[Bps-public-commit] r15341 - in sd/branches/debbugs: . lib lib/App/SD/Replica
spang at bestpractical.com
spang at bestpractical.com
Thu Aug 21 14:26:01 EDT 2008
Author: spang
Date: Thu Aug 21 14:26:00 2008
New Revision: 15341
- copied from r15340, /sd/branches/debbugs/lib/
sd/branches/debbugs/ (props changed)
r48814 at loki: spang | 2008-08-21 19:25:44 +0100
skeleton start for debbugs foreign replica
Added: sd/branches/debbugs/lib/App/SD/Replica/debbugs.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ sd/branches/debbugs/lib/App/SD/Replica/debbugs.pm Thu Aug 21 14:26:00 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+package App::SD::Replica::debbugs;
+use Moose;
+extends qw/Prophet::ForeignReplica/;
+use Params::Validate qw(:all);
+use Memoize;
+use Prophet::ChangeSet;
+use constant scheme => 'debbugs';
+# FIXME: what should this actually be?
+has debbugs => ( isa => 'Net::Debbugs', is => 'rw');
+has debbugs_url => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw');
+has debbugs_query => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw');
+sub setup {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # require any specific libs needed by this foreign replica
+ # parse the given url
+ # my ($foo, $bar, $baz) = $self->{url} =~ m/regex-here/
+ # ...
+sub prophet_has_seen_transaction {
+ goto \&App::SD::Replica::RT::prophet_has_seen_transaction;
+sub record_pushed_transaction {
+ goto \&App::SD::Replica::RT::record_pushed_transaction;
+sub record_pushed_transactions {}
+sub remote_id_for_uuid {
+ my ( $self, $uuid_for_remote_id ) = @_;
+ # XXX: should not access CLI handle
+ my $ticket = Prophet::Record->new(
+ handle => Prophet::CLI->new->app_handle->handle,
+ type => 'ticket'
+ );
+ $ticket->load( uuid => $uuid_for_remote_id );
+ my $id = $ticket->prop( $self->uuid . '-id' );
+ return $id;
+sub uuid_for_remote_id {
+ my ( $self, $id ) = @_;
+ return $self->_lookup_uuid_for_remote_id($id) ||
+ $self->uuid_for_url( $self->rt_url . "/ticket/$id" );
+sub record_pushed_ticket {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = validate(
+ @_,
+ { uuid => 1,
+ remote_id => 1,
+ }
+ );
+ $self->_set_uuid_for_remote_id(%args);
+ $self->_set_remote_id_for_uuid(%args);
+no Moose;
Added: sd/branches/debbugs/lib/App/SD/Replica/debbugs/PullEncoder.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ sd/branches/debbugs/lib/App/SD/Replica/debbugs/PullEncoder.pm Thu Aug 21 14:26:00 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+package App::SD::Replica::debbugs::PullEncoder;
+use Moose;
+use Params::Validate qw(:all);
+use Memoize;
+has sync_source => (
+ isa => 'App::SD::Replica::Debbugs',
+ is => 'rw',
+our $DEBUG = $Prophet::Handle::DEBUG;
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = validate( @_, {
+ # mandatory args go here
+ example => 1,
+ }
+ );
+ # TODO: code goes here
+our %PROP_MAP = (
+ remote_prop => 'sd_prop',
+ # ...
+=head2 translate_prop_names L<Prophet::ChangeSet>
+sub translate_prop_names {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $changeset = shift;
+ # ...
+ return $changeset;
+=head2 resolve_user_id_to_email ID
+This is only implemented in Hiveminder::PullEncoder; in RT::PullEncoder
+it's resolve_user_id_to. What's this for, actually?
+sub resolve_user_id_to_email {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ return undef unless ($id);
+ # ...
+ # returns email address mapping to user id
+memoize 'resolve_user_id_to_email';
+=head2 warp_list_to_old_value CURRENT_VALUE, ADD, DEL
+Both RT and Hiveminder use this, but what's it actually for?
+sub warp_list_to_old_value {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $current_value = shift ||'';
+ my $add = shift;
+ my $del = shift;
+ my @new = grep { defined } split( /\s*,\s*/, $current_value );
+ my @old = (grep { defined $_ && $_ ne $add } @new, $del ) || ();
+ return join( ", ", @old );
+=head2 find_matching_tickets QUERY
+sub find_matching_tickets {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($query) = validate_pos(@_, 1);
+ return $self->sync_source->rt->search( type => 'ticket', query => $query );
+=head2 find_matching_transactions TASK, START
+sub find_matching_transactions {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = validate( @_, { task => 1, starting_transaction => 1 } );
+ # ...
+ return \@matched;
+no Moose;
Added: sd/branches/debbugs/lib/App/SD/Replica/debbugs/PushEncoder.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ sd/branches/debbugs/lib/App/SD/Replica/debbugs/PushEncoder.pm Thu Aug 21 14:26:00 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+package App::SD::Replica::debbugs::PushEncoder;
+use Moose;
+use Params::Validate;
+use Path::Class;
+has sync_source =>
+ ( isa => 'App::SD::Replica::Debbugs',
+ is => 'rw');
+=head2 integrate_change L<Prophet::Change>, L<Prophet::ChangeSet>
+Should be able to leave as-is, theoretically.
+sub integrate_change {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $change, $changeset ) = validate_pos(
+ @_,
+ { isa => 'Prophet::Change' },
+ { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet' }
+ );
+ my $id;
+ eval {
+ if ( $change->record_type eq 'ticket'
+ and $change->change_type eq 'add_file'
+ )
+ {
+ $id = $self->integrate_ticket_create( $change, $changeset );
+ $self->sync_source->record_pushed_ticket(
+ uuid => $change->record_uuid,
+ remote_id => $id
+ );
+ } elsif ( $change->record_type eq 'attachment'
+ and $change->change_type eq 'add_file'
+ ) {
+ $id = $self->integrate_attachment( $change, $changeset );
+ } elsif ( $change->record_type eq 'comment'
+ and $change->change_type eq 'add_file'
+ ) {
+ $id = $self->integrate_comment( $change, $changeset );
+ } elsif ( $change->record_type eq 'ticket' ) {
+ $id = $self->integrate_ticket_update( $change, $changeset );
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $self->sync_source->record_pushed_transactions(
+ ticket => $id,
+ changeset => $changeset
+ );
+ };
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ return $id;
+=head2 integrate_ticket_create L<Prophet::Change>, L<Prophet::ChangeSet>
+sub integrate_ticket_create {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $change, $changeset ) = validate_pos(
+ @_,
+ { isa => 'Prophet::Change' },
+ { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet' }
+ );
+ # ...
+ # returns the id of the new ticket
+ # XXX is this uuid or what?
+=head2 integrate_comment L<Prophet::Change>, L<Prophet::ChangeSet>
+sub integrate_comment {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $change, $changeset ) = validate_pos(
+ @_,
+ { isa => 'Prophet::Change' },
+ { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet' }
+ );
+ # ...
+ # returns the remote id of the ticket for this change
+=head2 integrate_attachment L<Prophet::Change>, L<Prophet::ChangeSet>
+sub integrate_attachment {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $change, $changeset ) = validate_pos(
+ @_,
+ { isa => 'Prophet::Change' },
+ { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet' }
+ );
+ # ...
+ # returns the remote id of the ticket for this change
+=head2 integrate_ticket_update L<Prophet::Change>, L<Prophet::ChangeSet>
+sub integrate_ticket_update {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $change, $changeset ) = validate_pos(
+ @_,
+ { isa => 'Prophet::Change' },
+ { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet' }
+ );
+no Moose;
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