[Bps-public-commit] r14807 - in Prophet/trunk: . lib/Prophet/Replica

sartak at bestpractical.com sartak at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 5 16:24:40 EDT 2008

Author: sartak
Date: Tue Aug  5 16:24:39 2008
New Revision: 14807

   Prophet/trunk/   (props changed)

 r54111 at gorgoroth:  sartak | 2008-08-05 16:24:11 -0400
 Remove .prophet-meta, in its place have a userdata directory in the replica

Modified: Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Replica.pm
--- Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Replica.pm	(original)
+++ Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Replica.pm	Tue Aug  5 16:24:39 2008
@@ -545,53 +545,6 @@
-=head2 metadata_directory
-sub metadata_directory {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return dir($ENV{HOME}, '.prophet-meta', $self->uuid);
-=head2 read_metadata_file
-Returns the contents of the given file in this replica's metadata directory.
-Returns C<undef> if the file does not exist.
-sub read_metadata_file {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my %args = validate( @_, { path => 1 } );
-    my $file = file($self->metadata_directory, $args{path});
-    return undef if !-f $file;
-    return scalar $file->slurp;
-=head2 write_metadata_file
-Writes the given string to the given file in this replica's metadata directory.
-sub write_metadata_file {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my %args = validate( @_, { path => 1, content => 1 } );
-    my $file = file($self->metadata_directory, $args{path});
-    my $parent = $file->parent;
-    if (!-d $parent) {
-        $parent->mkpath || die "Failed to create directory " . $file->parent;
-    }
-    my $fh = $file->openw;
-    print $fh $args{content};
-    close $fh || die $!;
 =head1 methods to be implemented by a replica backend
@@ -656,17 +609,17 @@
     return ++$map->{'_meta'}{'maximum_luid'};
-sub _do_metadata_read {
+sub _do_userdata_read {
     my $self    = shift;
     my $path    = shift;
     my $default = shift;
-    my $json = $self->read_metadata_file( path => $path ) || $default;
+    my $json = $self->read_userdata_file( path => $path ) || $default;
     require JSON;
     return JSON::from_json($json, { utf8 => 1 });
-sub _do_metadata_write {
+sub _do_userdata_write {
     my $self  = shift;
     my $path  = shift;
     my $value = shift;
@@ -674,26 +627,24 @@
     require JSON;
     my $content = JSON::to_json($value, { canonical => 1, pretty => 0, utf8 => 1 });
-    $self->write_metadata_file(
+    $self->write_userdata_file(
         path    => $path,
         content => $content,
-# NOTE: to be honest I'm not sure this is the correct way to do this
-# or if there should be a more generic metadata store somewhere
 sub _upstream_replica_cache_file { "upstream-replica-cache" }
 sub _read_cached_upstream_replicas {
     my $self = shift;
-    return @{ $self->_do_metadata_read( $self->_upstream_replica_cache_file, '[]' ) || [] };
+    return @{ $self->_do_userdata_read( $self->_upstream_replica_cache_file, '[]' ) || [] };
 sub _write_cached_upstream_replicas {
     my $self     = shift;
     my @replicas = @_;
-    return $self->_do_metadata_write( $self->_upstream_replica_cache_file, [@replicas] );
+    return $self->_do_userdata_write( $self->_upstream_replica_cache_file, [@replicas] );
@@ -701,14 +652,14 @@
 sub _read_guid2luid_mappings {
     my $self = shift;
-    return $self->_do_metadata_read( $self->_guid2luid_file, '{}' );
+    return $self->_do_userdata_read( $self->_guid2luid_file, '{}' );
 sub _write_guid2luid_mappings {
     my $self = shift;
     my $map  = shift;
-    return $self->_do_metadata_write( $self->_guid2luid_file, $map );
+    return $self->_do_userdata_write( $self->_guid2luid_file, $map );
 sub _read_luid2guid_mappings {

Modified: Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Replica/Native.pm
--- Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Replica/Native.pm	(original)
+++ Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Replica/Native.pm	Tue Aug  5 16:24:39 2008
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
 use constant record_cas_dir    => dir( __PACKAGE__->cas_root => 'records' );
 use constant changeset_cas_dir => dir( __PACKAGE__->cas_root => 'changesets' );
 use constant record_dir        => 'records';
+use constant userdata_dir      => 'userdata';
 use constant changeset_index   => 'changesets.idx';
 =head2 BUILD
@@ -175,7 +176,8 @@
     dir( $self->fs_root, $_ )->mkpath
         for (
         $self->record_dir,     $self->cas_root,
-        $self->record_cas_dir, $self->changeset_cas_dir
+        $self->record_cas_dir, $self->changeset_cas_dir,
+        $self->userdata_dir
     $self->set_db_uuid( $args{'db_uuid'} || Data::UUID->new->create_str );
@@ -870,6 +872,36 @@
     return $self->_file_exists( $self->_record_type_root( $args{'type'} ) );
+=head2 read_userdata_file
+Returns the contents of the given file in this replica's userdata directory.
+Returns C<undef> if the file does not exist.
+sub read_userdata_file {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %args = validate( @_, { path => 1 } );
+    $self->_read_file(file($self->userdata_dir, $args{path}));
+=head2 write_userdata_file
+Writes the given string to the given file in this replica's userdata directory.
+sub write_userdata_file {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %args = validate( @_, { path => 1, content => 1 } );
+    $self->_write_file(
+        path    => file($self->userdata_dir, $args{path}),
+        content => $args{content},
+    );
 no Moose;

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