[Bps-public-commit] r15213 - in Locale-Maketext-Lexicon: . lib/Locale/Maketext

jesse at bestpractical.com jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Aug 18 08:54:43 EDT 2008

Author: jesse
Date: Mon Aug 18 08:54:42 2008
New Revision: 15213


* 0.68 - Applied rt.cpan.org #38508 from felix.ostmann at thewar.de

Modified: Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/Changes
--- Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/Changes	(original)
+++ Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/Changes	Mon Aug 18 08:54:42 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+[Changes for 0.68 - 2008-08-18]
+* Locale::Maketext::Extract: Support for other forms of localization in 
+  TT templates and TT HEREDOCS.
+  Contributed by: Felix Antonius Wilhelm Ostmann
 [Changes for 0.67 - 2008-08-04]
 * Locale::Maketext::Extract: Support in Extract.pm and Lexicon/Gettext.pm

Modified: Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/lib/Locale/Maketext/Extract.pm
--- Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/lib/Locale/Maketext/Extract.pm	(original)
+++ Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/lib/Locale/Maketext/Extract.pm	Mon Aug 18 08:54:42 2008
@@ -202,11 +202,14 @@
 use constant NUL  => 0;
 use constant BEG  => 1;
 use constant PAR  => 2;
+use constant HERE =>10;
 use constant QUO1 => 3;
 use constant QUO2 => 4;
 use constant QUO3 => 5;
 use constant QUO4 => 6;
 use constant QUO5 => 7;
+use constant QUO6 => 8;
+use constant QUO7 => 9;
 sub extract {
     my $self = shift;
@@ -252,11 +255,13 @@
     # Template Toolkit
     $line = 1; pos($_) = 0;
-    while (m!\G(.*?\[%\s*\|l(?:oc)?(.*?)\s*%\](.*?)\[%\s*END\s*%\])!sg) {
-        my ($vars, $str) = ($2, $3);
+    while (m!\G(.*?\[%-?\s*\|l(?:oc)?(.*?)\s*(-?)%\](.*?)\[%(-?)\s*END\s*-?%\])!sg) { 
+        my ($vars, $trim_start, $str, $trim_end) = ($2, $3, $4, $5);
         $line += ( () = ($1 =~ /\n/g) ); # cryptocontext!
         $vars =~ s/^\s*\(//;
         $vars =~ s/\)\s*$//;
+        $trim_start && $str =~ s/^\s+//;
+        $trim_end   && $str =~ s/\s+$//;
         $self->add_entry($str, [ $file, $line, $vars ]);
@@ -300,7 +305,7 @@
     # Perl code:
-    my ($state,$str,$vars,$quo)=(0);
+    my ($state,$str,$vars,$quo,$heredoc)=(0);
     pos($_) = 0;
     my $orig = 1 + (() = ((my $__ = $_) =~ /\n/g));
@@ -341,6 +346,22 @@
         $state == QUO5 && m/^([^\}]*)/gc    && do { $str  .= $1;            redo };
         $state == QUO5 && m/^\}/gc          && do { $state = PAR;           redo };
+        # find heredoc terminator, then get the heredoc and go back to current position
+        $state == PAR  && m/^<<\s*\'/gc     && do { $state    = $quo = QUO6; $heredoc = '';    redo };
+        $state == QUO6 && m/^([^'\\\n]+)/gc && do { $heredoc .= $1;                            redo };
+        $state == QUO6 && m/^((?:\\.)+)/gc  && do { $heredoc .= $1;                            redo };
+        $state == QUO6 && m/^\'/gc          && do { $state    = HERE; $heredoc =~ s/\\\'/\'/g; redo };
+        $state == PAR  && m/^<<\s*\"/gc     && do { $state    = $quo = QUO7; $heredoc = '';    redo };
+        $state == QUO7 && m/^([^"\\\n]+)/gc && do { $heredoc .= $1;                            redo };
+        $state == QUO7 && m/^((?:\\.)+)/gc  && do { $heredoc .= $1;                            redo };
+        $state == QUO7 && m/^\"/gc          && do { $state    = HERE; $heredoc =~ s/\\\"/\"/g; redo };
+        $state == PAR  && m/^<<(\w*)/gc     && do { $state = HERE; $quo = QUO7; $heredoc = $1; redo };
+        # jump ahaid and get the heredoc, then s/// also reset the pos and we are back at the current pos
+        $state == HERE && m/^.*\r?\n/gc     && s/\G(.*?\r?\n)$heredoc(\r?\n)//s && do { $state = PAR; $str .= $1; redo };
         # end ()
@@ -348,13 +369,14 @@
             $state = NUL; 
             $vars =~ s/[\n\r]//g if ($vars);
             if (($quo == QUO1) || ($quo == QUO5) ){
-                $str =~ s/\\([\\'])/$1/g; # normalize q strings
+                $str =~ s/\\([\\'])/$1/g if ($str); # normalize q strings
-            else {
-                $str =~ s/(\\(?:[0x]..|c?.))/"qq($1)"/eeg; # normalize qq / qx strings
+            elsif ($quo != QUO6) {
+                $str =~ s/(\\(?:[0x]..|c?.))/"qq($1)"/eeg if ($str); # normalize qq / qx strings
-            push @{$entries->{$str}}, [ $file, $line - (() = $str =~ /\n/g), $vars] if ($str);
-            undef $str; undef $vars;
+            # heredoc loosing the terminating line, so decrement one more line for heredoc
+            push @{$entries->{$str}}, [ $file, $line - (() = $str =~ /\n/g) - defined($heredoc), $vars] if ($str);
+            undef $str; undef $vars; undef $heredoc;

Modified: Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/lib/Locale/Maketext/Lexicon.pm
--- Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/lib/Locale/Maketext/Lexicon.pm	(original)
+++ Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/lib/Locale/Maketext/Lexicon.pm	Mon Aug 18 08:54:42 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 package Locale::Maketext::Lexicon;
-$Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::VERSION = '0.67';
+$Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::VERSION = '0.68';
 use 5.004;
 use strict;
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 =head1 VERSION
-This document describes version 0.67 of Locale::Maketext::Lexicon,
-released August 4, 2008.
+This document describes version 0.68 of Locale::Maketext::Lexicon,
+released August 18, 2008.
 =head1 SYNOPSIS

Modified: Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/t/5-extract.t
--- Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/t/5-extract.t	(original)
+++ Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/t/5-extract.t	Mon Aug 18 08:54:42 2008
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #! /usr/bin/perl -w
 use lib '../lib';
 use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 29;
+use Test::More tests => 43;
 my $Ext = Locale::Maketext::Extract->new;
@@ -58,6 +58,121 @@
     "Handle escaped double quotes"
+extract_ok(q(_("","car"))                  => '',            'ignore empty string');
+extract_ok(q(_("0"))                       => '',            'ignore zero');
+extract_ok(<<'__EXAMPLE__'                 => 'foo bar baz',   'trim the string (tt)');
+[% |loc -%]
+foo bar baz
+[%- END %]
+extract_ok(<<'__EXAMPLE__'                 => "123\n",       "Simple extraction (heredoc)");
+extract_ok(<<'__EXAMPLE__'                 => "foo\\\$bar\\\'baz\n", "No escaped of \$ and \' in singlequoted terminator (heredoc)");
+extract_ok(<<'__EXAMPLE__'                 => "foo\$bar\n",  "Normalized \$ in doublequoted terminator (heredoc)");
+extract_ok(<<'__EXAMPLE__'                 => "foo\nbar\n",  "multilines (heredoc)");
+extract_ok(<<'__EXAMPLE__'                 => "example\n",   "null identifier (heredoc)");
+extract_ok(<<'__EXAMPLE__'                 => "example\n",   "end() after the heredoc (heredoc)");
+write_po_ok(<<'__EXAMPLE__'                => <<'__EXPECTED__', "null identifier with end after the heredoc (heredoc)");
+#: :1
+msgid "example\n"
+msgstr ""
+write_po_ok(<<'__EXAMPLE__'                => <<'__EXPECTED__', "q with multilines with args");
+_(q{example %1
+with multilines
+#: :1
+#. (20)
+msgid ""
+"example %1\n"
+"with multilines\n"
+msgstr ""
+write_po_ok(<<'__EXAMPLE__'                => <<'__EXPECTED__', "null terminator with multilines with args (heredoc)");
+_(<<"", 15)
+example %1
+with multilines
+#: :1
+#. (15)
+msgid ""
+"example %1\n"
+"with multilines\n"
+msgstr ""
+write_po_ok(<<'__EXAMPLE__'                => <<'__EXPECTED__', "null terminator with end after the heredoc with args (heredoc)");
+_(<<"", 10)
+example %1
+#: :1
+#. (10)
+msgid "example %1\n"
+msgstr ""
+write_po_ok(<<'__EXAMPLE__'                => <<'__EXPECTED__', "two _() calls (heredoc)");
+_(<<"", 10)
+example1 %1
+_(<<"", 5)
+example2 %1
+#: :1
+#. (10)
+msgid "example1 %1\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: :4
+#. (5)
+msgid "example2 %1\n"
+msgstr ""
 sub extract_ok {
     my ($text, $expected, $info, $verbatim) = @_;
     $Ext->extract('' => $text);
@@ -67,3 +182,28 @@
+sub write_po_ok {
+    my ($text, $expected, $info, $verbatim) = @_;
+    my $po_file = 't/5-extract.po';
+    # create .po
+    $Ext->extract('' => $text);
+    $Ext->compile($verbatim);
+    $Ext->write_po($po_file);
+    # read .po
+    open(my $po_handle,'<',$po_file) or die("Cannot open $po_file: $!");
+    local $/ = undef;
+    my $result = <$po_handle>;
+    close($po_handle);
+    unlink($po_file) or die("Cannot unlink $po_file: $!");
+    # cut the header from result
+    my $start_expected = length($Ext->header);
+    $start_expected++  if( $start_expected < length($result) );
+    # check result vs expected
+    is(substr($result, $start_expected), $expected, $info );
+    $Ext->clear;

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