[Bps-public-commit] r15064 - in sd/trunk: . bin lib/App/SD/Model lib/App/SD/Replica/Hiveminder lib/App/SD/Replica/RT t
spang at bestpractical.com
spang at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 12 08:55:19 EDT 2008
Author: spang
Date: Tue Aug 12 08:55:10 2008
New Revision: 15064
sd/trunk/ (props changed)
r43759 at loki: spang | 2008-07-08 16:47:46 +0100
r43524 at loki (orig r13728): jesse | 2008-07-02 17:06:16 +0100
r39107 at 31b: jesse | 2008-07-02 12:02:36 +0300
* Significant moosing of the SD commandline. It almost works. But not quite.
* SD now only works with a moosed prophet
* Moose is the future. The future is Now (2 July 2008)
- Topkapi Palace - 2 July 2008
r43551 at loki (orig r13751): jesse | 2008-07-03 07:53:31 +0100
Small, moosy bug fixes
r43637 at loki (orig r13797): jesse | 2008-07-04 11:37:26 +0100
* more work to start passing tests
r43641 at loki (orig r13801): sartak | 2008-07-04 12:06:18 +0100
r63712 at onn: sartak | 2008-07-04 07:06:05 -0400
Move run_one_command to the bottom of bin/sd, after all of Moose's runtime sugar is run
r43672 at loki (orig r13806): jesse | 2008-07-04 14:33:21 +0100
* fewer failing tests.
r43673 at loki (orig r13807): jesse | 2008-07-04 14:50:47 +0100
* more sd moose cleanup
r43674 at loki (orig r13808): clkao | 2008-07-04 15:30:13 +0100
restore the setup behaviour for hm replica.
r43675 at loki (orig r13809): clkao | 2008-07-04 15:40:04 +0100
* is_empty is now !has_changes.
* fix the setup logic for rt replica as well.
r43676 at loki (orig r13810): jesse | 2008-07-04 16:18:02 +0100
* removing some warnings
r43677 at loki (orig r13811): jesse | 2008-07-04 16:19:14 +0100
r43678 at loki (orig r13812): jesse | 2008-07-04 16:22:29 +0100
* back down to one failing test in sd-rt
r43682 at loki (orig r13814): jesse | 2008-07-05 11:32:59 +0100
tests all pass
Modified: sd/trunk/Makefile.PL
--- sd/trunk/Makefile.PL (original)
+++ sd/trunk/Makefile.PL Tue Aug 12 08:55:10 2008
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
requires 'Prophet'; # URI UNIVERSAL::require Params::Validate Path::Class Class::Accessor
requires('Moose'); # Moose::Role
'RT sync' => [
-default => 0,
Modified: sd/trunk/bin/sd
--- sd/trunk/bin/sd (original)
+++ sd/trunk/bin/sd Tue Aug 12 08:55:10 2008
@@ -6,19 +6,233 @@
$ENV{'PROPHET_REPO'} = $ENV{'SD_REPO'} || $ENV{'HOME'}.'/.sd';
-# Moose likes generating very noisy backtraces. Most users don't need to see
-# anything more than the root cause of the failure. Developers and the curious
-# can set environment variable SD_VERBOSE_ERROR to retain the backtraces.
-# When Moose's error throwing is more malleable we should switch to using that.
- $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
- my $line = shift;
- $line =~ s/\n.*//s if ($line =~ /at line/s);
- $line .= "\n"; $line =~ s/\n+$/\n/gs;
- die $line;
- };
+use Prophet::CLI;
+use App::SD::Model::Ticket;
+package App::SD::CLI::Command;
+use Moose::Role;
+use Path::Class;
+sub get_content {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $content;
+ if (my $file = file(delete $self->args->{'file'})) {
+ $content = $file->slurp();
+ $self->args->{'name'} = $file->basename;
+ } elsif ($content = delete $self->args->{'content'}) {
+ } elsif (exists $self->args->{'edit'}) {
+ $content = $self->edit_text('');
+ } else {
+ print "Please type your $type and press ctrl-d.\n";
+ $content = do { local $/; <> };
+ }
+ chomp $content;
+ return $content;
-my $cli = Prophet::CLI->new({ app_class => 'App::SD' });
+package App::SD::CLI::Model::Ticket;
+use Moose::Role;
+use constant record_class => 'App::SD::Model::Ticket';
+package App::SD::CLI::Model::TicketComment;
+use Moose::Role;
+use constant record_class => 'App::SD::Model::Comment';
+package App::SD::CLI::Model::Attachment;
+use Moose::Role;
+use constant record_class => 'App::SD::Model::Attachment';
+package App::SD::CLI::Command::Ticket::Comment::Create;
+use Moose;
+extends 'Prophet::CLI::Command::Create';
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Model::TicketComment';
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Command';
+override run => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->args->{'ticket'} = $self->cli->uuid;
+ $self->args->{'content'} = $self->get_content('comment');
+ super(@_);
+# override args to feed in that ticket's uuid as an argument to the comment
+package App::SD::CLI::Command::Attachment::Create;
+use Moose;
+extends 'Prophet::CLI::Command::Create';
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Model::Attachment';
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Command';
+override run => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->args->{'content'} = $self->get_content('attachment');
+ super(@_);
+package App::SD::CLI::Command::Ticket::Attachment::Create;
+use Moose;
+extends 'App::SD::CLI::Command::Attachment::Create';
+# override args to feed in that ticket's uuid as an argument to the comment
+override run => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->args->{'ticket'} = $self->cli->uuid;
+ super(@_);
+package App::SD::CLI::Command::Ticket::Attachment::Search;
+use Moose;
+extends 'Prophet::CLI::Command::Search';
+with 'Prophet::CLI::RecordCommand';
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Model::Attachment';
+# override args to feed in that ticket's uuid as an argument to the comment
+sub type {'attachment'}
+sub get_search_callback {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return sub {
+ shift->prop('ticket') eq $self->uuid ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+package App::SD::CLI::Command::Attachment::Content;
+use Moose;
+extends 'Prophet::CLI::Command::Show';
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Model::Attachment';
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Command';
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $record = $self->_get_record_class;
+ $record->load(uuid => $self->cli->uuid);
+ print $record->prop('content');
+package App::SD::CLI::Command::Help;
+use Moose;
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Command';
+sub run {
+print <<EOF
+$0 ticket create --summary "This is a summary" --status new --somekey value
+$0 ticket update --uuid <uuid> --status resolved
+$0 ticket search --regex .
+$0 ticket delete --uuid <uuid>
+$0 ticket show --uuid <uuid>
+$0 pull --from remote-url
+$0 help
+ Show this file
+package App::SD::CLI::Command::Ticket::Show;
+use Moose;
+extends 'Prophet::CLI::Command::Show';
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Command';
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Model::Ticket';
+package App::SD::CLI::Command::Details;
+use Moose;
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Command';
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Model::Ticket';
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ print "\n=head1 METADATA\n\n";
+ $self->App::SD::CLI::Command::Ticket::Show::run();
+ print "\n=head1 ATTACHMENTS\n\n";
+ use Clone;
+ my $foo = Clone::clone($self);
+ $foo->type('attachment');
+ bless $foo, 'App::SD::CLI::Command::Ticket::Attachment::Search';
+ $foo->run;
+ print "\n=head1 COMMENTS\n\n";
+ my $bar = Clone::clone($self);
+ bless $bar, 'App::SD::CLI::Command::Ticket::Comments';
+ $bar->type('comment');
+ $bar->App::SD::CLI::Command::Ticket::Comments::run();
+package App::SD::CLI::Command::Ticket::Comments;
+use Moose;
+extends 'Prophet::CLI::Command';
+with 'Prophet::CLI::RecordCommand';
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Model::Ticket';
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $record = $self->_get_record_class();
+ $record->load( uuid => $self->uuid );
+ unless (@{$record->comments}) {
+ print "No comments found\n";
+ }
+ for (sort { $a->prop('date') cmp $b->prop('date') } @{$record->comments}) {
+ print "id: ".$_->luid." (".$_->uuid.")\n";
+ print "date: ".$_->prop('date')."\n";
+ print $_->prop('content')."\n";
+ }
+package App::SD::CLI::Command::Merge;
+use Moose;
+extends qw/Prophet::CLI::Command::Merge/;
+with 'App::SD::CLI::Command';
+package App::SD::CLI::Command::Push;
+use Moose;
+extends qw/App::SD::CLI::Command::Merge/;
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local $ENV{PROPHET_RESOLVER} = 'Prompt';
+ bless $self, 'App::SD::CLI::Command::Merge';
+ $self->args( {to => $self->args->{'to'}, from => $self->app_handle->default_replica_type.":file://".$self->app_handle->handle->fs_root });
+ $self->run;
+package App::SD::CLI::Command::Pull;
+use Moose;
+extends qw/App::SD::CLI::Command::Merge/;
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ die "Please specify a --from.\n" if !defined($self->args->{'from'});
+ local $ENV{PROPHET_RESOLVER} = 'Prompt';
+ bless $self, 'App::SD::CLI::Command::Merge';
+ $self->args({ from => $self->args->{'from'},
+ to => $self->cli->app_handle->default_replica_type.":file://".$self->cli->app_handle->handle->fs_root });
+ $self->run;
+package main;
+my $cli = Prophet::CLI->new( { app_class => 'App::SD' } );
Modified: sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Model/Attachment.pm
--- sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Model/Attachment.pm (original)
+++ sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Model/Attachment.pm Tue Aug 12 08:55:10 2008
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
use constant collection_class => 'App::SD::Collection::Attachment';
use constant type => 'attachment';
+use constant summary_format => '%l %s %s';
+use constant summary_props => qw(name content_type);
sub _default_summary_format { '%s,$luid | %s,name | %s,content_type'}
Modified: sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Model/Ticket.pm
--- sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Model/Ticket.pm (original)
+++ sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Model/Ticket.pm Tue Aug 12 08:55:10 2008
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package App::SD::Model::Ticket;
use Moose;
extends 'App::SD::Record';
use Term::ANSIColor;
use HTTP::Date;
Modified: sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Replica/Hiveminder.pm
--- sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Replica/Hiveminder.pm (original)
+++ sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Replica/Hiveminder.pm Tue Aug 12 08:55:10 2008
@@ -15,6 +15,17 @@
use constant scheme => 'hm';
+# XXX: this should be called from superclass, or better, have individual attributes have their own builders.
+around 'new' => sub {
+ my ($next, $self, @args) = @_;
+ warn "around $self $next";
+ my $ret = $self->$next(@args);
+ $ret->setup;
+ warn "==> $ret";
+ return $ret;
=head2 setup
@@ -22,14 +33,13 @@
-# XXX: this should be called from superclass, or better, have individual attributes have their own builders.
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
require Net::Jifty;
my ($server) = $self->{url} =~ m/^hm:(.*?)$/
- or die "Can't parse Hiveminder server spec. Expected hm:http://hiveminder.com";
+ or die "Can't parse hiveminder server spec";
my $uri = URI->new($server);
my ( $username, $password );
Modified: sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Replica/Hiveminder/PullEncoder.pm
Modified: sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Replica/RT.pm
--- sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Replica/RT.pm (original)
+++ sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Replica/RT.pm Tue Aug 12 08:55:10 2008
@@ -27,6 +27,16 @@
+# XXX: this should be called from superclass, or better, have individual attributes have their own builders.
+around 'new' => sub {
+ my ($next, $self, @args) = @_;
+ my $ret = $self->$next(@args);
+ $ret->setup;
+ return $ret;
use File::Temp 'tempdir';
sub setup {
@@ -38,7 +48,7 @@
require RT::Client::REST::Ticket;
my ( $server, $type, $query ) = $self->{url} =~ m/^rt:(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*)$/
- or die "Can't parse RT server spec. Expected rt:http://example.com|QUEUE|QUERY. Try: rt:http://example.com/|General|";
+ or die "Can't parse rt server spec";
my $uri = URI->new($server);
my ( $username, $password );
if ( my $auth = $uri->userinfo ) {
Modified: sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Replica/RT/PullEncoder.pm
--- sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Replica/RT/PullEncoder.pm (original)
+++ sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/Replica/RT/PullEncoder.pm Tue Aug 12 08:55:10 2008
@@ -73,7 +73,11 @@
return $ticket;
-=head2 find_matching_tickets QUERY
+ my @changesets;
+ for my $txn ( sort { $b->{'id'} <=> $a->{'id'} } @{ $args{'transactions'} } ) {
+ my $changeset = $self->txn_to_changeset($txn, $ticket, $create_state);
+ unshift @changesets, $changeset if $changeset->has_changes;
+ }
Returns an RT::Client ticket collection for all tickets found matching your QUERY string.
Modified: sd/trunk/t/attachment-content.t
Modified: sd/trunk/t/sd-attachments.t
--- sd/trunk/t/sd-attachments.t (original)
+++ sd/trunk/t/sd-attachments.t Tue Aug 12 08:55:10 2008
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
my $attachment_id;
my $attachment_uuid;
-run_output_matches('sd', [qw/ticket attachment create --uuid/, $yatta_uuid, '--content', 'stub', '--', '--name', "paper_order.doc"], [qr/Created attachment (\d+)(?{ $attachment_id = $1}) \((.*)(?{ $attachment_uuid = $2})\)/], [], "Added a attachment");
+run_output_matches('sd', [qw/ticket attachment create --uuid/, $yatta_uuid, '--content', 'stub', '--name', "paper_order.doc"], [qr/Created attachment (\d+)(?{ $attachment_id = $1}) \((.*)(?{ $attachment_uuid = $2})\)/], [], "Added a attachment");
ok($attachment_id, " $attachment_id = $attachment_uuid");
run_output_matches('sd', [qw/ticket attachment list --uuid/, $yatta_uuid], [qr/\d+ paper_order.doc text\/plain/,], [], "Found the attachment");
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
[ qw/ticket attachment update --uuid/, $attachment_uuid,
- '--',
qw/--name/, "plague_recipe.doc"
[qr/attachment \d+ \($attachment_uuid\) updated/],
@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@
- [ qw/ticket attachment show --batch --uuid/, $attachment_uuid ],
+ [ qw/ticket attachment show --uuid/, $attachment_uuid ],
qr/id: (\d+) \($attachment_uuid\)/,
"content: stub",
Modified: sd/trunk/t/sd-rt.t
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