[Bps-public-commit] r10743 - in Shipwright: examples

sunnavy at bestpractical.com sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Wed Feb 6 19:21:15 EST 2008

Author: sunnavy
Date: Wed Feb  6 19:21:15 2008
New Revision: 10743


delete examples, updated tutorial

Modified: Shipwright/docs/tutorial
--- Shipwright/docs/tutorial	(original)
+++ Shipwright/docs/tutorial	Wed Feb  6 19:21:15 2008
@@ -1,41 +1,33 @@
-So, let's run the tutorial, if it works, it works ;)
+Let's run the tutorial, if it works, it works ;)
-ok, we'll build a simple project, e.g we want to build Jifty::DBI, here's the
+ok, we'll build a simple project, e.g we want to build Jifty::DBI, the repo is
+//__shipwright/jdbi, here's the instructions:
-1. config our shipwright
-in ~/.shipwright/config.yml
+1. init shipwright's backend
-    backend:
-        module: SVK
-        repository: '//_shipwright/jdbi' # where our project lives
-    source:
-        min_perl_version: 5.008008
-    build:
-        install_base: '/tmp/jdbi' # where our project will be installed
-        perl: '/usr/bin/perl'  # which perl we will use
-        skip_test: 0 # skip the test or not, 1 means yes, 0 means no
+$ shipwright create -r svk://__shipwright/jdbi
-2. init shipwright's backend
+3. import
-$ shipwright create --name jdbi
+$ shipwright import -r svk://__shipwright/jdbi Jifty::DBI
-3. import
+Then shipwright will try to download, and import Jifty::DBI and all its deps.
+If you want to skip some deps, e.g. Module::Signature and Module::Build,
+just add `--skip Module::Signature,Module::Build' arg
-$ shipwright import --name jdbi Jifty::DBI
+run `shipwright help import' to get more options
 4. build
-$ shipwright build --name jdbi
+$ shipwright build -r svk://__shipwright/jdbi
+Test is kind of time consuming? you can add `--skip-test' to skip test.
-now you can check to see if it works as you think :)
+run `shipwright help build' to get more options
 5. upgrade some dists
 if you want to upgrade a dist, just import that dist again, this'll
-overwrite the old one.
-techenically, it will delete the corresponding dirs in dists/ and scripts/,
-then add new ones
+overwrite the old one. techenically, it will delete the corresponding dir
+in dists/ and scripts/, then add new one. 
+If you want to overwrite dep dists too, please use --overwrite 

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