[Bps-public-commit] r14782 - in Pushmi/trunk: bin lib/Pushmi lib/Pushmi/Apache lib/Pushmi/Command t
alexmv at bestpractical.com
alexmv at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 5 11:30:59 EDT 2008
Author: alexmv
Date: Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
New Revision: 14782
Pushmi/trunk/ (props changed)
r35324 at kohr-ah: chmrr | 2008-08-05 11:30:39 -0400
* Kill tabs with a vengance
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/bin/pushmi
--- Pushmi/trunk/bin/pushmi (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/bin/pushmi Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
GetOptions ('v|version' => \$show_version) or exit;
if ($show_version || ($cmd && $cmd eq 'version')) {
- print loc("This is pushmi, version %1\n", $Pushmi::VERSION);
- exit 0;
+ print loc("This is pushmi, version %1\n", $Pushmi::VERSION);
+ exit 0;
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Apache/AuthCache.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Apache/AuthCache.pm (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Apache/AuthCache.pm Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
require Pushmi::Config;
$memd = Pushmi::Config->memcached;
- $logger = Pushmi::Config->logger('pushmi.authcache');
+ $logger = Pushmi::Config->logger('pushmi.authcache');
my ( $status, $password ) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw;
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Apache/RelayProvider.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Apache/RelayProvider.pm (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Apache/RelayProvider.pm Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
. $r->user
. "' '$password'" );
- $memd->set( $r->user, $password, 30 ) unless $?;
- return Apache2::Const::OK unless $?;
+ $memd->set( $r->user, $password, 30 ) unless $?;
+ return Apache2::Const::OK unless $?;
- $r->note_basic_auth_failure;
- return Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;
+ $r->note_basic_auth_failure;
+ return Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;
# refresh
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Command.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Command.pm (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Command.pm Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
- SVN::Client::get_simple_prompt_provider( $auth, 0 ) ]
+ SVN::Client::get_simple_prompt_provider( $auth, 0 ) ]
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@
# compat
for ($self->subcommands) {
- if (delete $self->{$_}) {
- my $cmd = 'Pushmi::Command::'.ucfirst($_);
- $cmd->require or die "can't require $cmd: $@";
- return (bless $self, $cmd)->run(@_);
- }
+ if (delete $self->{$_}) {
+ my $cmd = 'Pushmi::Command::'.ucfirst($_);
+ $cmd->require or die "can't require $cmd: $@";
+ return (bless $self, $cmd)->run(@_);
+ }
no warnings 'redefine';
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
my ($cred, $realm, $default_username, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
my $config = Pushmi::Config->config;
Pushmi::Command->logger->logdie("unable to get username from config file.")
- unless defined $config->{username};
+ unless defined $config->{username};
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Command/Runhook.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Command/Runhook.pm (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Command/Runhook.pm Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
my $pushmi = Pushmi::Mirror->new( path => $repospath );
my $txn = $pushmi->repos->fs->open_txn($self->{txnname}) or die 'no such txn';
if ($txn->prop('svk:commit')) {
- $txn->change_prop('svk:commit', undef);
- exit 0;
+ $txn->change_prop('svk:commit', undef);
+ exit 0;
my $base = $txn->base_revision;
@@ -55,18 +55,18 @@
# delay because of the server latency of the first response
my ($editor, $inspector, %arg) = $t->get_editor(notee => 1,
- callback => sub {},
- caller => '',
+ callback => sub {},
+ caller => '',
lock_tokens => $locks,
- message => $txn->prop('svn:log'));
+ message => $txn->prop('svn:log'));
my $mirror = $pushmi->master;
require Pushmi::Editor::Locker;
$editor = Pushmi::Editor::Locker->new
- ({ _editor => [$editor],
- on_close_edit => sub {
- $mirror->lock;
- } });
+ ({ _editor => [$editor],
+ on_close_edit => sub {
+ $mirror->lock;
+ } });
$editor = SVK::Editor::CopyHandler->new(
_editor => $editor,
@@ -80,16 +80,16 @@
my $base_rev = $mirror->find_changeset( $t->revision );
$editor = SVK::Editor::MapRev->new
- ({ _editor => [$editor],
- cb_resolve_rev => sub { my ($func, $rev) = @_;
- return $func =~ m/^add/ ? $rev : $base_rev } });
+ ({ _editor => [$editor],
+ cb_resolve_rev => sub { my ($func, $rev) = @_;
+ return $func =~ m/^add/ ? $rev : $base_rev } });
my $sync_upto;
my $error;
${ $arg{post_handler} } = sub {
- $self->logger->info("[$repospath] committed as $_[0]");
- my $token = join(':', $mirror->repos->path, $mirror->_lock_token);
- $txn->change_prop( 'svk:committed-by' => $token );
+ $self->logger->info("[$repospath] committed as $_[0]");
+ my $token = join(':', $mirror->repos->path, $mirror->_lock_token);
+ $txn->change_prop( 'svk:committed-by' => $token );
$mirror->_backend->_revmap_prop( $txn, $_[0] );
$sync_upto = $_[0] - 1;
$self->logger->debug("post handle decides to sync upto $sync_upto");
@@ -98,21 +98,21 @@
- local $SVN::Error::handler = sub {
- $_[0]->clear;
+ local $SVN::Error::handler = sub {
+ $_[0]->clear;
$self->logger->debug('Fail to replay: '.Carp::longmess);
- die $_[0]->message."\n";
- };
+ die $_[0]->message."\n";
+ };
- eval {
+ eval {
SVN::Repos::replay2($txn_root, $t->path, 0, 1, $editor, undef);
- if ($error = $@) {
- $self->logger->info("[$repospath] Failed to replay txn to mirror: $error");
+ if ($error = $@) {
+ $self->logger->info("[$repospath] Failed to replay txn to mirror: $error");
eval { $txn->change_prop('pushmi:dead', '*'); 1 }
or $self->logger->warn("[$repospath] Unable to mark dead txn as dead.");
- }
+ }
# we need to switch back to the sync credential
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@
$self->logger->info("[$repospath] sync revision $first to $last") if $first;
if ($error) {
$self->logger->debug("Unlock on failure");
- $mirror->unlock;
- die $error;
+ $mirror->unlock;
+ die $error;
exit 0;
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
return $_cached_password if defined $_cached_password;
Pushmi::Command::Runhook->logger->error_die("unable to get author info from txn")
- unless defined $AUTHOR;
+ unless defined $AUTHOR;
my $memd = Pushmi::Config->memcached;
my $logger = Pushmi::Config->logger('pushmi.runhook');
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Command/Tryauth.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Command/Tryauth.pm (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Command/Tryauth.pm Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
my $pushmi = Pushmi::Mirror->new( path => $repospath );
my $editor = eval { $pushmi->master->get_commit_editor('', '*should not be committed*', sub {}) };
if ($editor) {
- $editor->abort_edit;
- exit 0;
+ $editor->abort_edit;
+ exit 0;
exit 1;
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Command/Verify.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Command/Verify.pm (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Command/Verify.pm Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
my $pushmi = Pushmi::Mirror->new( path => $repospath );
$pushmi->repos->fs->revision_prop(0, 'pushmi:auto-verify')
- or return;
+ or return;
die "Revision required.\n" unless $self->{revision};
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
unless ($?) {
- $self->logger->debug("[$repospath] revision $self->{revision} verified");
- return;
+ $self->logger->debug("[$repospath] revision $self->{revision} verified");
+ return;
$self->logger->logdie("[$repospath] can't run verify: $!") if $? == -1;
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
my $pushmi = Pushmi::Mirror->new( path => $repospath );
my $rev = $pushmi->repos->fs->revision_prop(0, 'pushmi:inconsistent')
- or return;
+ or return;
$pushmi->repos->fs->change_rev_prop(0, 'pushmi:inconsistent', undef);
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Config.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Config.pm (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Config.pm Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
my $file = $ENV{PUSHMI_CONFIG} || '/etc/pushmi.conf';
unless (-e $file) {
- warn "pushmi config $file doesn't exist.\n";
- return $config = {};
+ warn "pushmi config $file doesn't exist.\n";
+ return $config = {};
$config = LoadFile($file);
return $config;
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Test.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Test.pm (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/lib/Pushmi/Test.pm Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@
my ($exp, $err) = @_;
my $line = 0;
sub {
- my $output = shift;
- chomp $output;
- ++$line;
- unless (@$exp) {
- push @$err, "$line: got $output";
- return;
- }
- my $item = shift @$exp;
- push @$err, "$line: got ($output), expect ($item)\n"
- unless ref($item) ? ($output =~ m/$item/)
- : ($output eq $item);
+ my $output = shift;
+ chomp $output;
+ ++$line;
+ unless (@$exp) {
+ push @$err, "$line: got $output";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $item = shift @$exp;
+ push @$err, "$line: got ($output), expect ($item)\n"
+ unless ref($item) ? ($output =~ m/$item/)
+ : ($output eq $item);
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
my $ret = run3 [svn_cmd(), ($SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.5.0'
? '--non-interactive' : ()),
@$arg], undef,
- _mk_cmp_closure($exp_stdout, $stdout_err), # stdout
- _mk_cmp_closure($exp_stderr, $stdout_err); # stderr
+ _mk_cmp_closure($exp_stdout, $stdout_err), # stdout
+ _mk_cmp_closure($exp_stderr, $stdout_err); # stderr
unless ($ret) {
diag("Exit value: $?");
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@
if (@$stdout_err) {
- @_ = (0, join(' ', 'svn', @$arg));
- diag("Different in line: ".join(',', @$stdout_err));
- goto \&ok;
+ @_ = (0, join(' ', 'svn', @$arg));
+ diag("Different in line: ".join(',', @$stdout_err));
+ goto \&ok;
else {
- @_ = (1, join(' ', 'svn', @$arg));
- goto \&ok;
+ @_ = (1, join(' ', 'svn', @$arg));
+ goto \&ok;
@@ -139,16 +139,16 @@
$args{extra_modules} ||= [];
if ($ap_version =~ m/^2\.2/) {
- $ap_version = '2.2';
- push @{$args{extra_modules}}, "auth_basic", "authn_file", "authz_user";
+ $ap_version = '2.2';
+ push @{$args{extra_modules}}, "auth_basic", "authn_file", "authz_user";
else {
- $ap_version = '2.0';
- push @{$args{extra_modules}}, "auth";
+ $ap_version = '2.0';
+ push @{$args{extra_modules}}, "auth";
$apache->build({ AP2_VERSION => $ap_version,
- required_modules => [ "dav", "dav_svn", "authz_svn", "log_config", @{$args{extra_modules}}]});
+ required_modules => [ "dav", "dav_svn", "authz_svn", "log_config", @{$args{extra_modules}}]});
push @CLEANUP, sub { $apache->stop };
return ($apache, "http://localhost:$apache->{port}/svn");
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
my $port = Pushmi::Config->config->{authproxy_port};
my $memcached_pid;
my $memcached = can_run('memcached')
- or die "Can't find memcached";
+ or die "Can't find memcached";
system($memcached, -p => $port, qw(-l -dP), abs_path("t/memcached.pid"));
die $! if $?;
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
chomp $memcached_pid;
my $pid = $$;
push @CLEANUP, sub { return unless $$ == $pid;
- diag 'stopping memcached'; kill 'TERM', $memcached_pid if $memcached_pid };
+ diag 'stopping memcached'; kill 'TERM', $memcached_pid if $memcached_pid };
sub svn_error_txn_outofdate {
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
for (@CLEANUP) {
- $_->();
+ $_->();
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/t/auth-relayed.t
--- Pushmi/trunk/t/auth-relayed.t (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/t/auth-relayed.t Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -91,22 +91,22 @@
system("svn ls $perlbal_url/A");
is_svn_output(['co', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', "$perlbal_url/A", $copath],
- ['A t/checkout/auth-relayed-svn/Q',
- 'A t/checkout/auth-relayed-svn/Q/qu',
- 'A t/checkout/auth-relayed-svn/Q/qz',
- 'A t/checkout/auth-relayed-svn/be',
- 'Checked out revision 3.']);
+ ['A t/checkout/auth-relayed-svn/Q',
+ 'A t/checkout/auth-relayed-svn/Q/qu',
+ 'A t/checkout/auth-relayed-svn/Q/qz',
+ 'A t/checkout/auth-relayed-svn/be',
+ 'Checked out revision 3.']);
is_svn_output(['mkdir', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', -m => 'mkdir', "$perlbal_url/X/orzzzz"],
- [],
- [qr{svn: MKACTIVITY of '/svn/\!svn/act/.*': authorization failed \(http://localhost:$perlbal_port\)}]);
+ [],
+ [qr{svn: MKACTIVITY of '/svn/\!svn/act/.*': authorization failed \(http://localhost:$perlbal_port\)}]);
is_svn_output(['mkdir', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username' => 'test', '--password' => 'wrong', -m => 'mkdir', "$perlbal_url/X/orzzzz"],
- [],
- [qr{svn: MKACTIVITY of '/svn/\!svn/act/.*': authorization failed \(http://localhost:$perlbal_port\)}]);
+ [],
+ [qr{svn: MKACTIVITY of '/svn/\!svn/act/.*': authorization failed \(http://localhost:$perlbal_port\)}]);
is_svn_output(['mkdir', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username' => 'test', '--password' => 'test', -m => 'mkdir', "$perlbal_url/X/orzzzz"],
- ['','Committed revision 4.']);
+ ['','Committed revision 4.']);
is($masterdepot->repos->fs->revision_prop(4, 'svn:author'), 'test', 'user is correct');
is($slavedepot->repos->fs->revision_prop(4, 'svn:author'), 'test', 'user is correct');
@@ -114,5 +114,5 @@
# XXX why do we need to authenticate as test?? svn_authz is totally crazy
is_svn_output(['sw', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username' => 'test', '--password' => 'test', '--relocate', "$perlbal_url/A", "$master_url/A", $copath],
- []);
+ []);
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/t/auth.t
--- Pushmi/trunk/t/auth.t (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/t/auth.t Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@
run_pushmi('sync', $slavedepot->repospath);
is_svn_output(['mkdir', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username' => 'test', '--password' => 'test', -m => 'mkdir', "$perlbal_url/orzzzz"],
- [],
- [qr{svn: .*403 Forbidden}]);
+ [],
+ [qr{svn: .*403 Forbidden}]);
#sleep 1 while 1;
is_svn_output(['mkdir', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username' => 'test', '--password' => 'test', -m => 'mkdir', "$perlbal_url/X/mmmm"],
- ['','Committed revision 4.']);
+ ['','Committed revision 4.']);
diag $slave_url;
is($masterdepot->repos->fs->revision_prop(4, 'svn:author'), 'test', 'user is correct');
@@ -85,34 +85,34 @@
my ($copath, $corpath) = get_copath('auth-svn');
is_svn_output(['co', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username' => 'test', '--password' => 'test', "$slave_url/X", $copath],
- ['A t/checkout/auth-svn/mmmm',
- 'Checked out revision 4.']);
+ ['A t/checkout/auth-svn/mmmm',
+ 'Checked out revision 4.']);
overwrite_file("$copath/fileA.txt", "fnord");
is_svn_output(['add', "$copath/fileA.txt"],
- ['A t/checkout/auth-svn/fileA.txt']);
+ ['A t/checkout/auth-svn/fileA.txt']);
sub svn_error_authz_failure {
my ($url, $path) = @_;
# XXX: older svn error message:
-# "svn: OPTIONS request failed on '/svn/X'",
-# "svn: OPTIONS of '/svn/X': authorization failed (http://localhost:$perlbal_port)"]);
+# "svn: OPTIONS request failed on '/svn/X'",
+# "svn: OPTIONS of '/svn/X': authorization failed (http://localhost:$perlbal_port)"]);
return "svn: OPTIONS of '$url$path': authorization failed ($url)";
is_svn_output(['ci', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username' => 'test', '--password' => '', -m => 'commit a single file', $copath],
- [],
- ["svn: Commit failed (details follow):",
+ [],
+ ["svn: Commit failed (details follow):",
svn_error_authz_failure("http://localhost:$perlbal_port", '/svn/X')
is_svn_output(['ci', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username' => 'test', '--password' => 'test', -m => 'commit a single file', $copath],
- ['Adding t/checkout/auth-svn/fileA.txt',
- 'Transmitting file data .',
- 'Committed revision 5.']);
+ ['Adding t/checkout/auth-svn/fileA.txt',
+ 'Transmitting file data .',
+ 'Committed revision 5.']);
@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@
is_svn_output(['ci', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username' => 'test', '--password' => 'test', -m => 'commit a single file', $copath],
- ['Sending t/checkout/auth-svn/fileA.txt',
- 'Transmitting file data .',
- 'Committed revision 6.']);
+ ['Sending t/checkout/auth-svn/fileA.txt',
+ 'Transmitting file data .',
+ 'Committed revision 6.']);
is_svn_output(['rm', "$copath/mmmm"],
- ['D t/checkout/auth-svn/mmmm']);
+ ['D t/checkout/auth-svn/mmmm']);
is_svn_output(['ci', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username' => 'test', '--password' => 'test', -m => 'commit a single file', $copath],
- ['Deleting t/checkout/auth-svn/mmmm',
- '',
- 'Committed revision 7.']);
+ ['Deleting t/checkout/auth-svn/mmmm',
+ '',
+ 'Committed revision 7.']);
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/t/basic.t
--- Pushmi/trunk/t/basic.t (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/t/basic.t Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -13,41 +13,41 @@
$muri, $repos, undef, $copath, undef ) = build_basic_test_ok();
is_output($svk, 'sync', ['//'],
- ["Syncing $uri"]);
+ ["Syncing $uri"]);
is_svn_output(['co', $muri, $copath],
- ['A t/checkout/basic-svn/A',
- 'Checked out revision 1.']);
+ ['A t/checkout/basic-svn/A',
+ 'Checked out revision 1.']);
overwrite_file("fromsvn.txt", "orz\n");
is_svn_output(['add', 'fromsvn.txt'],
- ['A fromsvn.txt']);
+ ['A fromsvn.txt']);
is_svn_output(['ci', -m => 'add fromsvn'],
- ['Adding fromsvn.txt',
- 'Transmitting file data .',
- 'Committed revision 2.']);
+ ['Adding fromsvn.txt',
+ 'Transmitting file data .',
+ 'Committed revision 2.']);
is($srepos->fs->youngest_rev, 2, 'committed via hook');
is_output($svk, 'mkdir', ['-m', 'X', '/test/X'],
- ['Committed revision 3.']);
+ ['Committed revision 3.']);
append_file("fromsvn.txt", "second orz\n");
is_svn_output(['ci', -m => 'update fromsvn'],
- ['Sending fromsvn.txt',
- 'Transmitting file data .',
- 'Committed revision 4.']);
+ ['Sending fromsvn.txt',
+ 'Transmitting file data .',
+ 'Committed revision 4.']);
is($srepos->fs->youngest_rev, 4, 'non-conflicting commit');
- ['A X',
- 'Updated to revision 4.']);;
+ ['A X',
+ 'Updated to revision 4.']);;
ok(-d 'X', 'catch up changes happened before commit');
$svk->co('/test/', $scorpath);
append_file("$scorpath/fromsvn.txt", "this gets in first\n");
is_output($svk, 'ci', [-m => 'commit that gets in', $scorpath],
- ['Committed revision 5.']);
+ ['Committed revision 5.']);
is($srepos->fs->youngest_rev, 5);
## vanilla svn:
## svn: Commit failed (details follow):
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
append_file("fromsvn.txt", "to conflict\n");
is_svn_output(['ci', -m => 'trying to commit outdated change from svn'],
- ['Sending fromsvn.txt',
- 'Transmitting file data .'],
- ['svn: Commit failed (details follow):',
+ ['Sending fromsvn.txt',
+ 'Transmitting file data .'],
+ ['svn: Commit failed (details follow):',
svn_error_txn_outofdate('/fromsvn.txt', '5-1')),
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@
is($repos->fs->youngest_rev, 5, "svn didn't commit through, but updates mirror");
is_svn_output(['ci', -m => 'trying to commit outdated change from svn'],
- ['Sending fromsvn.txt'],
- ['svn: Commit failed (details follow):',
- 'svn: '.svn_error_txn_outofdate('/fromsvn.txt', '5-1')]);
+ ['Sending fromsvn.txt'],
+ ['svn: Commit failed (details follow):',
+ 'svn: '.svn_error_txn_outofdate('/fromsvn.txt', '5-1')]);
- ['C fromsvn.txt',
- 'Updated to revision 5.']);
+ ['C fromsvn.txt',
+ 'Updated to revision 5.']);
# svn 1.5 changes the conflict tmp file
my $conflict_mine = -e 'fromsvn.txt.mine.txt' ? 'fromsvn.txt.mine.txt' : 'fromsvn.txt.mine';
ok(-e $conflict_mine, 'conflict in svn up');
@@ -81,25 +81,25 @@
rename($conflict_mine, 'fromsvn.txt');
is_svn_output(['resolved', 'fromsvn.txt'],
- [q{Resolved conflicted state of 'fromsvn.txt'}]);
+ [q{Resolved conflicted state of 'fromsvn.txt'}]);
is_svn_output(['ci', -m => 'commit merged change from svn'],
- ['Sending fromsvn.txt',
- 'Transmitting file data .',
- 'Committed revision 6.']);
+ ['Sending fromsvn.txt',
+ 'Transmitting file data .',
+ 'Committed revision 6.']);
is($srepos->fs->youngest_rev, 6, "svn commits through");
is($repos->fs->youngest_rev, 6, "svn commit through, but updates mirror");
is_svn_output(['mv', 'A', 'B'],
- ['A B',
- 'D A']);
+ ['A B',
+ 'D A']);
is_svn_output(['ci', -m => 'commit a rename'],
- ['Deleting A',
- 'Adding B', '',
- 'Committed revision 7.']);
+ ['Deleting A',
+ 'Adding B', '',
+ 'Committed revision 7.']);
is_output($svk, 'log', [ -qvr => '7', '/test/' ],
- [ qr'.*',
- qr'.*',
- 'Changed paths:', ' D /A',
- ' A /B (from /A:5)', qr'.*' ]);
+ [ qr'.*',
+ qr'.*',
+ 'Changed paths:', ' D /A',
+ ' A /B (from /A:5)', qr'.*' ]);
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/t/concurrency.t
--- Pushmi/trunk/t/concurrency.t (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/t/concurrency.t Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@
$muri, $repos, undef, $copath, undef ) = build_basic_test_ok();
is_svn_output(['co', $muri, $copath],
- ['A t/checkout/basic-svn/A',
- 'Checked out revision 1.']);
+ ['A t/checkout/basic-svn/A',
+ 'Checked out revision 1.']);
overwrite_file("fromsvn.txt", "orz\n");
append_file("fromsvn.txt", "line line line line line line line line\n") for 1..100000;
use Time::HiRes qw(time sleep);
is_svn_output(['add', 'fromsvn.txt'],
- ['A fromsvn.txt']);
+ ['A fromsvn.txt']);
if ( fork() == 0 ) {
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
sleep 0.5;
is_svn_output(['mkdir', -m => 'race!', "$muri/mkdir"],
- ['', qr'Committed revision \d.'], []);
+ ['', qr'Committed revision \d.'], []);
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@
my $m_log2 = $output;
chomp $m_log2;
is_output($svk, 'pg', ['svn:log', '--revprop', '-r2', '/test/'],
- [$m_log2]);
+ [$m_log2]);
$svk->pg('svn:log', '--revprop', '-r3', '//');
my $m_log3 = $output;
chomp $m_log3;
is_output($svk, 'pg', ['svn:log', '--revprop', '-r3', '/test/'],
- [$m_log3]);
+ [$m_log3]);
is($srepos->fs->youngest_rev, 3, 'committed via hook');
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/t/lock.t
--- Pushmi/trunk/t/lock.t (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/t/lock.t Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@
$muri, $repos, undef, $copath, undef ) = build_basic_test_ok();
is_svn_output(['co', $muri, $copath],
- ['A t/checkout/basic-svn/A',
- 'Checked out revision 1.']);
+ ['A t/checkout/basic-svn/A',
+ 'Checked out revision 1.']);
overwrite_file("fromsvn.txt", "orz\n");
is_svn_output(['add', 'fromsvn.txt'],
- ['A fromsvn.txt']);
+ ['A fromsvn.txt']);
is_svn_output(['ci', -m => 'add fromsvn'],
- ['Adding fromsvn.txt',
- 'Transmitting file data .',
- 'Committed revision 2.']);
+ ['Adding fromsvn.txt',
+ 'Transmitting file data .',
+ 'Committed revision 2.']);
is($srepos->fs->youngest_rev, 2, 'committed via hook');
is_svn_output(['lock', -m => 'lock from slave', 'fromsvn.txt'],
Modified: Pushmi/trunk/t/verify.t
--- Pushmi/trunk/t/verify.t (original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/t/verify.t Tue Aug 5 11:30:58 2008
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
my $perl = join(' ', $^X, map { "'-I$_'" } @INC);
my $config = { username => 'test',
- password => 'test',
- authproxy_port => 8123,
- verify_mirror => "$perl $verify_mirror"};
+ password => 'test',
+ authproxy_port => 8123,
+ verify_mirror => "$perl $verify_mirror"};
print $f Dump($config);
@@ -43,27 +43,27 @@
$muri, $repos, undef, $copath, undef ) = build_basic_test_ok();
is_output($svk, 'sync', ['//'],
- ["Syncing $uri"]);
+ ["Syncing $uri"]);
is_svn_output(['co', $muri, $copath],
- ['A t/checkout/basic-svn/A',
- 'Checked out revision 1.']);
+ ['A t/checkout/basic-svn/A',
+ 'Checked out revision 1.']);
overwrite_file("fromsvn.txt", "orz\n");
is_svn_output(['add', 'fromsvn.txt'],
- ['A fromsvn.txt']);
+ ['A fromsvn.txt']);
is_svn_output(['ci', -m => 'add fromsvn'],
- ['Adding fromsvn.txt',
- 'Transmitting file data .',
- 'Committed revision 2.']);
+ ['Adding fromsvn.txt',
+ 'Transmitting file data .',
+ 'Committed revision 2.']);
$svk->mkdir('-m', 'more dir', '/test/newdir');
is_output($svk, 'sync', ['//'],
- ["Syncing $uri",
+ ["Syncing $uri",
'Retrieving log information from 3 to 3',
- 'Committed revision 3 from revision 3.']);
+ 'Committed revision 3 from revision 3.']);
my $depot = $svk->{xd}->find_depot('');
$depot->repos->fs->change_rev_prop(0, 'pushmi:auto-verify', '*');
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@
append_file("fromsvn.txt", "orz\n");
is_svn_output(['ci', -m => 'add fromsvn'],
- ['Sending fromsvn.txt',
- 'Transmitting file data .'],
- ['svn: Commit failed (details follow):',
+ ['Sending fromsvn.txt',
+ 'Transmitting file data .'],
+ ['svn: Commit failed (details follow):',
"Pushmi slave in inconsistency. Please use the master repository at $uri",
'and contact your administrator. Sorry for the inconveniences.'), '']);
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