeset -> real changeset"
-    - use a filesystem style prophet replica 'directly' (needs a handle subclass?)
+    - use a filesystem style prophet replica 'directly' (needs a handle subclass?)
+    - resdb export and sync
-    - refactor Source::integrate_changeset to get the merge ticket and let the source(dst) decide how to record them, rather than having handle do the job
+    - move merge-ticket logic out of handle and only provides metadata storage
     - validation on bug tracker fields	- severity
     - Replace this todo list with a svb database
     - elegant support for large attachments
     - RESTy web server API to let third-parties build non-perl apps against a Prophet Depot
-    - define a value for a property that is a reference to another record or set of records
+    - define a value for a property that is a reference to:
+      - another record
+      - a set of records @done
     - sketch out RT scrips replacement

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