[Bps-public-commit] r15619 - in Prophet/trunk: .

sartak at bestpractical.com sartak at bestpractical.com
Thu Aug 28 20:26:51 EDT 2008

Author: sartak
Date: Thu Aug 28 20:26:49 2008
New Revision: 15619

   Prophet/trunk/   (props changed)

 r70660 at onn:  sartak | 2008-08-28 20:26:18 -0400
 Some doc about foreign replicas

Added: Prophet/trunk/doc/foreign-replicas
--- (empty file)
+++ Prophet/trunk/doc/foreign-replicas	Thu Aug 28 20:26:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+A foreign replica is a (possibly read-only) data store that is not a Prophet
+replica (such as RT or Twitter). A Prophet replica can act as a gateway to a
+foreign replica.
+Because we can't store arbitrary metadata in foreign replicas, we do not yet
+support arbitrary topology sync of foreign replicas. A single Prophet-backed
+replica must act as a gateway to a foreign replica.
+<Sartak> still working out how foreign replicas work exactly, and why RT thinks it already received a changeset it hasn't
+<obra> ok. so it's not RT that thinks so
+<obra> but the local state handle that tracks data on behalf of RT
+<obra> note that our merge records work like svk's. they're a high-water mark
+<Sartak> right
+<obra> doc the flows as you reverse engineer htem?
+<obra> I'm happy to answer questions as they come up
+<Sartak> hmmmm
+<Sartak> it looks like the problem is that foreign replicas aren't really full-fledged replicas, they piggyback on another replica
+<Sartak> bob pulls a change from hiveminder, and tries to push it to RT
+<Sartak> Prophet asks what new changes Bob would get from Hiveminder, NOT what new changes RT would get from Hiveminder.. I'm not sure though
+<Sartak> uuid hell, heh
+<Sartak> basically I think when we push to RT, it uses Bob's "import state file" instead of one specifically for RT
+<obra> you're using terms that aren't quite the terms I'd expect.
+<obra> can you recast in precise terminology (in terms of replicas, changesets, rt transactions, state databases, etc?
+<obra> since this stuff is complex and we have a lot of possibly-confusing terms
+<Sartak> ok
+<Sartak> bob is pushing to RT
+<Sartak> whenever we merge two replicas, we need to check the "high water mark", which is a _merge_ticket record, to see which changesets the source needs to give to the target
+<obra> right.
+<Sartak> because foreign replicas are not full-fledged replicas, obviously, Prophet stores metadata in other, full-fledged Prophet replicas
+<Sartak> so when bob is pushing to RT, we use metadata stored in bob's replica to interact with RT. _merge_ticket records are an example of this
+<Sartak> however
+<obra> when you do a push to a foreign replica, it should be storing that transaction as merged
+<obra> App::SD::ForeignReplica::record_pushed_transaction
+<Sartak> right
+<Sartak> hmm
+<Sartak> there are no files with name or content matching prophet-txn-source :/
+<Sartak> the specific problem I'm seeing is when bob pushes to RT, RT needs to know what the high water mark from Hiveminder is. because RT doesn't have a full replica, it ends up accidentally using Bob's merge tickets
+<Sartak> exemplified by these two adjacent lines in my logfile:
+<Sartak> Checking metadata in BOB-UUID: (_merge_tickets, HIVEMINDER-UUID, last-changeset) -> 3
+<Sartak> RT-UUID's last_changeset_from_source(HIVEMINDER-UUID) -> 3 
+<obra> I think there's something that you don't have quite right there.
+<obra> or maybe not
+<obra> foreign replicas never talk directly.
+<obra> and the design wasn't such that you could have multiple parties gatewaying between two foreign replicas
+<obra> so, rt only needs to know about bob's transaction numbers
+<obra> s/transaction umbers/merge tickets/
+<obra> and hivemindero nly needs to know bob's merge tickets
+<obra> I'd be thrilled if we could, in a general way, allow arbitrary topology sync of foreign replicas. but it was not ever a goal
+<Sartak> OK, that makes sense
+<Sartak> the test that's failing is Alice pulls a task from HM. Bob pulls from Alice and pushes to RT. RT never gets the HM task
+<Sartak> is the design such that that only one replica can be a gateway to foreign replicas?
+<Sartak> I wonder if it'd still pass if we took alice out of the mix..
+<obra> no. that test should totally work
+<obra> at least it's DESIGNED to work
+<obra> i wonder if we have a fencepost error
+<obra> how goes?
+<Sartak> the one Prophet replica syncing between two foreign replica tests fail too
+<obra> yay
+<obra> much easier to debug
+<Sartak> :)
+<obra> seems like a good opportunity for improving our debug logging
+<Sartak> hmm, I'm fairly certain my description of the problem still holds
+<Sartak> the same checks are made when bob pulls from HM as the checks that are made when bob pushes an HM change to RT
+<obra> exact same?
+<obra> is this a case of a missing uuid in the name of an identifier?
+<obra> could the code be refactored to be clearer so the mistake becomes more glaring?
+<obra> I know that code was written quickly
+<obra> and for a while the hm code was goto &::Replica::RT::*
+<Sartak> I think state_handle should be an entirely separate replica, just as resolutions are
+<obra> But it should never be propagated.
+<obra> resolutions are seperate because they're supposed to be propagated _like_ regular chnagesets but in a seperate stage
+<Sartak> can't it be a replica we just don't propagate?
+<obra> so far, your description doesn't give me any reaason to think that ending up with an explicitly seperate state database would improve anything. and it would add more moving parts.
+<Sartak> we're being bitten by reusing the Prophet replica's records
+<Sartak> if the foreign replica had its own replica, then there would be no overlap and this issue would just go away
+<Sartak> the foreign replica is using the real replica's _merge_ticket records
+<obra> ok. that's wrong
+<obra> and I _believe_ that our state handle stuff should entirely replace the need to even use those
+<obra> merge tickets are "most recent changeset seen from replica ABC"
+<obra> those are generally useful to propagate around.
+<Sartak> yes
+<obra> except in the case of the foreign replica where it only ever matters what the most recent local changest we've pushed to the foreign replica
+<obra> (pulling from an FR should, I believe, use regular merge tickets)
+<Sartak> I agree with both statements
+<obra> Prophet::ForeignReplica should probably be subclassing the bits of code that deal with MergeTickets.
+<obra> will you log this discussion into a "notes about foreign replicas"
+<obra> right next to your explanations about merge algoritums with yuval?
+<obra> also, apparently "merge tickets" is a horrible name that confuses people
+<obra> it may want renaming

Modified: Prophet/trunk/doc/glossary
--- Prophet/trunk/doc/glossary	(original)
+++ Prophet/trunk/doc/glossary	Thu Aug 28 20:26:49 2008
@@ -92,6 +92,11 @@
 Pushing and pulling merge changes from two different replicas. Pushing to or
 pulling from an empty replica creates it and assigns it a new replica uuid.
+=head2 Foreign Replica
+A (possibly read-only) data store that is not a Prophet replica (such as RT or
+Twitter). A Prophet replica can act as a gateway to a foreign replica.
 =head1 NON-TERMS
 =head2 Node

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