[Bps-public-commit] r17098 - in RTx-WorkflowBuilder: bin lib lib/RTx t

clkao at bestpractical.com clkao at bestpractical.com
Thu Dec 4 08:23:09 EST 2008

Author: clkao
Date: Thu Dec  4 08:23:08 2008
New Revision: 17098


first cut of RTx::WorkflowBuilder

Added: RTx-WorkflowBuilder/Makefile.PL
--- (empty file)
+++ RTx-WorkflowBuilder/Makefile.PL	Thu Dec  4 08:23:08 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+use inc::Module::Install;
+name            ('RT-Authen-OpenID');
+abstract        ('Allows RT to do authentication via a service which supports the OpenID API');
+author          ('Artur Bergman <sky at crucially.net> and Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>');
+version_from    ('lib/RT/Authen/OpenID.pm');
+license         ('GPL version 2');
+requires        ('Net::OpenID::Consumer');
+requires        ('LWPx::ParanoidAgent');
+requires        ('Cache::FileCache');

Added: RTx-WorkflowBuilder/bin/rt-workflow
--- (empty file)
+++ RTx-WorkflowBuilder/bin/rt-workflow	Thu Dec  4 08:23:08 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use RTx::WorkflowBuilder;
+my ($queue, $wf_name) = @ARGV;
+my %opts;
+GetOptions( \%opts, "create" );
+use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv
+                          GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent);
+#Load etc/config.pm and drop privs
+my $q = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$q->Load($queue) or die "Can't load queue: $queue";
+my $stages = RT::Config->Get('WorkflowBuilderStages');
+my $workflows = RT::Config->Get('WorkflowBuilderRules');
+my $scrips = RT::Scrips->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$scrips->Limit( FIELD => 'Queue',
+                VALUE => $q->Id );
+my $workflow_script;
+die "no workflow named $wf_name found" unless $workflows->{$wf_name};
+# XXX: ensure all stages exist
+while (my $scrip = $scrips->Next) {
+    # XXX: make sure it's *our* scrip
+    #    next unless .....
+    warn $scrip->TemplateObj->Name;
+    if ($workflow_script) {
+        die "two scrips exist for queue @{[ $q->Name ]} workflow: ";
+    }
+    $workflow_script = $scrip;
+my $approval_template = RTx::WorkflowBuilder->new
+    ({ stages => $stages,
+       rule   => $workflows->{$wf_name} })
+    ->compile_template;
+warn $approval_template;
+if (!$workflow_script) {
+    die "no workflow found, use --create" unless $opts{create};
+    my $scrip = RT::Scrip->new($RT::SystemUser);
+    my $apptemp = RT::Template->new($RT::SystemUser);
+    $apptemp->Create( Content => $approval_template,
+                      Name => $wf_name, Queue => $q->Id);
+    my ($sval, $smsg) = $scrip->Create( ScripCondition => 'On Create',
+                                        ScripAction => 'Create Tickets',
+                                        Template => $apptemp->Id,
+                                        Queue => $q->Id);
+else {
+    die "workflow already exists" if $opts{create};
+    warn "updating... $wf_name for @{[ $q->Name ]}";
+    warn "template name changed"
+        if $workflow_script->TemplateObj->Name ne $wf_name;
+    $workflow_script->TemplateObj->SetContent($approval_template);
+    $workflow_script->TemplateObj->SetName($wf_name);

Added: RTx-WorkflowBuilder/lib/RTx/WorkflowBuilder.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RTx-WorkflowBuilder/lib/RTx/WorkflowBuilder.pm	Thu Dec  4 08:23:08 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package RTx::WorkflowBuilder;
+use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast';
+__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(stages rule));
+sub get_stage_object {
+    my ($self, $stage, $previous, $approving) = @_;
+    if (ref $stage eq 'ARRAY') {
+        my @chain = @$stage;
+        for (0..$#chain) {
+            push @result,
+                $self->get_stage_object($chain[$_],
+                                        $_ ? $chain[$_-1] : undef,
+                                        $_ == $#chain ? $approving : undef,
+                                    );
+        }
+        return \@result;
+    }
+    elsif (ref $stage) {
+        die "invalid argument $stage";
+    }
+    else {
+        die "Stage $stage not defined" unless exists $self->stages->{$stage};
+        return RTx::WorkflowBuilder::Stage->new( { name => $stage,
+                                                   depends_on => $previous,
+                                                   depended_on_by => $approving,
+                                                   %{ $self->stages->{$stage} } });
+    }
+sub compile_template {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $stages = $self->get_stage_object($self->rule, undef, 'TOP');
+    return join('', map { $_->compile_template }
+                    map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_ } @$stages )."\n"; # flatten with map
+package RTx::WorkflowBuilder::Stage;
+use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast';
+__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(name owner content depends_on depended_on_by subject));
+sub compile_template {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $attributes = { Queue => '___Approvals',
+                       Type => 'approval',
+                       Owner => $self->owner,
+                       Requestors => '{$Approving->Requestors}',
+                       Subject => $self->subject || 'Approval for ticket {$Approving->Id}: {$Approving->Subject}',
+                       'Refers-To' => 'TOP',
+                       Due => '{time + 86400}', # XXX: configurable
+                       'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
+                       $self->depends_on ? (
+                           'Depends-On' => "workflow-".$self->depends_on,
+                       ) : (),
+                       $self->depended_on_by ? (
+                           'Depended-On-By' => $self->depended_on_by,
+                       ) : (),
+                   };
+    for (values %$attributes) {
+        s/\$Approving/\$Tickets{TOP}/g;
+    }
+    return join("\n",
+                "===Create-Ticket: workflow-".$self->name,
+                (map { "$_: $attributes->{$_}" } keys %$attributes),
+                "Content: @{[$self->content]}\nENDOFCONTENT\n");

Added: RTx-WorkflowBuilder/t/basic.t
--- (empty file)
+++ RTx-WorkflowBuilder/t/basic.t	Thu Dec  4 08:23:08 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+    eval { require Email::Abstract; require Test::Email; 1 }
+        or plan skip_all => 'require Email::Abstract and Test::Email';
+plan tests => 38;
+use RT;
+use RT::Test;
+use RT::Test::Email;
+RT->Config->Set( LogToScreen => 'debug' );
+my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+my ($user_a, $user_b) = (RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser), RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser));
+my ($user_c) = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $q = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my %users;
+for my $user_name (qw(minion jen moss roy cfo ceo )) {
+    my $user = $users{$user_name} = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+    $user->Create( Name => uc($user_name),
+                   Privileged => 1,
+                   EmailAddress => $user_name.'@company.com');
+    my ($val, $msg);
+    ($val, $msg) = $user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Object =>$q, Right => $_)
+        for qw(ModifyTicket OwnTicket ShowTicket);
+my $stages =
+     { 'Manager approval' => 
+       { content => '.....',
+         subject => 'Manager Approval for PO: {$Approving->Id} - {$Approving->Subject}',
+         owner   => q!{{
+    Fire                => "moss",
+    IT                  => "roy",
+    Marketing           => "jen"}->{ $Approving->FirstCustomFieldValue('Department') }}!,
+     },
+       'Finance approval' =>
+       { content => '... ',
+         owner => 'CFO',
+       },
+       'CEO approval' => 
+       { content => '..........',
+         owner => 'CEO',
+     }};
+my $approvals = RTx::WorkflowBuilder->new({ stages => $stages, rule => [ 'Manager approval' => 'Finance approval', 'CEO approval']})->compile_template;
+my $apptemp = RT::Template->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$apptemp->Create( Content => $approvals, Name => "PO Approvals", Queue => "0");
+$q = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$q->Create(Name => 'PO');
+ok ($q->Id, "Created PO queue");
+my $dep_cf = RT::CustomField->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+$dep_cf->Create( Name => 'Department', Type => 'SelectSingle', Queue => $q->id );
+$dep_cf->AddValue( Name => $_ ) for qw(IT Marketing Fire);
+my $scrip = RT::Scrip->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my ($sval, $smsg) =$scrip->Create( ScripCondition => 'On Create',
+                ScripAction => 'Create Tickets',
+                Template => 'PO Approvals',
+                Queue => $q->Id);
+ok ($sval, $smsg);
+ok ($scrip->Id, "Created the scrip");
+ok ($scrip->TemplateObj->Id, "Created the scrip template");
+ok ($scrip->ConditionObj->Id, "Created the scrip condition");
+ok ($scrip->ActionObj->Id, "Created the scrip action");
+my $t = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my ($tid, $ttrans, $tmsg);
+mail_ok {
+    ($tid, $ttrans, $tmsg) =
+        $t->Create(Subject => "answering machines",
+                   Owner => "root", Requestor => 'minion',
+                   'CustomField-'.$dep_cf->id => 'IT',
+                   Queue => $q->Id);
+} { from => qr/PO via RT/,
+    to => 'minion at company.com',
+    subject => qr/answering machines/,
+    body => qr/automatically generated in response/
+ok ($tid,$tmsg);
+is ($t->ReferredToBy->Count,3, "referred to by the three tickets");
+# open the approval tickets that are ready for approval
+mail_ok {
+    for my $ticket ($t->AllDependsOn) {
+        next if $ticket->Type ne 'approval' && $ticket->Status ne 'new';
+        next if $ticket->HasUnresolvedDependencies( Type => 'approval' );
+        $ticket->SetStatus('open');
+    }
+} { from => qr/RT System/,
+    to => 'roy at company.com',
+    subject => qr/New Pending Approval: Manager Approval/,
+    body => qr/pending your approval/
+my $deps = $t->DependsOn;
+is ($deps->Count, 1, "The ticket we created depends on one other ticket");
+my $dependson_ceo= $deps->First->TargetObj;
+ok ($dependson_ceo->Id, "It depends on a real ticket");
+like($dependson_ceo->Subject, qr/Approval for ticket.*answering machine/);
+$deps = $dependson_ceo->DependsOn;
+is ($deps->Count, 1, "The ticket we created depends on one other ticket");
+my $dependson_cfo = $deps->First->TargetObj;
+ok ($dependson_cfo->Id, "It depends on a real ticket");
+$deps = $dependson_cfo->DependsOn;
+is ($deps->Count, 1, "The ticket we created depends on one other ticket");
+my $dependson_roy = $deps->First->TargetObj;
+ok ($dependson_roy->Id, "It depends on a real ticket");
+like($dependson_roy->Subject, qr/Manager Approval for PO.*answering machines/);
+is_deeply([ map { $_->Status } $t, $dependson_roy, $dependson_cfo, $dependson_ceo ],
+          [ 'new', 'open', 'new', 'new'], 'tickets in correct state');
+mail_ok {
+    my $roy = RT::CurrentUser->new;
+    $roy->Load( $users{roy} );
+    $dependson_cfo->CurrentUser($roy);
+    my ($ok, $msg) = $dependson_roy->SetStatus( Status => 'resolved' );
+    ok($ok, "roy can approve - $msg");
+} { from => qr/RT System/,
+    to => 'cfo at company.com',
+    subject => qr/New Pending Approval/,
+    body => qr/pending your approval/
+},{ from => qr/RT System/, # why is this not roy?
+    to => 'minion at company.com',
+    subject => qr/Ticket Approved:/,
+    body => qr/approved by ROY/
+is_deeply([ map { $_->Status } $t, $dependson_roy, $dependson_cfo, $dependson_ceo ],
+          [ 'new', 'resolved', 'open', 'new'], 'tickets in correct state');
+# cfo approves
+mail_ok {
+    my $cfo = RT::CurrentUser->new;
+    $cfo->Load( $users{cfo} );
+    $dependson_cfo->CurrentUser($cfo);
+    my ($ok, $msg) = $dependson_cfo->SetStatus( Status => 'resolved' );
+    ok($ok, "cfo can approve - $msg");
+} { from => qr/RT System/,
+    to => 'ceo at company.com',
+    subject => qr/New Pending Approval/,
+    body => qr/pending your approval/
+},{ from => qr/CFO via RT/,
+    to => 'minion at company.com',
+    subject => qr/Ticket Approved:/,
+    body => qr/approved by CFO/
+is_deeply([ map { $_->Status } $t, $dependson_roy, $dependson_cfo, $dependson_ceo ],
+          [ 'new', 'resolved', 'resolved', 'open'], 'tickets in correct state');
+# ceo approves
+mail_ok {
+    my $ceo = RT::CurrentUser->new;
+    $ceo->Load( $users{ceo} );
+    $dependson_ceo->CurrentUser($ceo);
+    my ($ok, $msg) = $dependson_ceo->SetStatus( Status => 'resolved' );
+    ok($ok, "ceo can approve - $msg");
+} { from => qr/CEO via RT/,
+    to => 'minion at company.com',
+    subject => qr/Ticket Approved:/,
+    body => qr/approved by CEO/
+is_deeply([ map { $_->Status } $t, $dependson_roy, $dependson_cfo, $dependson_ceo ],
+          [ 'new', 'resolved', 'resolved', 'resolved'], 'tickets in correct state');

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