[Bps-public-commit] r10265 - bpsbuilder/BPB/lib/BPB

sunnavy at bestpractical.com sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Tue Jan 8 12:30:08 EST 2008

Author: sunnavy
Date: Tue Jan  8 12:30:08 2008
New Revision: 10265


cleaned up build script

Modified: bpsbuilder/BPB/lib/BPB/Backend.pm
--- bpsbuilder/BPB/lib/BPB/Backend.pm	(original)
+++ bpsbuilder/BPB/lib/BPB/Backend.pm	Tue Jan  8 12:30:08 2008
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 my $build_base = getcwd;
 my %args;
-GetOptions( \%args, 'install-base=s', 'perl=s', 'skip-test', 'skip=s' );
+GetOptions( \%args, 'install-base=s', 'perl=s', 'skip=s' );
 unless ( $args{'install-base'} ) {
     die 'need install-base option';
@@ -127,53 +127,21 @@
       . File::Spec->catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'lib', 'perl5',
         $Config{archname} );
-    if ( !-f '__build' ) {
-        my @commands;
-        if ( -f 'configure' ) {
-            push @commands, './configure --prefix=' . $args{'install-base'},
-              'make', 'make install';
-        }
-        elsif ( -f 'Build.PL' ) {
-            push @commands,
-              $args{'perl'} 
-              . $lib
-              . " Build.PL --install_base="
-              . $args{'install-base'};
-            unless ( $args{'skip-test'} ) {
-                push @commands, "./Build test";
-            }
-            push @commands, "./Build install";
-        }
-        elsif ( -f 'Makefile.PL' ) {
-            push @commands,
-              $args{'perl'} 
-              . $lib
-              . " Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE="
-              . $args{'install-base'};
-            unless ( $args{'skip-test'} ) {
-                push @commands, 'make test';
-            }
+    open my $fh, '>>', '../../build.log' or die $!;
-            push @commands, "make install";
-        }
-        else {
-            warn "I have no idea how to build this distribution";
-        }
-        open my $fh, '>', '__build' or die $!;
-        print $fh $_, "\n" for @commands;
-        close $fh;
+    if ( !-f '__build' ) {
+        warn "I have no idea how to build this distribution";
+        print $fh "build $dir with failure: don't know how to build.\n";
     else {
-    }
-    chmod 0755, '__build';
-    open my $fh, '>>', '../../build.log' or die $!;
-    if ( system('./__build') ) {
-        print $fh "build $dir with failure $?: $!\n";
-    }
-    else {
-        print $fh "build $dir with success!\n";
+        chmod 0755, '__build';
+        if ( system('./__build') ) {
+            print $fh "build $dir with failure $?: $!\n";
+        }
+        else {
+            print $fh "build $dir with success!\n";
+        }

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