[Bps-public-commit] r15368 - in Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-StashWarnings/trunk: .
sartak at bestpractical.com
sartak at bestpractical.com
Fri Aug 22 09:34:09 EDT 2008
Author: sartak
Date: Fri Aug 22 09:34:09 2008
New Revision: 15368
Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-StashWarnings/trunk/ (props changed)
r70208 at onn: sartak | 2008-08-22 09:34:03 -0400
Modified: Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-StashWarnings/trunk/lib/Test/HTTP/Server/Simple/StashWarnings.pm
--- Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-StashWarnings/trunk/lib/Test/HTTP/Server/Simple/StashWarnings.pm (original)
+++ Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-StashWarnings/trunk/lib/Test/HTTP/Server/Simple/StashWarnings.pm Fri Aug 22 09:34:09 2008
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
use base 'Test::HTTP::Server::Simple';
use 5.008;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
use NEXT;
use Storable ();
@@ -79,9 +80,59 @@
Test::HTTP::Server::Simple::StashWarnings - catch your forked server's warnings
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package My::Webserver;
+ use base qw/Test::HTTP::Server::Simple::StashWarnings HTTP::Server::Simple/;
+ sub test_warning_path { "/__test_warnings" }
+ package main;
+ use Test::More tests => 42;
+ my $s = My::WebServer->new;
+ my $url_root = $s->started_ok("start up my web server");
+ my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;
+ $mech->get("$url_root/some_action");
+ $mech->get("/__test_warnings");
+ my @warnings = Storable::thaw(@{ $mech->content });
+ is(@warnings, 0, "some_action gave no warnings");
+Warnings are an important part of any application. Your web application should
+warn the user when something is amiss.
+Almost as importantly, we want to be able to test that the web application
+gracefully copes with bad input, the back button, and all other aspects of the
+user experience.
+Unfortunately, tests seldom cover what happens when things go poorly. Are you
+C<sure> that your application checks authorization for that action? Are you
+C<sure> it will tomorrow?
+This module lets you retrieve the warnings that your forked server throws. That
+way you can test that your application continues to throw warnings when it
+makes sense. Catching the warnings also keeps your test output tidy. Finally,
+you'll be able to see when your application throws new, unexpected warnings.
+=head1 SETUP
+The way this module works is it catches warnings and makes them available on a
+special URL (which must be defined by you in the C<test_warning_path> method).
+You can use C<WWW::Mechanize> (or whichever HTTP agent you prefer) to download
+the warnings. The warnings will be serialized with L<Storable/nfreeze>. Use
+L<Storable/thaw> to get an array reference of warnings seen so far (since last
+request anyway).
-Copyright 2007-2008 Best Practical Solutions.
+Copyright 2008 Best Practical Solutions.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
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