[Bps-public-commit] r17227 - in Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet: Server Server/ViewHelpers Web
jesse at bestpractical.com
jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Dec 15 02:47:27 EST 2008
Author: jesse
Date: Mon Dec 15 02:47:27 2008
New Revision: 17227
* web functions can now be ordered
* web functions can pull prop values from previously run functions
Modified: Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server.pm
--- Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server.pm (original)
+++ Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server.pm Mon Dec 15 02:47:27 2008
@@ -108,9 +108,8 @@
app_handle => $self->app_handle,
result => $self->result
- $controller->handle_actions();
+ $controller->handle_functions();
- warn YAML::Dump($self->result); use YAML;
my $dispatcher_class = ref( $self->app_handle ) . "::Server::Dispatcher";
if ( !$self->app_handle->try_to_require($dispatcher_class) ) {
@@ -302,8 +301,8 @@
print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
print "Content-Type: " . $args{'content_type'} . "\r\n";
- print "Content-Length: " . length( $args{'content'} ) . "\r\n\r\n";
- print $args{'content'};
+ print "Content-Length: " . length( $args{'content'} ||'' ) . "\r\n\r\n";
+ print $args{'content'} || '';
return '200';
Modified: Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/Controller.pm
--- Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/Controller.pm (original)
+++ Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/Controller.pm Mon Dec 15 02:47:27 2008
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
has cgi => (is => 'rw', isa => 'CGI');
has failure_message => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
-has actions => (is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef');
+has functions => (is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef');
has app_handle => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Prophet::App');
has result => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Prophet::Web::Result');
@@ -23,78 +23,91 @@
-sub extract_actions_from_cgi {
+sub extract_functions_from_cgi {
my $self = shift;
- my $actions = {};
+ my $functions = {};
foreach my $param ($self->cgi->all_parameters){
next unless $param =~ /^prophet-function-(.*)$/;
my $name = $1;
- warn "Duplicate action definition for @{[$name]}." if (exists $actions->{$name});
+ warn "Duplicate function definition for @{[$name]}." if (exists $functions->{$name});
- my $action_data = $self->cgi->param($param);
- my $attr = $self->string_to_hash($action_data);
+ my $function_data = $self->cgi->param($param);
+ my $attr = $self->string_to_hash($function_data);
$attr->{name} = $name;
- $actions->{$name} = $attr;
- $actions->{$name}->{params} = $self->params_for_action_from_cgi($name);
+ $functions->{$name} = $attr;
+ $functions->{$name}->{params} = $self->params_for_function_from_cgi($name);
- $self->actions($actions);
+ $self->functions($functions);
-sub params_for_action_from_cgi {
+sub params_for_function_from_cgi {
my $self = shift;
- my $action = shift;
+ my $function = shift;
my $values;
for my $field ( $self->cgi->all_parameters ) {
- next unless ( $field =~ /^prophet-field-function-$action-prop-(.*)$/ );
+ if ( $field =~ /^prophet-field-function-$function-prop-(.*)$/ ) {
my $name = $1;
- my $meta = {};
- $meta->{prop} = $name;
- $meta->{value} = $self->cgi->param($field);
- $meta->{original_value} = $self->cgi->param( "original-value-" . $field );
- $values->{$name} = $meta;
+ $values->{$name} = {
+ prop => $name,
+ value => $self->cgi->param($field),
+ original_value => $self->cgi->param( "original-value-" . $field )
+ };
+ }
+ elsif ($field =~ /^prophet-fill-function-$function-prop-(.*)$/) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ my $meta = {};
+ my $value = $self->cgi->param($field);
+ next unless ($value =~ /^function-(.*)\|result-(.*)$/);
+ $values->{$name} = {
+ prop => $name,
+ from_function => $1,
+ from_result => $2
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ next;
+ }
return $values;
-sub handle_actions {
+sub handle_functions {
my $self = shift;
my @workflow = qw(
- extract_actions_from_cgi
- canonicalize_actions
- validate_actions
- execute_actions
+ extract_functions_from_cgi
+ canonicalize_functions
+ validate_functions
+ execute_functions
eval {
$self->$_() for @workflow;
if (my $err = $@) {
+ warn "This run failed - $err";
-sub canonicalize_actions {
+sub canonicalize_functions {
my $self = shift;
- my $actions = $self->actions;
- foreach my $action ( keys %$actions ) {
- foreach my $param (
- keys %{ $actions->{$action}->{params} }
- )
- {
- if ( $actions->{$action}->{params}->{$param}->{original_value} eq
- $actions->{$action}->{params}->{$param}->{value} )
- {
- delete $actions->{$action}->{params}->{$param};
+ my $functions = $self->functions;
+ foreach my $function ( keys %$functions ) {
+ foreach my $param ( keys %{ $functions->{$function}->{params} } ) {
+ if (
+ defined $functions->{$function}->{params}->{$param}->{original_value} &&
+ ($functions->{$function}->{params}->{$param}->{original_value} eq
+ $functions->{$function}->{params}->{$param}->{value} )) {
+ delete $functions->{$function}->{params}->{$param};
@@ -104,71 +117,94 @@
-sub validate_actions {
+sub validate_functions {
-sub execute_actions {
- my $self = shift;
- foreach my $action (keys %{$self->actions}) {
+sub fill_params_from_previous_functions {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $function = shift;
+ my $params = $self->functions->{$function}->{params};
+ foreach my $param ( keys %$params) {
+ if ( my $from_function = $params->{$param}->{from_function}) {
+ my $from_result = $params->{$param}->{from_result};
+ my $func_result = $self->result->get($from_function);
+ # XXX TODO - $from_result should be locked down tighter
+ if ($func_result->can($from_result)) {
+ $params->{$param}->{value} = $func_result->$from_result();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub execute_functions {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $fs = $self->functions;
- if ($self->actions->{$action}->{action} eq 'update') {
- $self->_exec_action_update($self->actions->{$action});
- } elsif ($self->actions->{$action}->{action} eq 'create') {
- $self->_exec_action_create($self->actions->{$action});
+ foreach my $function ( sort { $fs->{$a}->{order} <=> $fs->{$b}->{order}} keys %{$fs}) {
+ $self->fill_params_from_previous_functions($function);
+ if ($fs->{$function}->{action} eq 'update') {
+ $self->_exec_function_update($fs->{$function});
+ } elsif ($fs->{$function}->{action} eq 'create') {
+ $self->_exec_function_create($fs->{$function});
} else {
- die "I don't know how to handle a ".$self->actions->{$action}->{action};
+ die "I don't know how to handle a ".$fs->{$function}->{action};
-sub _exec_action_create {
+sub _exec_function_create {
my $self = shift;
- my $action = shift;
+ my $function = shift;
- die $action->{class} ." is not a valid class " unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($action->{class}, 'Prophet::Record'));
- my $object = $action->{class}->new( app_handle => $self->app_handle);
+ die $function->{class} ." is not a valid class " unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($function->{class}, 'Prophet::Record'));
+ my $object = $function->{class}->new( app_handle => $self->app_handle);
my ( $val, $msg ) = $object->create(
props => {
map {
- $action->{params}->{$_}->{prop} => $action->{params}->{$_}->{value}
- } keys %{ $action->{params} }
+ $function->{params}->{$_}->{prop} => $function->{params}->{$_}->{value}
+ } keys %{ $function->{params} }
- my $res = Prophet::Web::FunctionResult->new( function_name => $action->{name},
- class => $action->{class},
+ my $res = Prophet::Web::FunctionResult->new( function_name => $function->{name},
+ class => $function->{class},
success => $object->uuid? 1 :0,
record_uuid => $object->uuid,
msg => ($msg || 'Record created'));
- $self->result->set($action->{name} => $res);
+ $self->result->set($function->{name} => $res);
-sub _exec_action_update {
+sub _exec_function_update {
my $self = shift;
- my $action = shift;
+ my $function = shift;
- my $object = Prophet::Util->instantiate_record( uuid => $action->{uuid}, class=>$action->{class}, app_handle=> $self->app_handle);
+ my $object = Prophet::Util->instantiate_record( uuid => $function->{uuid}, class=>$function->{class}, app_handle=> $self->app_handle);
my ( $val, $msg ) = $object->set_props(
props => {
map {
- $action->{params}->{$_}->{prop} => $action->{params}->{$_}->{value}
- } keys %{ $action->{params} }
+ $function->{params}->{$_}->{prop} => $function->{params}->{$_}->{value}
+ } keys %{ $function->{params} }
- my $res = Prophet::Web::FunctionResult->new( function_name => $action->{name},
- class => $action->{class},
+ my $res = Prophet::Web::FunctionResult->new( function_name => $function->{name},
+ class => $function->{class},
success => $val? 1 :0,
record_uuid => $object->uuid,
msg => ($msg || 'Record updated'));
- $self->result->set($action->{name} => $res);
+ $self->result->set($function->{name} => $res);
Modified: Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/View.pm
--- Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/View.pm (original)
+++ Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/View.pm Mon Dec 15 02:47:27 2008
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
$SERVER = shift if (@_);
return $SERVER;
@@ -51,12 +51,25 @@
uuid => $self->cgi->param('uuid'),
app_handle => $self->app_handle
+ my @possible;
+ if ($obj->loaded) {
+ push @possible,$obj->prop($self->cgi->param('prop'));
+ } else {
+ my $params = { $self->cgi->param('prop') => undef };
+ $obj->default_props($params);
+ push @possible, $params->{ $self->cgi->param('prop') };
+ # XXX fill in defaults;
+ }
+ push @possible, $obj->recommended_values_for_prop($self->cgi->param('prop'));
+ my %seen;
+ for (grep {defined && !$seen{$_}++ } @possible) {
+ outs($_ ."\n");#." | ".$_."\n");
- outs_raw(
- $obj->prop($self->cgi->param('prop')). " | ".
- $obj->prop($self->cgi->param('prop'))
- );
+ }
Modified: Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/ViewHelpers.pm
--- Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/ViewHelpers.pm (original)
+++ Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/ViewHelpers.pm Mon Dec 15 02:47:27 2008
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
use Params::Validate qw/validate/;
use Template::Declare::Tags;
use Prophet::Web::Field;
-our @EXPORT = ( qw(form page content widget function));
+our @EXPORT = ( qw(form page content widget function param_from_function));
use Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::Widget;
use Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::Function;
+use Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::ParamFromFunction;
sub page (&;$) {
@@ -46,6 +47,14 @@
return $f;
+sub param_from_function {
+ my $w = Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::ParamFromFunction->new(@_);
+ $w->render;
+ return $w;
sub widget {
my $w = Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::Widget->new(@_);
Added: Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/ViewHelpers/ParamFromFunction.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/ViewHelpers/ParamFromFunction.pm Mon Dec 15 02:47:27 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+package Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::ParamFromFunction;
+use Template::Declare::Tags;
+BEGIN { delete ${__PACKAGE__."::"}{meta};
+ delete ${__PACKAGE__."::"}{with};
+use Moose;
+use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 METHODS
+has function => (
+ isa => 'Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::Function',
+ is => 'ro'
+has name => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw' );
+has prop => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro' );
+has from_function => ( isa => 'Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::Function', is => 'rw' );
+has from_result => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw' );
+has field => ( isa => 'Prophet::Web::Field', is => 'rw' );
+sub render {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $unique_name = $self->_generate_name();
+ my $record = $self->function->record;
+ my $value = "function-".$self->from_function->name."|result-".$self->from_result;
+ $self->field( Prophet::Web::Field->new(
+ name => $unique_name,
+ type => 'hidden',
+ record => $record,
+ value => $value
+ ));
+ outs_raw( $self->field->render_input );
+sub _generate_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return "prophet-fill-function-"
+ . $self->function->name
+ . "-prop-"
+ . $self->prop;
+=head1 METHODS
+no Moose;
Modified: Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/ViewHelpers/Widget.pm
--- Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/ViewHelpers/Widget.pm (original)
+++ Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Server/ViewHelpers/Widget.pm Mon Dec 15 02:47:27 2008
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
=head1 NAME
=head1 METHODS
@@ -19,17 +18,17 @@
has function => (
isa => 'Prophet::Server::ViewHelpers::Function',
is => 'ro'
has name => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw' );
has prop => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro' );
has field => ( isa => 'Prophet::Web::Field', is => 'rw');
sub render {
my $self = shift;
@@ -69,28 +68,16 @@
outs_raw( $orig->render_input );
outs_raw( $self->field->render );
- outs_raw('<script>
- $("#'.$self->field->id.'").autocomplete("/=/prophet/autocomplete",{
- selectFirst: false,
- autoFill: true,
- minChars: 0,
- delay: 0,
+ outs_raw('<script>$("#'.$self->field->id.'").autocomplete("/=/prophet/autocomplete",{
+ selectFirst: true, autoFill: false, minChars: 0, delay: 0,
extraParams: {
"function": "'.$self->field->name.'",
"class": "'.ref($record).'",
"uuid": "'.($record->uuid||'').'",
"type": "'.$record->type.'",
- "prop": "'.$self->prop.'",
- }
- }
- );
- </script> ');
+ "prop": "'.$self->prop.'" } } ); </script> ');
sub _generate_name {
my $self = shift;
@@ -104,9 +91,6 @@
no Moose;
Modified: Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Util.pm
--- Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Util.pm (original)
+++ Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Util.pm Mon Dec 15 02:47:27 2008
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
die $args{class} ." is not a valid class " unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($args{class}, 'Prophet::Record'));
my $object = $args{class}->new( uuid => $args{uuid}, app_handle => $args{app_handle});
- die "Did not find the object " unless $object->uuid;
return $object;
Modified: Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Web/FunctionResult.pm
--- Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Web/FunctionResult.pm (original)
+++ Prophet/branches/actions/lib/Prophet/Web/FunctionResult.pm Mon Dec 15 02:47:27 2008
@@ -19,6 +19,20 @@
has success => (isa => 'Bool', is => 'rw');
has message => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw');
+has result => (
+ metaclass => 'Collection::Hash',
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'HashRef[Str]',
+ default => sub { {} },
+ provides => {
+ exists => 'exists',
+ keys => 'items',
+ get => 'get',
+ set => 'set',
+ },
no Moose;
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