[Bps-public-commit] r15637 - in Test-Chimps/branches/modern-tap: lib/Test/Chimps
alexmv at bestpractical.com
alexmv at bestpractical.com
Fri Aug 29 10:32:54 EDT 2008
Author: alexmv
Date: Fri Aug 29 10:32:49 2008
New Revision: 15637
Test-Chimps/branches/modern-tap/ (props changed)
r36720 at kohr-ah (orig r15635): alexmv | 2008-08-29 10:26:41 -0400
* Ability to use non-sqlite databases
Modified: Test-Chimps/branches/modern-tap/lib/Test/Chimps/Report.pm
--- Test-Chimps/branches/modern-tap/lib/Test/Chimps/Report.pm (original)
+++ Test-Chimps/branches/modern-tap/lib/Test/Chimps/Report.pm Fri Aug 29 10:32:49 2008
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
use Jifty::DBI::Record schema {
column report_html => type is 'text';
-column model_structure => type is 'blob',
+column model_structure => type is 'text',
filters are 'Jifty::DBI::Filter::Storable', 'Jifty::DBI::Filter::base64';
column timestamp => type is 'timestamp',
filters are 'Jifty::DBI::Filter::DateTime';
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
column total_passed => type is 'integer';
column total_nok => type is 'integer';
column total_failed => type is 'integer';
-column total_percentage => type is 'integer';
-column total_ratio => type is 'integer';
+column total_percentage => type is 'varchar(200)';
+column total_ratio => type is 'float';
column total_seen => type is 'integer';
column total_skipped => type is 'integer';
column total_todo => type is 'integer';
Modified: Test-Chimps/branches/modern-tap/lib/Test/Chimps/Server.pm
--- Test-Chimps/branches/modern-tap/lib/Test/Chimps/Server.pm (original)
+++ Test-Chimps/branches/modern-tap/lib/Test/Chimps/Server.pm Fri Aug 29 10:32:49 2008
@@ -63,15 +63,21 @@
Burst upload rate allowed (see L<Algorithm::TokenBucket>). Defaults to
-=item * database_dir
+=item * database
-Directory under bsae_dir where the SQLite database will be stored.
-Defaults to 'chimpsdb'.
+Name of the database
-=item * database_file
+=item * database_driver
-File under database_dir to use as the SQLite database. Defaults to
+Database driver to use
+=item * database_user
+User to connect ot the database as
+=item * database_password
+Password to connect to the database with
=item * list_template
@@ -117,7 +123,7 @@
qw/base_dir bucket_file max_rate max_size
- max_reports_per_subcategory database_dir database_file
+ max_reports_per_subcategory database database_driver database_user database_password
template_dir list_template lister
variables_validation_spec handle/
@@ -152,15 +158,25 @@
"greater than or equal to 0" => sub { $_[0] >= 0 }
- database_dir => {
+ database => {
+ type => SCALAR,
+ optional => 1,
+ default => 'chimpsdb/database'
+ },
+ database_driver => {
+ type => SCALAR,
+ optional => 1,
+ default => 'SQLite'
+ },
+ database_user => {
type => SCALAR,
optional => 1,
- default => 'chimpsdb'
+ default => ''
- database_file => {
+ database_password => {
type => SCALAR,
optional => 1,
- default => 'database'
+ default => ''
variables_validation_spec => {
type => HASHREF,
@@ -227,31 +243,49 @@
- my $dbdir = File::Spec->catdir($self->base_dir,
- $self->database_dir);
- if (! -e $dbdir) {
- mkpath($dbdir);
- }
- my $dbname = File::Spec->catfile($dbdir,
- $self->database_file);
$self->{handle} = Jifty::DBI::Handle->new();
+ eval {
+ $self->handle->connect(driver => $self->database_driver,
+ database => $self->database,
+ user => $self->database_user,
+ password => $self->database_password,
+ );
+ };
+ my $error = $@;
+ if ( $error =~ /database .*? does not exist/i
+ or $error =~ /unknown database/i ) {
+ if ($self->database_driver ne 'SQLite') {
+ warn "Creating database\n";
+ my $dbname = $self->database;
+ $dbname = 'template1' if $self->database_driver =~ /Pg/;
+ $dbname = '' if $self->database_driver eq 'mysql';
+ my $create_handle = Jifty::DBI::Handle->new;
+ $create_handle->connect(driver => $self->database_driver,
+ database => $dbname,
+ user => $self->database_user,
+ password => $self->database_password,
+ );
+ my $query = "CREATE DATABASE ".$self->database;
+ $query .= " TEMPLATE template0" if $self->database_driver =~ /Pg/;
+ $create_handle->simple_query($query);
+ $create_handle->disconnect;
+ $self->{handle} = Jifty::DBI::Handle->new();
+ $self->handle->connect(driver => $self->database_driver,
+ database => $self->database,
+ user => $self->database_user,
+ password => $self->database_password,
+ );
+ }
- # create the table if the db doesn't exist. ripped out of
- # Jifty::Script::Schema because this stuff should be in
- # Jifty::DBI, but isn't
- if (! -e $dbname) {
+ warn "Running create statements\n";
my $sg = Jifty::DBI::SchemaGenerator->new($self->handle);
$sg->add_model(Test::Chimps::Report->new(handle => $self->handle));
- $self->handle->connect(driver => 'SQLite',
- database => $dbname);
- # for non SQLite
-# $self->handle->simple_query('CREATE DATABASE database');
$self->handle->simple_query($_) for $sg->create_table_sql_statements;
- } else {
- $self->handle->connect(driver => 'SQLite',
- database => $dbname);
+ } elsif ($error) {
+ die $error;
@@ -399,7 +433,13 @@
my $report = Test::Chimps::Report->new(handle => $self->handle);
- $report->create(%$params) or croak "Couldn't add report to database: $!\n";
+ my ($id, $msg) = $report->create(%$params);
+ unless ($id) {
+ open(FAIL, ">/tmp/report-fail");
+ print FAIL Dump($params);
+ close FAIL;
+ croak "Couldn't add report to database: $msg\n";
+ }
sub _process_detail {
@@ -422,11 +462,31 @@
print $cgi->header();
- my $report_coll = Test::Chimps::ReportCollection->new(handle => $self->handle);
- $report_coll->unlimit;
+ my @projects = map {$_->[0]} @{$self->handle->simple_query("select project from reports group by project")->fetchall_arrayref([0])};
my @reports;
- while (my $report = $report_coll->next) {
- push @reports, $report;
+ for my $projectname (@projects) {
+ my $report_coll = Test::Chimps::ReportCollection->new(handle => $self->handle);
+ $report_coll->limit( column => "project", value => $projectname, case_sensitive => 1 );
+ $report_coll->order_by( column => "timestamp", order => "DESC");
+ $report_coll->set_page_info( per_page => $self->max_reports_per_subcategory, current_page => 1);
+ $report_coll->columns(qw/id
+ project
+ revision
+ timestamp
+ committer
+ duration
+ total_ratio
+ total_seen
+ total_ok
+ total_failed
+ total_todo
+ total_skipped
+ total_unexpectedly_succeeded
+ /);
+ while (my $report = $report_coll->next) {
+ push @reports, $report;
+ }
my $lister;
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